ICANN61 Community Onboarding Pilot Program Meeting

ICANN61 Community Onboarding Pilot Program Meeting

DATE: Sunday, 11 March 2017

TIME: 8:30am - 10:00am (AST)



1. Welcome from Co-facilitators (5min)

2. Updates from each group (40min)


       -Challenges & Opportunities

       -Lessons Learned

       -Plans & Next Steps

3. Integrating Newcomers into ICANN (15min)

4. Communicating ICANN61 Outcomes (10min)

5. FY19 Budget Discussion (20min)

Please click here to see the ICANN61 COP participants' narratives. 

Click here to access the recording of this face-to-face meeting. 

Group picture of ICANN61 COP Participants: