AC Chat: 2015-08-24 Cross Community Committee on Accessibility Call
Terri Agnew:Welcome to the ICANN Accessibility Taskforce call on Monday, 24th August 2015 at 21:00 UTC
Terri Agnew:meeting page:
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
Jorge Carcavallo:Hi from buenos aires
Gunela Astbrink:Thank you!
Terri Agnew:Thank you everone for allowing us to adjust start time for this call.
Joe Catapano:Hi everyone; glad to be here.
CLO:Good to have you
Terri Agnew:Welcome Laura Bengford
Laura Bengford:Hello, I joined late, sorry
judith hellerstein:Hi Jorge!!
judith hellerstein:Also we had our first call of the members of the small committee working on the captioning pilot. We have now written criteria for choosing the program
Jorge Carcavallo:Hi Judith
judith hellerstein:The info from the call and the Wiki is located here,
judith hellerstein:I also worked on the survey with Glenn and we rewrote the survey
judith hellerstein:Will we be given access to edit this page and add content to it?
judith hellerstein:that is the new wiki page being set up
Laura Bengford:Thanks Cheryl, a lot of progress and a lot to still do!
Terri Agnew:At Large Captioning Pilot Project main wiki page:
Silvia Vivanco:Can you hear me
Silvia Vivanco:sorry
Silvia Vivanco:I was speaking
Silvia Vivanco:I wanted to mention that one of the AIs was to take this WG to a wider audience
judith hellerstein:@terri actually the wiki that Silvia created is located here,
CLO:We have moved ONTO the post BA stuff like the captiopning programme pilot she just reported on
Silvia Vivanco:We created a wiki page already
Silvia Vivanco:I am sorry my AC mic is muted
Silvia Vivanco:i.New Wiki Space for ICANN Wide Community has been et up and now need design and population with data
Laura Bengford:I'll be updating our DIgital Services WIKI with updates for the Web Accessibility project if you want to add a link on your WIKI page to it for status updates,
Gunela Astbrink:Excellent!
judith hellerstein:1) do we have editing capabilities on this new page so we can add new items to it
judith hellerstein:2) Do we need to have a charter and new agreements written
judith hellerstein:to open this up to a wider group
Silvia Vivanco:In the meantime, staff shall maintain both wikis. the At Large and the cross community wiki
Silvia Vivanco:I am speaking
judith hellerstein:We can not hear you
Silvia Vivanco:I have turned on all mic capabilities
judith hellerstein:Maybe we should have a dial out to you so we can hear you
Silvia Vivanco:Hello
Silvia Vivanco:I am speaking
Silvia Vivanco:I will request a dial out
judith hellerstein:no we cannot hear you
Silvia Vivanco:the thing is my AC sound is better than my phone line f
judith hellerstein:you can mute the phone and listen to the sound from ac
judith hellerstein:then talk on the phone and mute the ac
Silvia Vivanco:will do that
judith hellerstein:you can mute the speakers as well
judith hellerstein:But we still need a charter
judith hellerstein:That is what we had to do with the CCWG Internet Governance group
judith hellerstein:@olivier can you speak about this
Silvia Vivanco:i am on my i - phone now
Silvia Vivanco::) sound is good now
Silvia Vivanco:3 networks were tried
Gunela Astbrink:ACCC!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I am not kidding.. We need careful nomenclature
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:understood. Thanks!
judith hellerstein:I agree with you. We ran into problems with this with the CCWG Internet Governance
Laura Bengford:Yes indeed. Nomenclature is important.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:We scraped through the CCWG Internet Governance, so much so that I recommended the Group about Human Rights be a Cross Community Work Party CCWP. So now a CCC sounds good.
Laura Bengford:So a committee and working party do not need a charter?
CLO:Aspirations, Goals, Aims Purpose are all fine but we *avoid* "Chrter" t all costs Judith
Alan Greenberg:The structure becomes the surogate purpose. Protect us from it!
CLO:Exactly Alan
Alan Greenberg:An initiative of...
Gunela Astbrink:Thanks - understood
Laura Bengford:It could easily be a link under the Initiatives sections.
CLO:Perfect Laura ( I had hoped that might be the outcome)
judith hellerstein:@silvia you had the same problem that Carlton had with skype. when you use skype to join the call you can hear but can not speak. He had similar issues
CLO:yes still an imperfect system
judith hellerstein:this was the problem we had today with the technology task force
Silvia Vivanco:cc
Silvia Vivanco:Cross community WG on accessibility shall be
Gunela Astbrink:I was thinking of Accessibility CCC (ACCC)
judith hellerstein:Yes +1 to Gunela
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:CCC has a history with ICANN - when the Chaos Computer Club of Germany elected their Chair to the Board of ICANN in the open elections At-Large that was a component part at the birth of ICANN
judith hellerstein:how about a ACCC
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I bet old-timers will appreciate the use of CCC as an acronym
Silvia Vivanco:So far the wiki is NOT public yet
Silvia Vivanco:until the group decides to do so
Silvia Vivanco:Please all send your ideas to teh list so we can create a good landing page
Silvia Vivanco:@ CLO we need to set a deadline
Silvia Vivanco:11 of Sept noted
Silvia Vivanco:same time as now will be included
Silvia Vivanco:and other times as well
Laura Bengford:Thank you Everyone!
Gunela Astbrink:Thanks everyone. Bye