Building a culture of accessibility.
Task | SWOT | SMART | Priority/ Time Frame * / Level of Effort ** | Persons involved/date of completion | Notes |
Stocktake of what ICANN already does to address accessibility | Opportunity | Specific - Determine the compliance ( ADA)and overall effectiveness of the ICANN actions
MEASURABLE( Outcomes) - Summarize the list and bring it back to the group and provide a
'temperature gauge' of actions vis a vis other similar US based 501 C organizations
Achievable - Survey and interviews key staff responsible for the wide range of compliance from Website, HR, event planning etc
Results - Realistic depending on timeline
- Number of interventions
TIME - Measure difference (over specific time?)
| 1 / a:a / low level of effort confirm | | |
Disability awareness toolkit be developed - Creation of a general toolkit for for ICANN staff and At-Large community
- Creation of a specific toolkit for registry/registrar community
- Creation of webinar/video
| Opportunity | Specific - Research best practices for organizational toolkits/checklists
- Assess budget considerations
- Appoint key researcher and team
- Organize and delivery of webinars/short video
Measurable - Determine number of topics
- Set format ie. Ebook Wiki, PDF, Video etc
Achievable - Assuming budget support
- Collate existing training material
- Creation of the 'basket' of tools to help organization be compliant to ADA and be inclusive to the persons with disabilities
- Survey organizations on their recommendations for toolkit
Results - Creation of general disability awareness toolkit
- Creation of specific disability awareness toolkit for the registry/registry community ie web-assessment tools, W3C and WCUG compliance
- Number of downloads of kit
- Number of attendees of webinars
- Number of end user feedback
Time - Draft 6 months
- Final 12 months
| Part 1: 1 / a:b / medium effort Part 2: 2 / a:a / medium effort | | |
Stocktake of what the Domain Name Industry already does to address accessibility | Opportunity & weakness | Specific - Create a Survey Monkey to be sent to key players
Measurable - Assessment of the range of compliance in the Domain Name industry
- Determine the leaders in the industry
Achievable - Assess the results of the survey
- Provide recommendations and create action plan
Results - Number of surveys sent
- Number of survey responses
- Number of recommendations
Time | 3 / a:c / med effort | | |
Disability awareness training be provided | Weakness | Specific - Design and delivery training sessions
- Integration of training into the ICANN Academy
Measurable - Create a climate of attitudinal change towards being inclusive in the representation of the disabled in images, language, conference planning etc
Achievable - Design and delivery of disability awareness training similar to gender sensitivity training to build a culture of inclusion
- Hire appropriate consultant
Results - Number of attendees
- Post training polling/surveys
- Six month surveys of attendees to determine lasting impact
Time | 1 / b:c / medium effort | | |
Keynote speakers at ICANN meetings to include representatives from disability community | Opportunity | Specific - Act on short list recruitment of motivational speaker at the ICANN meetings
- Raising the awareness of persons with disabilities is similar to the efforts made by Black History Month showcasing the achievements of the community. results in tangible benefits
Measurable - Recruitment and appointment of speaker(s)
Achievable - Followup upon previous recommendations base by ALAC members for speakers which has been ignored
Results - Number of speakers
- Number of presentations
| 1 / a:a / low effort | | |
Offer disability showcase events at ICANN meetings demonstrating various innovative ways people with disability use the Internet | Opportunity | Specific - Organize in ICANN village a demonstration of various tools and individuals who's lives are changed by inclusive technologies
Measurable - Build the culture of awareness by showcasing best practice and gather qualitative and quantitative information from end users
Achievable - Build a culture of awareness and acceptance requires sharing knowledge and innovation through 'show and tell'
Results - Number of technologies demonstrated
- Number of individuals volunteered
- Number of attendees
| 2 / a:a / medium effort | | |
“Accessibility Champions” amongst ICANN staff be identified | Weakness | Specific - Appointment of ICANN staffer to be the champion within ICANN and the point person
Measurable - Set budget for assigned staff
- Set job duties to assigned staff
- Build awareness throughout ICANN ecosystem
Achievable - Open communication of staff person to the ICANN community
- Act on issues
- Creation of implementation plan
Results - Assigned single staff time to be responsible for this task
- Expand role to ICANN team participation to be cross ICANN implementation
Time | 1/ a:a / low effort | | |
ICANN encourage employment of staff with disability | Strength & weakness (consider employment in developing countries) | Specific - Assess the current hiring policies and number of persons with disabilities in organization
- Deliberate HR recruitment of persons with disabilities for positions at ICANN
Measurable - Number of potential positions for hiring
- Set goals for hiring
Achievable - Creation of concrete hiring plans and assessment of job duties for suitable hiring requirements ie. remote hiring etc
Results - Hiring of three persons with disabilities
Time | 2 / b:c / medium effort | | |
Incorporate an accessibility trigger in policy development as well as ICANN processes and practices ( UNCLEAR ON MEANING OF THIS )
| Opportunity | Specific
Results Time | 2 / b:b / medium effort | | |
ICANN websites meet internationally recognised W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) v2.0 Level AA. This includes captioning of videos | Opportunity | Specific - To be inclusive we should advocate that all the videos have CC on videos, NOT YouTube due to the high error factor
Measurable - Implement AMARA and other tools to ICANN educational videos
Achievable - Adopt guidelines and rollout the changes
Results - Compliance of ICANN websites for mobile and PC
- Compliance of ICANN mobile applications
- Number of video closed captioned ( not YouTube)
Time | 1 / a:c / high effort | | |
Development of ICANN policy on web accessibility | Strength & Opportunity | Specific - Collate standard web accessibility policies
- Draft appropriate policy document
Measurable - Benchmark suitable policies
- Determine the practicality of the policies
Achievable - Rapidly create a suitable policy
- Implement timelines for implementation
- Assess results
Results - Creation and implementation of appropriate policies per department. ie. website, travel, conferences, hiring etc
Time | 1 / a:a / low effort | | |
Encouragement of ccTLDs to develop a best practice guide on web accessibility | | Specific - Presentations to ccTLD membership
- Request ccTLD assign a point person for this issue
Measurable - Solicit data from point person from ccTLD on the distribution to it's membership the toolkit
Achievable - Scope of project, build the dream and assess the results
Results - Number of guides distributed
- Number of attendees to information webinars
Time - Two years for implementation stage and then ongoing
| 3 / a:c / medium effort | | |
Encouragement of registries to use the best practice guide in relation to registrars - in particular to alert registrants to use WCAG v2.0 when developing websites | | Specific - Raise the awareness to the registries of the importance of compliance
- Solicit registrar champions for this issue and promote the issue within the community
- Provide tools to the registrants to be compliant
Measurable - Solicit survey data on adoption
Achievable - Create a baseline and ongoing measurement in the adoption and dissemination of information
Results - Number of presentations at ICANN meetings
- Number of downloads of toolkits
Time | 3 / b:c / medium effort | | |
Ensuring minimal barriers to participation and engagement with ICANN processes and practices
ICANN to consider adapting/adopting other existing accessibility meeting guidelines | | Specific - Examine the site selection criteria for ICANN meetings for compliance to ADA building guidelines
- Efforts to placement of attendees who have mobility challenges to be closest to the ICANN venue
Measurable Use accessible checklist for grading event Achievable - Set a suitable timeline for adoption of the criteria
Results - Full implementation of checklist
- Grade the meeting for compliance to checklist
Time | 1 / a:a / low effort |
ICANN meetings will where possible and practical be accessible for people with disability including real-time captioning and other facilities on request such as sign language interpreters and Braille materials | | Specific - Set goal and timeline for start of implementing inclusive measures
Measurable - Poll participant use of new resources
- Roll out captioning for Online meetings
Achievable - Set budget and timelines for implementation
Results - Provide materials that are truly accessible ie. size of font, colours etc
- Captioning of Adobe Connect meetings
- Complimentary signing at all Opening and Closing ceremonies
Time - 2015 for captioning Adobe Connect meetings
- 2016 signing
| 1 / a:b / medium effort |
Communication tools such as web conferencing be as accessible as possible and practical | | Specific - Deliberate actions using appropriate web accessible tools, some web conference tools are not compliant
- Assess web conference tools ie. Adobe Connect for accessibility compliance
- Use of Captioning during meeting
Achievable Results - Post meeting polling on Adobe on use o captioning
- Number of meetings using captioning
Time Immediate
| 1 / a:c / medium effort |
All ICANN information material is produced with good colour contrast and with sans serif fonts in an adequate size. | | Specific - Adoption of print/web quality standard
Measurable - Use suitable tools to assess all materials for compliance to standard
Achievable - Provide standard to communication and reminder for compliance
Results Time | 2 / b:c / medium effort |
Priority 1 - Highest, 2 - Secondary, 3 - Tertiary; N/A = Not (reasonably) Achievable
Level Of Effort marked using a Star Rating * (1) Low Effort, ** (2) Moderate/Medium, or *** (3) Higher / but still Reasonable Effort Required, N/A = Not (reasonably) Achievable
Time Frame for Start/Completion of Project** a. less than 6 months; b. 6-18; c. 18 months or longer
ALSO need to add Mind mapping and other 'visualisations' and ICANN based reference, papers policies etc., link to other frames.