Action Items - Phase 2

Action Items - Phase 2

ANNOUNCEMENT: The EPDP-P2 Action Items now resides on Google Sheets as incorporated into the group's Workplan.  The contents of this page were also imported into the sheet.


EPDP Team upcoming due dates

ActionDue DateNotes / Links

EPDP Team members to provide feedback on the IP-5 use case via the IP-5 Use Case Google doc by Friday, 16 August. 

16 August 2019IP-5 Use Case Google doc

IPC EPDP Team members to review comments and distribute updated use case by Tuesday 20 August in preparation for a final reading on Thursday, 22 August.  

20 August 2019

SSAC EPDP Team members to review comments received for SSAC 3 (Investigation of criminal activity where domain names are used. Typical specific example: PHISHING ATTACK) and distribute updated version of use case to EPDP Team by Tuesday 20 August in preparation for a final reading on Thursday, 22 August. 

20 August 2019https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iK9ygUOo8ntLWC_7dx3bS195W2ivkqHH/edit

SSAC EPDP Team members to distribute use case for SSAC 1 (When a network is undergoing an attack involving a domain name, and the operator(s) of that network need to contact the domain owner to remediate the security issue (DDOS, Botnet, etc.)) by Tuesday 20 August in preparation for a final reading on Thursday, 22 August.  

20 August 2019

ALAC EPDP Team members to review comments received on ALAC 1 (Online buyers identifying and validating the source of goods or services/ Internet users validating the legitimacy of an email or a website to protect themselves) and distribute updated version of the use case by Tuesday, 27 August in preparation for final reading on Thursday, 29 August. 

27 August 2019

Groups are welcome to provide additional comments in response to early input in the Early Input Google Doc over the next two weeks (by 29 August). Support Staff will consider input received when compiling the Zero Draft document.

29 August 2019

Early Input Google Doc

Item OutstandingItem Completed/Due Date Passed


Entry Date (E)


Target Date (T)

Responsible Party(ies)Action Item
IPC Use Case

15 August 2019


16 August 2019

EPDP TeamEPDP Team members to provide feedback on the IP-5 use case via the IP-5 Use Case Google doc by Friday, 16 August. 
IPC Use Case

15 August 2019


20 August 2019

Alex Deacon; Brian KingIPC EPDP Team members to review comments and distribute updated use case by Tuesday 20 August in preparation for a final reading on Thursday, 22 August. 
SSAC Use Case

15 August 2019


20 August 2019

Ben Butler; Greg AaronSSAC EPDP Team members to review comments received for SSAC 3 (Investigation of criminal activity where domain names are used. Typical specific example: PHISHING ATTACK) and distribute updated version of use case to EPDP Team by Tuesday 20 August in preparation for a final reading on Thursday, 22 August. 
SSAC Use Case

15 August 2019


20 August 2019

Ben Butler; Greg AaronSSAC EPDP Team members to distribute use case for SSAC 1 (When a network is undergoing an attack involving a domain name, and the operator(s) of that network need to contact the domain owner to remediate the security issue (DDOS, Botnet, etc.)) by Tuesday 20 August in preparation for a final reading on Thursday, 22 August. 
ALAC Use Case

15 August 2019


27 August 2019

Alan Greenberg; 

Hadia Elminiawi

ALAC EPDP Team members to review comments received on ALAC 1 (Online buyers identifying and validating the source of goods or services/ Internet users validating the legitimacy of an email or a website to protect themselves) and distribute updated version of the use case by Tuesday, 27 August in preparation for final reading on Thursday, 29 August. 
Early Input Review

15 August 2019


29 August 2019

EPDP TeamGroups are welcome to provide additional comments in response to early input in the Early Input Google Doc over the next two weeks (by 29 August). Support Staff will consider input received when compiling the Zero Draft document.
SSAC Use Case

8 August 2019 


14 August 2019

EPDP Team; SSAC RepsGreg and SSAC Team to propose edits to the use case based on comments received today as well as outstanding comments received this week and next week on the Google Doc by Wednesday, 14 August. Following the fine-tuning of the document, a final reading will occur at a later meeting.
Consumer Protection Use Case

8 August 2019 


14 August 2019

EPDP Team; ALAC RepsHadia and ALAC Team to propose edits to the use case based on comments received today as well as outstanding comments received this week and next week on the Google Doc by Wednesday, 14 August. Following the fine-tuning of the document, a final reading will occur at a later meeting.
Priority 2 Work Sheets

8 August 2019 


15 August 2019

EPDP TeamEPDP Team to review Priority 2 Next Steps table for final review and comment by Thursday, 15 August
Early input

1 August 2019


13 August 2019

EPDP TeamEPDP Team to review the early input documents (the SSAD worksheet and the Google doc) that have been posted. Leadership will devote time to going over the input at the EPDP Team meeting in two weeks’ time.
SSAC Use Case

1 August 2019


4 August 2019

EPDP TeamEPDP Team to provide additional input, via the comment functionality, to the google sheet for the SSAC use case ideally by Friday, August 2, but at the latest by Sunday, 4 August. Please note EPDP Team Members were sent an invitation to the Google Doc.
ALAC Use Case

1 August 2019


4 August 2019

EPDP TeamEPDP Team to provide additional input, via the comment functionality, to the google sheet for the ALAC use case ideally by Sunday, 4 August. Please note EPDP Team Members were sent an invitation to the Google Doc.
SSAC Use Case

1 August 2019


7 August 2019

Greg Aaron; Ben ButlerSSAC to incorporate feedback from the EPDP Team in advance of the next EPDP Team meeting; the updates should also include an example of how accreditation can be done and by whom. 
LEA Use Case

18 Jul 2019


23 Jul 2019

EPDP TeamEPDP Team to finish reviewing the LEA use case offline, beginning at subcategory g and identify questions to the list in writing (if any) by Tuesday, 23 July.
Order of use case review

18 Jul 2019


25 Jul 2019

EPDP Support StaffSupport Staff to propose a new grouping of use cases with the help of Milton, Chris, Margie, and Brian by next Thursday, 25 July
Trustworthiness of requestor

18 Jul 2019


25 Jul 2019

Alan GreenbergAlan Greenberg to draft proposed legal question regarding the trustworthiness of the requestor and send to Leon and EPDP Leadership.
LEA Purpose

18 Jul 2019


25 Jul 2019

Chris Lewis-EvansChris Lewis-Evans, with the help of GAC colleagues (as applicable) to consider any questions identified and propose corresponding edits/clarifications to the use case.
LEA purpose

18 Jul 2019


Chris Lewis- EvansIn light of today’s conversation, Chris Lewis-Evans to seek the guidance of the previously-consulted DPO, with the goal of fine tuning the overarching LEA purpose. Following the receipt of guidance, Chris Lewis-Evans to propose modifications accordingly. 
Early input

11 Jul 2019


18 Jul 2019

EPDP Support StaffSupport Staff to (1) compile all early input received into the SSAD worksheet by next week and (2) create a corresponding Google doc where EPDP Team members may enter questions regarding the early input. 
Early input

11 Jul 2019


25 July 2019


Each group to review the early input included in the updated SSAD worksheet and provide questions (if any) into the Google doc for early input questions. 

Order of use case review

11 Jul 2019


12 Jul 2019

EPDP Support Staff

Support Staff to send a survey to the groups to prioritize/rank the use cases submitted.

Trademark use case

11 Jul 2019


19 Jul 2019

Thomas, Georgios, and BrianThomas, Georgios, and Brian to work together on fleshing out the safeguards section of the trademark use case by Friday, 19 July.
LEA use case

11 Jul 2019


15 Jul 2019

Georgios and Chris

Georgios and Chris to work together on fleshing out the safeguards section of the LEA use case and consider the implementation of safeguards, and who would be responsible for the implementation, in the context of a manual and automated system by Monday, 15 July. 

LEA use case

11 Jul 2019


16 Jul 2019

EPDP TeamEPDP Team to review the updated LEA use case and provide feedback by Tuesday, 16 July.
Additional use cases

27 June 2019


5 July 2019


EPDP Team Members who wish to submit additional use cases to submit use cases by Friday, 5 July

Policy questions for Strawberry Team

27 June 2019


11 July 2019

Georgios, Marc A.

Georgios and Marc A. to work together to develop a first draft of policy questions to send to the Strawberry Team for the EPDP Team’s review.

Safeguards for registrant

27 June 2019


11 July 2019


Georgios to review the safeguards for the registrant in the trademark infringement use case and provide guidance on where these safeguards may appropriately belong (requestor, entity disclosing nonpublic registration data, etc.).

Third party purposes/legitimate interests

20 June 2019


25 June 2019

Alex Deacon, Chris Lewis-EvansAlex Deacon and Chris Lewis-Evans to develop an additional use case(s) using this template to share with the EPDP Team at the face-to-face meeting at ICANN65.
Third party purposes/legitimate interests

13 June 2019


18 June 2019

EPDP TeamEPDP Team to review the list of third party purposes and provide additions, edits, and comments by Tuesday, 18 June. (Note: please be prepared to discuss Thomas’ example and the law enforcement example during the next meeting on Thursday, 20 June.)
Third Party Legitimate Interest Example

13 June 2019


18 June 2019

Thomas RickertThomas Rickert to provide an IP infringement scenario by Tuesday, 18 June to be discussed with the Team during a future meeting. Thomas to coordinate with EPDP Support Staff as necessary.
Google Documents

13 June 2019


14 June 2019

EPDP TeamEPDP Team members to please provide Google account info to the GNSO Secretariat (gnso-secs@icann.org) as soon as possible.
Legal Advisory Group

6 June 2019


12 June 2019


Each group to nominate one person for the representative legal committee and provide the nomination to the Chair in advance of the next meeting, Wednesday, 12 June.

GNSO consultation with ICANN Board on Board resolution on EPDP Phase 1 recommendations

6 June 2019


7 June 2019

Support Staff and EPDP Team

Within 2-3 hours after the call, Support Staff to work with the EPDP Chair to produce a one page synthesis of concerns and questions the Team wishes to provide to the Council regarding the Board resolution. Annex all submissions to that synthesis page. Post synthesis page for silent procedure until tomorrow (Friday, 6 June). EPDP Team to only react if there is violent disagreement with concept (not edits, etc.)

SSAD Worksheet

6 June 2019


7 June 2019


EPDP Team to review the Priority 1 SSAD Worksheet by COB tomorrow, Friday, June 7. 

SSAD - list of purposes

6 June 2019


7 June 2019

EPDP Support Staff

Support Staff will organize a list of purposes from previous documentation (https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/gdpr-dataflow-matrix-responses-redacted-13oct17-en.xlsx) and post for Team members to suggest edits by Tuesday, 11 June.

Working Definitions

6 June 2019


7 June 2019

EPDP Support Staff

Support Staff to update the working definitions based on input received from the EPDP Team.

GNSO consultation with ICANN Board on Board resolution on EPDP Phase 1 recommendations

30 May 2019


4 June 2019


EPDP Team to provide input on clarifying questions, concerns, and/or background information for the GNSO Council’s consultation with the Board in relation to non-adoption of parts of EPDP phase 1 recommendations.

Early input template

30 May 2019


31 May 2019

Support Staff

EPDP Support Staff to update the SO/AC/SG/C template with RySG’s edits and send to the SO/AC/SG/Cs.

Legal Advisory Group

30 May 2019


31 May 2019

Janis Karklins

Janis to provide the proposal for dealing with legal questions, including the members of the legal advisory group.

Working definitions

30 May 2019


4 June 2019


EPDP Team to provide any additional comments on the working definitions draft.

Expert Briefings

30 May 2019


31 May 2019


If there are objections to Steve Crocker’s presentation during the Team’s next meeting, please express them ASAP.

Priority 2 worksheets

30 May 2019




EPDP Team Members who are unable to attend the scheduled calls on Priority 2 worksheets may provide feedback via google docs (see https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EOTSFGRD/pages/115654459/b.+Worksheets).

Worksheet review

24 May 2019


29 May 2019


EPDP Team Members to continue reviewing the provided worksheets (see https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EOTSFGRD/pages/115654459/b.+Worksheets) and provide input as soon as possible.

Request for early input

24 May 2019


29 May 2019


EPDP Team Members to review and provide input on the early input template by Wednesday, 29 May so that the Team can finalize this call for input during the next EPDP Team call.


24 May 2019


29 May 2019

EPDP TeamEPDP Team members to review the System for Standardized Access/Disclosure worksheet and provide any input on the document by Wednesday, 29 May so that the Team can discuss the worksheet during the next call.
Working definitions

24 May 2019


28 May 2019


EPDP Team Members to propose comments on the working definitions list by Tuesday, 28 May.

Working definitions

24 May 2019


24 May 2019

EPDP Support Staff

Support Staff to convert the working definitions list into a Google Doc and distribute to the Team as soon as possible.

Legal clarifying questions

24 May 2019


29 May 2019


EPDP Team Members to provide comments on legal questions table, i.e., question relevance and prioritization, by Wednesday, 29 May.

Legal clarifying questions

24 May 2019


24 May 2019

Georgios Tselentis, Ashley Heineman, 

Chris Lewis-Evans

GAC Members to provide legal clarifying questions for incorporation in the legal questions table by end of tomorrow, Friday, May 24. Support Staff to distribute updated table to the Team following receipt of GAC questions.

Board resolution on Phase 1 recommendations

24 May 2019


28 May 2019

Janis Karklins, Rafik Dammak

Janis to reach out to Chair of the GNSO and convey the EPDP Team’s desire to  engage with the GNSO Council regarding the Board resolution. Following discussion, Janis to refer back to the EPDP Team with GNSO Council feedback and proposed next steps. Rafik, as GNSO Council liaison, to seek clarification from the GNSO Council regarding the Bylaw-triggered consultation process following non-adoption of parts of GNSO Council adopted recommendations.

Legal clarifying questions

16 May 2019


23 May 2019

EPDP Support Staff

Support Staff to review legal clarifying questions received to date and align them with legal memos and consolidate where possible in advance of the next EPDP Team meeting on Thursday, 23 May.


16 May 2019


23 May 2019

EPDP Support Staff

Support staff to develop or update worksheets for remaining topics (accuracy and standardized framework for A/D) (note - completed for accuracy)

Worksheets input

16 May 2019


23 May 2019

EPDP TeamEPDP Team Members to provide feedback on worksheets published to date in advance of the next EPDP Team meeting
SG/C/SO/AC Input Template

16 May 2019


23 May 2019

EPDP Support Staff 

Support Staff to provide initial draft of outreach message to SG/C/SO/AC to request early input in advance of next EPDP Team meeting on Thursday, 23 May. EPDP Team members to consider questions that should be included in the outreach message.

Working Definitions

16 May 2019


23 May 2019

Leadership / Support Staff

Leadership Team and Support Staff to develop initial glossary of working definitions for EPDP Team feedback in advance of next EPDP Team meeting on Thursday, 23 May.

Summary Issue Worksheet Templates

2 May 2019



EPDP Staff Support 

Staff to develop worksheet templates for all topics in phase 2. EPDP Team Members to provide feedback on proposed worksheet template, both substance and outline.

Phase 1 Legal Memos

2 May 2019


23 May 2019


EPDP Team Members to review all Phase 1 legal memos:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EOTSFGRD/pages/115653444/Legal+memos+input and identify any clarifying questions by 23 May at the latest to determine whether a briefing by Bird & Bird is needed.

EPDP - DPA Small Team

2 May 2019


14 May 2019

Janis KarklinsJanis to reach out to Goran Marby to obtain further information in relation to the expectations, working methods and time commitment expected from the small team that is to work with ICANN Org to move forward the discussions with DPAs on UAM.
Work plan

2 May 2019


14 May 2019

EPDP Leadership TeamEPDP Leadership Team to develop first draft of proposed approach / work plan for review during next EPDP Team meeting (16 May 2019).
Introduction to Zoom

2 May 2019


16 May 2019

EPDP Support Staff

EPDP Support Staff to schedule separate zoom training session for interested EPDP Team members.

Phase 1 Recommendation 21

22 Apr 2019


22 May 2019

EPDP Support StaffEPDP Support Staff to follow up with GNSO Council regarding Rec. 21: The EPDP Team also recommends that the GNSO Council instructs the review of all RPMs PDP WG to consider, as part of its deliberations, whether there is a need to update existing requirements to clarify that a complainant must only be required to insert the publicly-available RDDS data for the domain name(s) at issue in its initial complaint. The EPDP Team also recommends the GNSO Council to instruct the RPMs PDP WG to consider whether upon receiving updated RDDS data (if any), the complainant must be given the opportunity to file an amended complaint containing the updated respondent information. 
Phase 1 Recommendation

22 Apr 2019


22 May 2019

EPDP Support StaffEPDP Support Staff to follow up with GNSO Council regarding Rec. 25: The EPDP Team recommends that the GNSO Council, as part of its review of the Transfer Policy, specifically requests the review of the implications, as well as adjustments, that may be needed to the Transfer Policy as a result of GDPR, with great urgency.