2019-12-03 EPDP- Phase 2 - Legal subteam call #11

2019-12-03 EPDP- Phase 2 - Legal subteam call #11

The next meeting of the EPDP– Phase 2 PDP Legal subteam is scheduled on Tuesday, 03 December 2019 at 15:00 UTC for 2 hours. 

For other times: https://tinyurl.com/rufmyf8



  1. Roll Call & SOI Updates 
  2. Continued Substantive Review of Priority 1 (SSAD) Legal Questions Submitted to Date

         a)Substantive review of SSAD questions (beginning where LC left off during last LC meeting)

  •              Updated Question 11

                             o Team to review Brian, Margie, Thomas, and Volker’s updated proposal for Q11. 

  •              Updated Google Right to be Forgotten Question

                             o    Following the Team’s review of the Google Right to be Forgotten case, does the Committee believe a question to outside counsel is necessary?

          b)Agree on next steps



         3. Continue review of Priority 2 Legal Questions – WHOIS Accuracy and City Field Redaction

            a)Substantive review of Priority 2 Legal Questions:

      1. Display of Information of Information of Affiliated vs. Accredited Privacy/Proxy Providers
      2. Feasibility of Unique Contacts to have a Uniform Anonymized Email address
      3. Legal vs. Natural
      4. Potential OCTO Purpose

            b)Agree on next steps


        4. Wrap and confirm next meeting to be scheduled 

           a)Confirm action items

           b)The next Legal Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 17 December at 15:00 UTC.




Apologies: Tara Whalen (SSAC), Rafik Dammak 

Notes/ Action Items

Action Items and High-Level Notes

  1. Q11 on reverse WHOIS look ups, which now incorporates Thomas’ footnote, will be sent to the EPDP Team for their review once the Team has signed off on the draft question in item 2 below.

2. Following the Legal Committee’s review of the Google Right to be Forgotten case, Legal Committee agreed to send an updated question (proposed by Becky) to the plenary team to review. New question reads as follows: In light of the finalized guidelines on the territorial scope of the GDPR and the ECJ opinion on regarding the right to be forgotten (Google case), are there any modifications you would propose to your previous memo on the territorial scope of the GDPR?

3. Legal Committee to review the updated memo summaries, which now include edits from Bird & Bird, and note any concerns by COB Friday, 6 December. If no objections are expressed, EPDP Support Staff will incorporate the edits and send to the plenary team for its review. (Please see attached.)

4. Volker to reformulate Priority 2 pseudonymous email address questions in advance of the next Legal Committee call, COB Monday, 16 December. (Support Staff to follow up with Volker directly regarding more specificity with this assignment.)

5. Matthew to redraft Priority 2 Legal vs. Natural Q1, Q5, and Q6 focusing on a clarifying question on what accuracy means in this context and who the accuracy rights flow to.

6. Becky to reach out to Tara re: Priority 2 Legal vs. Natural Q11 (submitted by SSAC) in order to provide a rationale for further discussion on the next Legal Committee Call.