CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2015.09.09

CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2015.09.09

Date: September 9th 2015                                 

Time:  11:00 UTC | See here for your local date and time

Adobe Meeting Room: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/ccwg/

Please join this call by clicking on the Adobe Connect link.

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List of International Dial In Numbers: https://www.myrcplus.com/cnums.asp?bwebid=8369444&ppc=1697246442&num=1-719-457-6209

Participant Passcode:1697246442


Interpretation Available: No

Participants: Renata Aquino Ribeiro, Harold Arcas, Marilyn Cade, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Tom Dale, Bill Drake, Judith Hellerstein, Gary Hunt, Marilia Maciel, Ffion Thomas, Tamer

Declined: Becky Burr, David Maher, Steve Metalitz, Elizabeth Thomas-Raynaud

Staff: Nigel Hickson, Veni Markovski

Call management: Renate De Wulf

Action Items:

Recording: Track1-ID326535925.mp3


Transcript: TAF_CCWG-Internet Governance – 09 September 2015.pdf

Adobe Chat: EN 

A G E N D A  

Standing Agenda Items

  1. Welcome and roll call (5’)
  2. Follow-up of open action items of last calls (5’)

           F2F meeting in BA: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CPMMB/pages/110789364/CCWG+on+IG+Meeting+in+Buenos+Aires+-+Action+ItemsWSIS+10 (+- 20’)

     3. WSIS+10 (+- 20’)

         a. WSIS+10 Non Paper (initial draft): discuss initial views https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CPMMB/pages/110789366/WSIS+review

         b. WSIS+10 Submission Analysis: discuss working methodology and collaboration with ISOC https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/123i-g_sjVt1YgvchJ11RA1QzWncjgZXVPyTkvKFTzuY/edit?pli=1#gid=0

    4. ICANN54 – Dublin (+- 20’)

        a. IG Public Session: propose and discuss a draft agenda

        b. F2F working session: propose and discuss a draft agenda

            For information, BA F2F session/draft agenda two main topics were:

                  CCWG-IG membership: confirming the SO/AC/SG "no-objection reply" to widening CCWG-IG participation (link to the Charter)

                  Look at calendar of forthcoming activities and plan for the next session of topics for the year 2015 and beyond (link to Key Global Internet Activities 2015)

     5. AOB (5’)