AC Chat: 2016-06-02 Cross Community Committee on Accessibility Call
Terri Agnew:Welcome to the Cross Community Committee on Accessibility call held on Thursday, 02 June 2016 at 18:00 UTC
Terri Agnew:meeting page:
Terri Agnew:***Live Captioning will be provided on this call. If you do not have the bandwidth to join the call, the live Captioning streaming is available via this link:
Greg Shatan:Multitasking as I'm attending a webinar on legal aspects of web accessibility at the same time.
Greg Shatan:They are also using real-time captioning...
Terri Agnew:Welcome Glenn McKnight
Glenn McKnight:hi
Glenn McKnight:No voice. I am at a Security Conference in Washington
Glenn McKnight:I will be at the M-Enabling conference on June 11
Glenn McKnight:
Maureen Hilyard:Hi Glenn
Glenn McKnight:Hi Maureen.
Terri Agnew:F2F Marrakech 09 March 2016
Ariel Liang:At-Large website
Terri Agnew:Working with adigo to make sure announcements are off
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Excellent News Laura!!!!
Maureen Hilyard:+1 Laura
Greg Shatan:Laura, is the accessibility standard being used WCAG 2.0 Level AA?
Laura Bengford:Yes Greg, it is.
Greg Shatan:Thanks!
Laura Bengford:Ariel is working on the WIKI which has more information on our goals, standards, and progress.
Laura Bengford:
Greg Shatan:It is no small task!
Terri Agnew:Welcome Ken Hansen
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Indeed Greg and most of us realise that... I am for one "well pleased" at the progress ICANN s making
Ariel Liang:
Greg Shatan:Creating a structure and culture of web accessibility is at least as important as the technical remediation....
Glenn McKnight:What is happening with the iCANN videos and captioning? You can't rely on Youtbube for captioning
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Ariel / or other staff ...If you can please copy any links from the AC Chat also into the Caption Chat
Ariel Liang:very good point Cheryl. I have taken notes on this and will do this from now on
Maureen Hilyard:Great work Ariel and team
Ariel Liang:Thank you Cheryl and Maureen! Got the help from fellow At-Large Staff as well for migrating content in the wiki
Glenn McKnight:I assume Staff is best to comment on this issue since it;'s a legal responsibility of all non profits in the US.
Maureen Hilyard:I don't think Glenn has a mike - he's at a conference
Glenn McKnight:Just because i brought it up doesn't mean you can allocate it to me
Terri Agnew:Cross Community Wiki space
Glenn McKnight:I have stated that I am at security conference in Washington
Greg Shatan:FYI, the US DOJ is seeking comments right now on web accessibiity regulations. The request relates to state and local govt sites, but the answers will doubtless be transferred to the Title III private sector regulations.
Terri Agnew:Welcome Werner
Maureen Hilyard:Yes.the additional ramps. that was great !
Maureen Hilyard:Perhaps a review to ensure that these do cover all the bases
Maureen Hilyard:Poor Diane
Laura Bengford:Yes, Ken. We can elaborate on plans and how accessibility fits in.
Laura Bengford:Maybe align the deliverables to the SMART goals.
Laura Bengford:Thanks for the link Greg on the US web accessibility regulations.
Maureen Hilyard:Id like all of the above option as well
Ken Hansen - you Laura
Maureen Hilyard:Thank you Cheryl and others
Karen Mulberry:Thank you Cheryl, great call
Ken Hansen - everyone!
Ariel Liang:thanks all for joining
Laura Bengford:Thank you!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Thanks everyone Bye for Now
Greg Shatan:Bye all!
Werner:Thanks. This was very efficient thanks to good tools and preparations.