2022-03-30 CCOICI - Meeting #16

2022-03-30 CCOICI - Meeting #16

The call will take place on Wednesday, 30 March 2022 at 12:00 UTC for 60 minutes.

For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/3mc8zy7w 


  1. Welcome
  2. Overview of Council WS2 Assignment to CCOICI
  3. High level run through of WS2 Background briefing (see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zuQVN4zbz4zBYlZM4Mtfac7lj2j2dlna/edit)
  4. Consider proposed approach for addressing assignment & timing
  5. Confirm next steps & next meeting



Apologies: Desiree Miloshevic, Juan Manuel Rojas

CRM Attendance


Audio Recording

Zoom Recording

Chat Transcript 

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar

Notes/ Action Items

Action Items:

1.    Staff to consult internally with ICANN Org to provide an update on the status of the recommendation relating to OFAC and jurisdiction.
2.    Staff to create a work plan and timeline of the assignments based on meeting every two weeks (avoiding the first week of the month).
3.    Staff to send a short survey to the CCOICI members to address the first Council ask: To rank Recommendations 1, 2.3 and 3 from Council’s perspective to help inform the prioritization by the Community Coordination Group, which will determine the order of tackling these recommendations. 


1. Welcome

2. Overview of Council WS2 Assignment to CCOICI

Council direction (see https://gnso.icann.org/en/council/resolutions/2020-current#202203):

-    Committee finished most of its work on the WG Self-Assessment.
-    Council realized there are outstanding actions relating to Work Stream 2 recommendations – review staff assessment and status, revisiting priority levels, and possible implementation work.
-    Committee members can invite experts from their groups that participated in the development of the WS2 recommendations.  Some experts already are on the Committee.
-    Noting that Rafik Dammak has agreed to be the expert for NCSG.
-    Document has background, but also should serve as a working document.
-    There is a community coordination group that is in the process of being set up; Olga is the liaison to that group and can provide a direct link and feedback.

3. High level run through of WS2 Background briefing (see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zuQVN4zbz4zBYlZM4Mtfac7lj2j2dlna/edit [docs.google.com])

-    Quick tip: use the outline under the summary on the left of the page to jump to different sections.
-    First section is background on WS2, noting that not all recommendations are directed to the ICANN community and not all are mandatory.
-    Role of the Community and Next Steps – which are community directed recommendations.  Important to note: groups are expected to determine and assign the appropriate status and communicate this to ICANN org so it can be tracked accordingly:
o    "Complete" 
o    "Action/Decision Required"
o    "Partially Complete"
o    Not applicable for action" 
o    "Implementation Planned" 
o    "Implementation Ongoing" 
o    "Implementation Completed" 
o    "Won't be Implemented"
-     Second section: Staff assessment of recommendation 2.  This is for the Committee to review.
o    Example – page 13: CCOICI Assessment and Conclusion – questions (highlighted in yellow) for Recommendation 2 for the Committee to consider in its evaluation, including staff suggestions.
-    Next section: Staff assessment of recommendation 6. Same format as above.
-    Next section: Recommendation 1 Diversity – From WS2 Final Report – this is mandatory; if the Committee finds it is not applicable it must provide a rationale.  CCOICI Assessment and Proposed Implementation. Questions (highlighted in yellow) to consider:
1.    Does the CCOICI agree with the Council’s initial prioritization and allocation of responsibility for implementation? 
2.    If not, why not, and what should be changed? 
3.    If yes, can the CCOICI confirm the status designation for each recommendation and rationale for this designation ("Complete"; "Action/Decision Required"; "Partially Complete"; "Not applicable for action"; "Implementation Planned"; "Implementation Ongoing"; "Implementation Completed"; "Won't be Implemented")? 
-    Next section: Recommendation 3 Human Rights Framework – From WS2 Final Report -- CCOICI Assessment & Proposed Implementation:
o    For CCOICI consideration: Prior to addressing the question below, the CCOICI may first want to determine the status of implementation of the Framework of Interpretation, which will also be discussed by the CCG, to see if/how the implementation may help inform further work by the CCOICI on this topic as well as if/how the HRIA is to be applied in the context of the GNSO PDP. 
-    Next section: Recommendation 6.1.5 (Non-Mandatory) – From WS2 Final Report -- CCOICI Assessment & Proposed Implementation
o    For CCOICI consideration: 1. In light of the Council’s Initial Prioritization effort conclusion, is there further information that the Council should aim to publish on a yearly basis. If so, what information should such a report provide and who should be responsible for drafting it? See also here. 
-    Final section: Recommendation 1 (Diversity), 2.3 (Indemnity Standalone items) and 3 (Framework for interpretation of Human Rights) – From WS2 Final Report
o    Council ask: Rank Recommendations 1, 2.3 and 3 from Council’s perspective to help inform the prioritization by the Community Coordination Group, which will determine the order of tackling these recommendations. 
o    Staff suggests to start with this assignment, which could be addressed via a short survey.


-    The jurisdiction question relating to OFAC is not addressed here, but wonder if this is the group to assist in addressing that question.   Under the Council’s prioritization, this was identified as a community and ICANN Org request, not specifically the GNSO, although the GNSO is part of the community.  Maybe this could be raised with the CCG or the Council.  Staff understands that this recommendation is not directed at the community but at the Board/Org level and there already has been some progress.
-    Of course, if the CCOICI is of the view that other questions and/or options should be considered, you are encouraged to add these to the document.  Consider this a working document.
-    This day and time seems to work. Note that the time may have changed due to daylight savings time in some locations.  If we meet every two weeks we could try to avoid standing conflicts, such as in the first week of every month.

ACTION ITEM: Staff to consult internally with ICANN Org to provide an update on the status of the recommendation relating to OFAC and jurisdiction.

4. Consider proposed approach for addressing assignment & timing

-    Consider how much time to commit and the meeting schedule.
-    Consider using a polling format in Zoom to address the questions that staff has suggested need to be addressed.
-    The last section in the document might be addressed first – the ranking of recommendations 1, 2.3, and 3 – and could be done via a short survey.
-    Perhaps propose meeting every two weeks with a draft work plan and timeline.
-    Good to work between calls.
-    Question: Is there a deadline for completing the work?  Answer: The Council did not suggest a deadline, but many of the recommendations have been outstanding for a while.
-    Proposal: A meeting every two weeks on Wednesdays at 12.00 UTC (avoiding first week of the month).

5. Confirm next steps & next meeting

-    Staff to map the assignments to the meetings based on meeting every two weeks (avoiding the first week of the month).
-    Staff to send a short survey to address the first Council ask: Council ask: Rank Recommendations 1, 2.3 and 3 from Council’s perspective to help inform the prioritization by the Community Coordination Group, which will determine the order of tackling these recommendations. 

1.    Staff to create a work plan and timeline of the assignments based on meeting every two weeks (avoiding the first week of the month).
2.    Staff to send a short survey to the CCOICI members to address the first Council ask: To rank Recommendations 1, 2.3 and 3 from Council’s perspective to help inform the prioritization by the Community Coordination Group, which will determine the order of tackling these recommendations.