28 September 2017 Call Notes
Date and time: Thursday, 28 September 2017, 18:00 UTC
This meeting was organized by ICANN staff: Ergys Ramaj, Senior Director, Public Responsibility; Betsy Andrews, Academic Specialist and Senior Research Analyst, and Fernanda Iunes, Senior Administrative Assistant, and is a follow on to earlier calls, available at: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/COP22/pages/109772120/Program+Group+Calls
Call Agenda:
1. Staff update (10 min)
2. Program Objectives (20 min)
--Clarify deliverables: what tools are needed to be more effective within specific constituencies?
--Identify what support is needed from staff to achieve determined deliverables
--Establish measurement for success: what does good look like?
3. Timeline (20 min)
--Set agenda for ICANN60
--What do you want to achieve with this in-person session?
--Establish timeline for the remainder of the pilot year
4. AOB (10 min)
Alejandra Reynoso, ccNSO
Ayden Férdeline, NCUC
Beran Dondeh Gillen, ALAC
Isaac Maposa, ALAC
Jelena Ozegovic, ccNSO
Kathy Kleiman, NCUC
Lawrence Olawale-Roberts, BC
Louise Marie Hurel, NCUC
Martin Silva Valent, NPOC
Olivier Crépin-Leblond, ALAC
Rapid SUN, GAC
Suman Lal Pradhan, ISPCP
Suraj Adhikari, ccNSO
Heidi Ullrich, ICANN Staff
Agustina Callegari, NPOC
Amicia Mussenden, GAC
Charne LeRoux, IPC
Dusan Popovic, IPC
Esteban Lescano, ISPCP
Omar Mansoor Ansari, BC
Marilyn Cade, BC
An open discussion with participants took place, and the outcome recommendation:
Staff Update:
- Additional meeting space is not available for a subsequent session following the one on October 27th, due to passed submission deadlines; however, a post-meeting call can be set up post ICANN60
- Staff will research records for past Onboarding Program participants, update and publish accordingly
Improving Communication:
- Ensure regular calls take place between ICANN meetings. Provide program development updates, program materials, and the number of available seats via the Wiki in advance of meetings
- The selection process will be determined by each community; staff to provide number of seats available for each participating community well in advance of the meeting
- Reporting element – how can we as program staff ensure that work emanating out of Program is sanctioned by respective groups? Are there processes currently in place for this?
- Is there buy-in from members of different communities for the content being developed?
- Is there potential value in having a blog series by members of different communities?
- NPOC is working with the executive committee on how to hand materials down to members (still have not done that)
- Support from staff – need a better way to communicate and how to better use the online platforms: graphic design and proofreading support needed
- In terms of having a blog, it might not be the time to have one, but more communication of the challenges and needs is required
- Idea of blog is for transparency and accountability: to ensure that the group met what it set out to meet. May not need blogs from every community.
- Had a discussion with Rob Hoggarth about GAC onboarding program; the GAC secretariat can assist the Program to become permanent within the GAC.
- Is it possible to have observers join the session on October 27th? [Yes]
- GAC is working on an infographic and video for GAC briefing as well as GAC course on ICANN Learn
- GAC plenary session will have a presentation and video for onboarding program for the GAC
- Important to report back to respective communities and community leadership teams - should happen on a quarterly basis and in a way that can be externally audited (in order to see best practices)
- Within NCUC, report back to chair on an ongoing basis, through a publicly accessible mailing list
- Staff support needed: translation
- Hope to present to BC Excom at ICANN60 on what has been developed so far; some recommendations are already being implemented with onboarding new members into BC
- ccNSO, NCUC, and BC have done great work for onboarding during ICANN59, and these outcomes could be great features for a blog post
- ALAC has had meetings with RALOs and presented in outreach and engagement sessions during online and face-to-face meetings
- Vlogs, in addition to blogs, could be useful communication tools
Ultimate objective of Program: creating content that helps facilitate onboarding of newcomers into each community in order to lower barriers to participation
To measure success: what does good look like?
- Good outcome is for mentees to become more involved in community and join working groups, doing voluntary work for ccNSO
- At one point, could even be in the council of the ccNSO
- Have newcomers become involved in work and evolve
- Getting involved in policy work is most important
- Goal: active involvement in core work: policy making
- Pool of GAC volunteers for mentors will be available for new mentees. Mentors can be from different regions and different working groups within GAC
- What good looks: NCUC has 20 pages of developed material that will be rolled out over 7-week mini course to newcomers (orientating newcomers and familiarizing them with work being done and how they can make an impact)What excellent looks like: expanding basic participants in working groups (people that can handle research, etc.)
- Additional mentors is not scalable; however, if more are chosen, should choose based on specializations and not geographic region
- How do we connect core group (few people normally involved in policy work) with newcomers?
- Introducing newcomers to the whole ICANN ecosystem and connect them with people who are engaged
Timeline – Setting the agenda for ICANN60:
- Wants to hear what other communities are doing and if there are new approaches and successes
- Would be useful to have updates to see what it would be like to be a new member of another community
- Updates for each community’s reasons for participating in the program is not particularly beneficial to the group
- NCUC's materials developed through Onboarding Program are well received – noted collaboration between participants on the call
Action items and next steps:
- Staff: Check meeting room size [checked, enough space so that GAC Secretariat observer welcome]
- Staff: Send out invitation for the ICANN60 Onboarding Session (once agenda and space are finalized)
- Onboarding Pilot members: Define agenda items for ICANN60 [please use mailing list between calls to suggest ideas]
- Staff: Research, update and publish list of past Onboarding Program participants