CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2015.05.01 - Adobe Chat
rafik:hi everyone.
rafik:we will start in 2 minutes
Young eum Lee:Thanks, Rafik.
judith hellerstein:hi all
Marilia Maciel:Hello all!
Peter DT:hello everyone
Bill Drake:lot of ICANN calls lately with playground sounds
Young eum Lee:I was speaking
Young eum Lee:Great Korean, Rafik
Peter DT:Welcome Young-Eum :-)
Young eum Lee:Thanks, Peter
Marilia Maciel:Cant hear Rafik. Audio is cutting.
Renate De Wulf:i hear him perfectly biut I am on the Adigo bridge
judith hellerstein:audio is fine for me
Young eum Lee:I can hear him clearly over the phone.
Marilia Maciel:Probably my end. A bit better now, thanks
judith hellerstein:can you hear us
Bill Drake:can't hear Lynn
Young eum Lee:choppy audio for Lynn
Renate De Wulf:very weak audio
Marilia Maciel:Hear well, just a bit low
Bill Drake:must be sun spots today
Renate De Wulf:for better audio, please use the adigo bridge
Renate De Wulf:if you give me your number, Adigo can dial you into the call
Young eum Lee:audio got choppier
Lynn St.Amour:could you hear OK?
Renate De Wulf:Rafik, mute your AC mic please
Peter DT:I couldnt har all of what Lyn said -if it was an update in BA on all the activities - CSTD, ITU Council, MAG and WSIS Forum - I agree!
Lynn St.Amour:It was, but I requested a specific focus on consulting with the community
Lynn St.Amour:on some specific items - NOT simply a report out.
Lynn St.Amour:@Bill - we are more and more aligned :-)
Bill Drake:all good
Lynn St.Amour:indeed!
Bill Drake:er, um...
judith hellerstein:it was for marilyn not me
Lynn St.Amour:@Marilyn - and hopefully "consulting" with the community.
Lynn St.Amour:I think it is a good start
judith hellerstein:@marilyn af das
judith hellerstein:sorry, Judith loaning me her access, but yes, consultation!
Lynn St.Amour:@Bill - agree.
Bill Drake:stop that Lynn! :-)
Marilyn Cade:I should clarify but I do not think I disagreed with a statejent of advice to ICANN. WE did not do a statement to NM, we did advice to ICANN on NMI
Marilyn Cade:sorry, Net Mundial. I think that there is a distinction about advice to ICANN.
Peter DT:@Bill Have we said anything about NMI?
Bill Drake:no PDT, about the NM in SP
Peter distinct from NM
judith hellerstein:yes she is dialling in again
judith hellerstein:she us in now
Bill Drake:@PDT we have talked about NMI at multiple sessions, but we've never tried to come to any position about it
Peter DT:Bill - yes, and see the recent exchange on the mail list...
nigel hickson:@Renate - can I be unmuted; ta
Renate De Wulf:*7 to unmute
Bill Drake:I certainly agree Marilyn we'd have to be clear on this, but it's not unprecedented, we did it already
Lynn St.Amour:FWIW, I liked PDT's memo yesterday on NMI but I do not know how we would plan on getting agreement on any position. And, then there is Marilyn's point re who we give advcie to: ICANN or an external group?
Bill Drake:
Bart Boswinkel (staff):The process for statements is defiend in the charter of the CCWG IG
Renate De Wulf:@Nigel, you are unmuted
Lynn St.Amour:@Bart, my comment is due more to time pressures and the fact that so few people partici[ate (on-list or on the calls)
Bill Drake:So for the NM meeting in SP (an external event), we made a ten page statement
Renate De Wulf:@Youn-Eum, apologies but your line is very bad - we had to mute you. Please use *7 to unmute or ask me
Peter DT:Marilyn is right - constitutionally this group shouldnt make a statement outside the ICANN process; its role should be to help ICANN make a statement , or adopt a position
Chris Wilson:How to access the CCWG-IG's Charter?
rafik:@Bart can you please share the charter link
Bill Drake:we endorsed multistakeholder cooperation, single root (important at the moment with some governments' murmers) etc
Renate De Wulf:
Chris Wilson:Thanks
Bart Boswinkel (staff):@Lynn, I understand, the internal workings of the CCWG is something of this group of course., including its intended deleiverables . I am referring to procedure post hte Wg has reached a consensus positin on a delliverable
Bart Boswinkel (staff):Approved/supported
Lynn St.Amour:@Bart: ACK
nigel hickson:Just to note the 8th May deadline re submission for BA sessions detail; best ;Nigel
Bill Drake:The WG may, as part of its activities and on its own behalf, take a position and provide input to the public fora through Position Papers or Statements and relate this position or statement to ICANN, the Supporting Organisations and Advisory Committees and external fora
Bill Drake:not the best wordcraft, actually
Marilyn Cade:We used a Town Hall to take comments on our last public statement.
Peter DT:Agreed Bill, and not a good idea in itself - for a WG to be able to issue statements that are not actually endorsed by any ofi ts charter members...
Marilyn Cade:We also debated whether we were going out for public comments, and if all recall, we had lmited time, so did not do that. I would think that we would need to take public comment if we do draft a statement for the WSIS Review.
rafik:@PDT we send the statement to chartering organizations for approval
Peter DT:....looks like the US Senators' letter to Iran... :-)
Peter DT:Yes Rafik, but the bit Bill quoted allows rh WG an independent and unsupported position of its own, which is not good practice
Marilyn Cade:n responding to Mariela on dates and consultation. UNDESA and others in UNGA are sorting about possible dates, but the actual determination of taking stakeholder consultation will be decided by the two co facilitators, to be announced in June.
Lynn St.Amour:@Nigel, to Marilia's earlier point, that would be a very good thing to get ahead of.
Marilyn Cade:At the WSIS Forum, there is a consulation, chaired by Gary Fowlie, ITU staff located at UNGA.
Lynn St.Amour:@Nigel - NOT in substance
Lynn St.Amour:and I think that will be a very useful session
Bill Drake:Personally I think if we can't manage to make the kind of statement---perhaps the same statement---that we already did for NETmundial, it's a bit sad
Marilia Maciel:I think the CCWG can produce documents for internal circulation anytime that would help the community to set these goals and vision about WSIS. If it is a good and useful document, I am sure many of us would be working to see it discussed and endorsed.
Bill Drake:Nigel---for the WF session, you listed Mary, I thought she said onlist she is not coming
Peter DT:What is the point of making editorial coment on he ToR of a body we do not agree with?
Marilyn Cade:My comments on #4, before I have to drop off. are that the CSTD Plenary -- which I assume came in from Nigel? there is a Ministeral on Day 1. and a full day consulation on Day two - Tuesday, then drafting of the resolutions Wed, Thur, and Friday. Nigel might comment on who is attending full week at CSTD. I will be there as industry.
Marilyn Cade:I support Peter
nigel hickson:@Bill - she volunteered to be reomte; so to speak...
Bill Drake:ah
Bill Drake:need to tee that up with ITU staff
Bill Drake:I will be at the CSTD, but not Monday
Peter DT:<<<will not be at CSTD
Marilyn Cade:The participants list for CSTD is available, and I can find it and forward it to Renate.
Bill Drake:
Bill Drake:Multistakeholder Consultations on WSIS beyond 2015
Peter DT:Nigel- thanks - ive revently made some suggestions on the ICANN statement for CSTD
Marilyn Cade:Important to note that stakeholders will be speaking in individual capacity at CSTD, if registered. And, engaging in the negotiations as such
Peter DT:taking the opportunity to show humility, and a sense of ICANN's perception of its role in the Internet communty
Bill Drake:Nigel your bullets are a pretty good baseline
nigel hickson:@Peter - thanks Sir
nigel hickson:@Bill - thanks
Marilyn Cade:I will look at your draft, Nigel, and offer some small comments.
judith hellerstein:yes will read and give comments as well
Lynn St.Amour:as I am an observer/participant (and not appointed by any ICANN Body), I will not/can not "vote". :-)
judith hellerstein:yes. i think it is a good idea
Bill Drake:yes
Marilyn Cade:I need to drop off. Those of us attending CSTD, ITU Council where WSIS +10 and International Internet Public Policy will be discussed, can join Nigel in providing an update. For the most part, I think that ICANN should speak as ICANN rather than as the CCWG-IG, but accuracy of ICANN
Bart Boswinkel (staff):My suggestion is better to wait, if you open now you ar epre-empting a GNSO council decision
Peter DT:Rafik -I dont ahve a view on this - what are competing considerations?
Marilyn Cade:'s statements are critical, and that must be in ICANN hands. Taking some advice is useful, but again, I do not think that the CCWG-IG is trying to dictate ICANN staff comments. When you get FAdi's speeches for CSTD, it would be good to post that after the fact to the list, of cours.
Marilyn Cade:I need to sign off, but agree that on ground, that all the stakeholders usually coordinate a bit.
nigel hickson:@Marilyn - see you next week; raining here...
Lynn St.Amour:again, no vote -- but sounds best to wait...
Lynn St.Amour:yes
Bill Drake:Is it just Swisscom or was Marilia breaking up?
Lynn St.Amour:she was for awhile
rafik:@bill you cannot always accuse siwsscom
nigel hickson:@Rafik - for IG public session we will need to have some volunteers re who is to moderate and participate in "Rountable"
rafik:@Nigel yes. we started today to discuss candidates topics, but we didnt discuss about the format
Lynn St.Amour:MAy 20th?
Lynn St.Amour:thanks Marilia and Bill
Peter DT:ok - signing off.. thankyou chairs, thanks everyone
Marilia Maciel::)
Young eum Lee:Thanks everyone!
Marilia Maciel:Thanks everyone! Bye!
Lynn St.Amour:Thanks Rafik and welcome Young-eum
Bart Boswinkel (staff):Bye all
nigel hickson:thanks all
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:aaah - I gather the call has just completed. :-)
Renate De Wulf:@OLivier, the meeting has just finished
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:OK - finished on my other call too. I'll listen to the recording.
Renate De Wulf:it will be available shortly