f. Draft Initial Report
Hereby the proposed approach for reviewing and finalizing the Initial Report - most recent version: Draft - Initial Report - EPDP with recs line numbered - 1 November 2018.pdf.
When | What | By whom | Why |
Monday 5 November | Team to flag responses to charter questions and/or preliminary recommendations that need to be considered and why, identifying concerns/issues to be further discussed (as a reminder, all items highlighted in blue will be further considered / reviewed and so need not be raised). This is intended to capture sections requiring additional discussion - specific edits not needed at this point, just a general description of the discussion or re-litigation that is recommended. | EPDP Team members | To allow leadership team & staff plan meeting schedule and topics to be addressed in upcoming meetings. |
Tuesday 6 November | Put forward list of outstanding issues & call schedule to address outstanding issues | Leadership Team / Support Team | Plan remaining meetings as well potential additional ones to address issues identified |
Wednesday 7 November (at the latest) | Submit specific substantive comments / edits on the mailing list by: · Identifying the line number and issue of concern · Put forward proposed changes (factoring in the view points of others and discussions held until date – no reopening of previously agreed upon items) · Outline the rationale for proposed change(s) Submit these by using this google doc:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SoNTnvvadNQ8nX_-OxN4mtsd-gfLNxT54GXSXyGQwEQ/edit | EPDP Team Groups (SG/C/ACs – not individual comments) | Capture and create inventory of specific comments to be reviewed and addressed by the EPDP Team. |
Thursday 8 November | Share list of comments that need further review / discussion. Schedule additional calls as needed to review and discuss substantive comments submitted. | Leadership team / Support Team | Develop systematic way for reviewing input provided with the objective of finalizing the Initial Report for publication |
Friday 16 November | Publish proposed final version of Initial Report for EPDP Team review. Minor updates (grammatical issues or other) can be flagged off-list to staff for fixing prior to publication. | Support Team | Allow for ‘final’ review to identify minor issues that should be fixed prior to publication. |
Monday 19 November | Publish Initial Report for public comment | Support Team |