2022-06-29 CCOICI - Meeting #22
The call will take place on Wednesday, 29 June 2022 at 12:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/2wu55m8k
Proposed Agenda – CCOICI Meeting on Wednesday 29 June at 12.00 UTC
- Welcome
a. Work plan status:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h38SgFeOdwumE7fUjLu4mB0CcXnwoncUpICqp_qINnk/edit#gid=0 [docs.google.com]
b. Reminder – status designations:
0. "Complete": Recommended action/decision is completed by the GNSO Council
1. "Partially Complete": Recommended action/decision is partially completed by the GNSO Council, further implementation may or may not be within scope to be addressed by the GNSO Council
2. "Action/Decision Required": GNSO Council needs to make a decision on whether the recommended action/decision is applicable for action by the GNSO Council and assign an appropriate implementation status in this list
3. "Not applicable for action": Recommended action/decision and its respective implementation is not within scope to be addressed by the GNSO Council
4. "Implementation Planned": GNSO Council is planning to implement the recommended action/decision
5. "Implementation Ongoing": GNSO Council’s implementation on the recommended action/decision is ongoing
6. "Won't be Implemented": Recommended action/decision is within scope to be addressed by the GNSO Council, but GNSO Council chooses not to implement (this may apply to the non-mandatory recommendations)
2. Continue review of Recommendation #6 – SO/AC Accountability(see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zuQVN4zbz4zBYlZM4Mtfac7lj2j2dlna/edit# [docs.google.com])
a. Consider recommendations 6.2 – 6.5
b. Confirm status designation
3. Confirm next steps & next meeting (Wednesday 13 July at 12.00 UTC)
Notes/ Action Items
Action items:
Recommendation 6.2.1: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.2.2: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.2.3: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.2.4: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.2.5: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.2.6: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.2.7: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.3.1: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.3.2: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Not Applicable for Action” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.3.3: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Not Applicable for Action” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.3.4: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.3.5: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.4.1 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.4.2 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Not Applicable for Action” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.4.3 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Not Applicable for Action” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
1. Welcome
a. Work plan status: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h38SgFeOdwumE7fUjLu4mB0CcXnwoncUpICqp_qINnk/edit#gid=0 [docs.google.com]
b. Reminder – status designations:
- "Complete": Recommended action/decision is completed by the GNSO Council
- "Partially Complete": Recommended action/decision is partially completed by the GNSO Council, further implementation may or may not be within scope to be addressed by the GNSO Council
- "Action/Decision Required": GNSO Council needs to make a decision on whether the recommended action/decision is applicable for action by the GNSO Council and assign an appropriate implementation status in this list
- "Not applicable for action": Recommended action/decision and its respective implementation is not within scope to be addressed by the GNSO Council
- "Implementation Planned": GNSO Council is planning to implement the recommended action/decision
- "Implementation Ongoing": GNSO Council’s implementation on the recommended action/decision is ongoing
- "Won't be Implemented": Recommended action/decision is within scope to be addressed by the GNSO Council, but GNSO Council chooses not to implement (this may apply to the non-mandatory recommendations)
2. Continue review of Recommendation #6 (see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zuQVN4zbz4zBYlZM4Mtfac7lj2j2dlna/edit# [docs.google.com])
Re: WS2 Recommendation 6: Each SO/AC/Group should implement these Good Practices, to the extent these practices are applicable and an improvement over present practices. It is not recommended that implementation of these practices be required. Nor is it recommended that any changes be made to the ICANN Bylaws. It should be noted that the Operational Standards for periodic Organizational Reviews conducted by ICANN could include an assessment of Good Practices implementation in the AC/SO subject to the review.
a. Consider recommendations 6.2—6.5
6.2 Transparency:
WS2 Recommendation 6.2.1:
Charter and operating guidelines should be published on a public webpage and updated whenever changes are made.
Staff Assessment: “Complete" -- Rationale: The current version of the GNSO Council Operating Procedures and its annexes are published on the GNSO Council Procedures webpage. Version updates are documented in the “Version Control” section of the Operating Procedures.
- CCOICI members agree with the staff assessment of “Complete”.
ACTION ITEM: Recommendation 6.2.1 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
WS2 Recommendation 6.2.2:
Members of the SO/AC/Group should be listed on a public webpage.
Staff Assessment: “Complete" – Rationale: The list of GNSO Council members are published and maintained on this webpage.
- CCOICI members agree with the staff assessment of “Complete”.
ACTION ITEM: Recommendation 6.2.2 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
WS2 Recommendation 6.2.3:
6.2.3 Officers of the SO/AC/Group should be listed on a public webpage.
Staff Assessment: “Complete" – Rationale: The GNSO Council leadership members are published and maintained on this webpage.
- Question: Definition of officers? What does it mean? Answer: The officers in the recommendation refers to the leaders of the GNSO Council. The evaluation of this recommendation pertains only to Council so SGs/Cs leadership is not applicable in this case.
- CCOICI members agree with the staff assessment of “Complete”.
ACTION ITEM: Recommendation 6.2.3 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
WS2 Recommendation 6.2.4:
Meetings and calls of SO/AC/Groups should normally be open to public observation. When a meeting is determined to be members-only, that should be explained publicly, giving specific reasons for holding a closed meeting. Examples of appropriate reasons include discussion of confidential topics such as: Trade secrets or sensitive commercial information whose disclosure would cause harm to a person or organization's legitimate commercial or financial interests or competitive position. Internal strategic planning whose disclosure would likely compromise the efficacy of the chosen course. Information whose disclosure would constitute an invasion of personal privacy, such as medical records. Information whose disclosure has the potential to harm the security and stability of the Internet. Information that, if disclosed, would be likely to endanger the life, health, or safety of any individual or materially prejudice the administration of justice.
Staff Assessment: “Complete" – Rationale: Closed GNSO Council meetings have rare occurrences. In the event of closed meetings, the GNSO Chair informs the Councilors on the public Council list, noting the reasons for such closed sessions. One example is the closed Strategic Planning Session (SPS), and reason is noted as "Internal strategic planning whose disclosure would likely compromise the efficacy of the chosen course". This example is cited in WS2.Rec
- CCOICI members agree with the staff assessment of “Complete”.
ACTION ITEM: Recommendation 6.2.4 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
WS2 Recommendation 6.2.5:
Records of open meetings should be made publicly available. Records include notes, minutes, recordings, transcripts, and chat, as applicable.
Staff Assessment: “Complete" – Rationale: Records of open GNSO Council meetings, including notes, minutes, recordings, transcripts, and chats, are published on the calendar page of the GNSO website. The calendar page also publishes records of the open sessions of GNSO Council managed groups, teams, and projects.
- Question: What about recordings for Small Teams? Answer: Not all Small Teams have a separate wiki page (there is a collective page). Recordings are sent to the members. Question: Could recordings be stored on the general wiki page or in a Google page? Answer: Staff can take note and explore the feasibility of publishing recordings to the extent that they may exist. But small team meetings may be considered closed – see 6.2.6 below.
1. Staff to explore the feasibility of linking recordings, to the extent that they may exist, to the small team wiki assignment page.
2. Recommendation 6.2.5 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
WS2 Recommendation 6.2.6:
Records of closed meetings should be made available to members, and may be made publicly available at the discretion of the AC/SO/Group. Records include notes, minutes, recordings, transcripts, and chat, as applicable.
Staff Assessment: “Complete" – Rationale: Records of closed meetings of the GNSO Council are typically sent to attendees through direct emails.
- Add a note about GNSO Council small teams, that there materials are distributed to members, but could also be included in either the closed Google folder, or if feasible, in a wiki page.
- CCOICI members agree with the staff assessment of “Complete”.
1. Staff to explore the feasibility of linking recordings, to the extent that they may exist, to the small team wiki assignment page or the shared Google folder if the meetings are closed.
2. Recommendation 6.2.6 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
WS2 Recommendation 6.2.7:
Filed comments and correspondence with ICANN should be published and publicly available.
Staff Assessment: “Complete" – Rationale: GNSO Council’s filed comments and correspondence with ICANN org are published on the correspondence page of the GNSO website. The correspondence page on icann.org also publishes them.
- CCOICI members agree with the staff assessment of “Complete”.
ACTION ITEM: Recommendation 6.2.7 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
6.3 Participation
WS2 Recommendation 6.3.1:
Rules of eligibility and criteria for membership should be clearly outlined in the bylaws or in operational procedures.
Staff Assessment: “Complete" – Rationale: Rules of eligibility and criteria for members of the GNSO Council are outlined in Section 11.3 of the ICANN Bylaws and Section 2.1 of the GNSO Operating Procedures.
- CCOICI members agree with the staff assessment of “Complete”.
ACTION ITEM: Recommendation 6.3.1 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
WS2 Recommendation 6.3.2:
Where membership must be applied for, the process of application and eligibility criteria should be publicly available.
Staff Assessment: “Not Applicable for Action” – Rationale: The GNSO Council is a representative body comprised of representatives appointed by GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies, as well as appointees from the Nominating Committee. The process of application and eligibility criteria for the GNSO Councilor position should be addressed by each GNSO SG/C and the NomCom.
- CCOICI members agree with the staff assessment of “Not Applicable for Action”.
ACTION ITEM: Recommendation 6.3.2 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Not Applicable for Action” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
WS2 Recommendation 6.3.3:
Where membership must be applied for, there should be a process of appeal when application for membership is rejected.
Staff Assessment: “Not Applicable for Action” – Rationale: The GNSO Council is a representative body comprised of representatives appointed by GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies, as well as appointees from the Nominating Committee. The process of appeal when application for the GNSO Councilor position is rejected should be addressed by the relevant GNSO SG/C and the NomCom.
- CCOICI members agree with the staff assessment of “Not Applicable for Action”.
ACTION ITEM: Recommendation 6.3.3 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Not Applicable for Action” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
WS2 Recommendation 6.3.4:
An SO/AC/Group that elects its officers should consider term limits.
Staff Assessment: “Complete" – Rationale: Section 11.3(b) of the ICANN Bylaws and Section 2.1 of the GNSO Operating Procedures provides details regarding GNSO Council member term limits, as well as special circumstances that allow a Councilor appointed by a Stakeholder Group to serve one more term. This general term limits also apply to the GNSO Council leadership members (i.e., GNSO Chair and Council Vice Chairs). Leadership team members need to be confirmed on an annual basis, but there is no limit on the number of reappointments, as that is dictated by the general term limits for all GNSO Councilors.
- CCOICI members agree with the staff assessment of “Complete”.
ACTION ITEM: Recommendation 6.3.4 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
WS2 Recommendation 6.3.5:
A publicly visible mailing list should be in place.
Staff Assessment: “Complete" – Rationale: GNSO Council mailing list archives and the mailing list archives of the GNSO Council managed groups, teams, and projects are published on this webpage.
- CCOICI members agree with the staff assessment of “Complete”.
ACTION ITEM: Recommendation 6.3.5 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
6.4 Outreach
WS2 Recommendation 6.4.1:
6.4.1 Each SO/AC/Group should publish newsletters or other communications that can help eligible non-members to understand the benefits and process of becoming a member.
Staff Assessment: “Complete” -- Rationale: Some of the GNSO Council managed working groups published newsletters to help non-members follow their progress. GNSO Council related updates are also published on ICANN’s monthly regional newsletters. These materials help promote the activities managed by the GNSO Council and indirectly provide insight into the “benefits” of being involved in the GNSO policy work.
- Comment: Wondering if in the onboarding procedures whether new members are made aware of the outreach documents? Answer: There is a page to sign up to all newsletters. This could be included in onboarding. Staff will note.
- CCOICI members agree with the staff assessment of “Complete”.
ACTION ITEM: Recommendation 6.4.1 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
WS2 Recommendation 6.4.2:
Each SO/AC/Group should maintain a publicly accessible website/wiki page to advertise their outreach events and opportunities.
Staff Assessment: “Not Applicable for Action” – Rationale: Since the GNSO Council is a representative body, it does not have a role for doing outreach. GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies as well as the Nominating Committee appoint members to the GNSO Council. Therefore, those groups are in position to conduct and promote outreach events and opportunities.
- CCOICI members agree with the staff assessment of “Note Applicable for Action”.
ACTION ITEM: Recommendation 6.4.2 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Not Applicable for Action” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
WS2 Recommendation 6.4.3:
Each SO/AC/Group should create a committee (of appropriate size) to manage outreach programs to attract additional eligible members, particularly from parts of their targeted community that may not be adequately participating.
Staff Assessment: “Not Applicable for Action” – Rationale: Since the GNSO Council is a representative body, it does not have a role for doing outreach. Outreach programs should be handled at the GNSO SG/C and NomCom level.
- CCOICI members agree with the staff assessment of “Note Applicable for Action”.
ACTION ITEM: Recommendation 6.4.3 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Not Applicable for Action” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
b. Confirm status designation
Recommendation 6.2.1: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.2.2: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.2.3: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.2.4: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.2.5: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.2.6: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.2.7: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.3.1: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.3.2: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Not Applicable for Action” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.3.3: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Not Applicable for Action” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.3.4: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.3.5: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.4.1 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.4.2 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Not Applicable for Action” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
Recommendation 6.4.3 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Not Applicable for Action” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly.
3. Confirm next steps & next meeting (Wednesday 13 June at 12.00 UTC)