f. Draft Initial Report

f. Draft Initial Report

Hereby the proposed approach for reviewing and finalizing the Initial Report - most recent version: Draft - Initial Report - EPDP with recs line numbered - 1 November 2018.pdf



By whom


Monday 5 November

Team to flag responses to charter questions and/or preliminary recommendations that need to be considered and why, identifying concerns/issues to be further discussed (as a reminder, all items highlighted in blue will be further considered / reviewed and so need not be raised). This is intended to capture sections requiring additional discussion - specific edits not needed at this point, just a general description of the discussion or re-litigation that is recommended. 

EPDP Team members

To allow leadership team & staff plan meeting schedule and topics to be addressed in upcoming meetings. 

Tuesday 6 November

Put forward list of outstanding issues & call schedule to address outstanding issues

Leadership Team / Support Team

Plan remaining meetings as well potential additional ones to address issues identified

Wednesday 7 November (at the latest)

Submit specific substantive comments / edits on the mailing list by:

·         Identifying the line number and issue of concern

·         Put forward proposed changes (factoring in the view points of others and discussions held until date – no reopening of previously agreed upon items)

·         Outline the rationale for proposed change(s)

Submit these by using this google doc:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SoNTnvvadNQ8nX_-OxN4mtsd-gfLNxT54GXSXyGQwEQ/edit  

EPDP Team Groups (SG/C/ACs – not individual comments)

Capture and create inventory of specific comments to be reviewed and addressed by the EPDP Team.

Thursday 8 November

Share list of comments that need further review / discussion. Schedule additional calls as needed to review and discuss substantive comments submitted.

Leadership team / Support Team

Develop systematic way for reviewing input provided with the objective of finalizing the Initial Report for publication

Friday 16 November 

Publish proposed final version of Initial Report for EPDP Team review. Minor updates (grammatical issues or other) can be flagged off-list to staff for fixing prior to publication.

Support Team

Allow for ‘final’ review to identify minor issues that should be fixed prior to publication.

Monday 19 November

Publish Initial Report for public comment

Support Team