2014-12-15 At-Large Ad-Hoc Accessibility Working Group Call
2014-12-15 At-Large Ad-Hoc Accessibility Working Group Call
Date: Monday, 15 December 2014
Time: 19:00 - 20:00 local time (for the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL./1114/01
How do I participate in this meeting?
English Conference ID = 1638
Recording: EN
Transcript: EN
Action Items: EN
AC Chat Transcript : EN
Adobe Connect Meeting Room: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/accessibilitywg/
Participants: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Siranush Vardanyan, Christina Guirguis, Sylvia Herlein-Leite, Greg Shatan, Judith Hellerstein, Remmy Nweke
Apologies: Joly McFie, Glenn McKnight, Gunela Astbrink, Alan Greenberg, Maureen Hilyard
Staff: Silvia Vivanco, Laura Bengford, Christopher Mondini, Gisella Gruber, Joe Catapano
Call Management: Gisella Gruber
Moderator: Cheryl Langdon-Orr
0. All WG Members to review the last meeting transcripts and any notes:-
- Recordings and Transcriptions in all languages are available at: EN
Transcript: EN
AC Chat Transcript : EN
- Welcome, Attendance, Apologies. (staff 2-3 mins)
- Review of Action Items from last meeting on Monday, 24 November 2014 at 1800 UTC. (5-10 mins)
- WG to continue the SWOT and SMART analyses - Ongoing
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr to contact mailto:hgirma@dralegal.org and to follow up and ask her if she would like to participate in the Advisory group (pending response)
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr to reach out to the TTF to make sure that the captioning protocol if there is a problem to make this fully implemented in the AC connect and in all platforms including mobile.
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr to follow up with Laura Bengford on the progress made by ICANN with regards to captioning. Laura suggested to investigate the caption first pod for real time with Adobe Connect
- Staff to put a call out to the list for a small Work- Team as suggested by Gunela Astbrink (? who will be part of the Work Team) to be formed to work with staff to identify current ICANN accessibility activities across the organisation.
- Staff requested to stocktake any accessibility activities in all admin and management areas of ICANN.
- Staff to put a call out to the list for a 2nd small Work- Team to be formed to hold the pen on Outcome from Prioritization discussion and look at the Workshop materials and develop a document with advice on what ICANN can do with regards to Accessibility.
- These Document shall be available to the Task force to review at Jan or Feb F2F ? meeting.
- Gisella Gruber to send doodles for the next meetings on Dec 15 and January 5th, 26 Jan.
- Staff (who ?) to follow up with IT / Adobe as Supplier of Services to ICANN about any effects to Accessibility since recent update of Adobe Connect.
- AND if a representative from Adobe might be able to join the meeting with the TTF re Captioning.
- Review of any Matters Arising from AI's from the last meeting including work done in (and since) LA Prioritize from the Primary Objectives for the Task Force – Including an Identification of the Key Short, Medium and Long Term opportunities, SWOT and SMART scoring from our original set as follows: This is a continuation and expansion of the work started at our previous teleconference meeting. See ICANN51 Los Angeles Work (25-35 mins)
- Building a culture of accessibility. (see table)
- Ensuring minimal barriers to participation and engagement with ICANN processes and practices. (see table)
- Key:
- Priority: 1 - Highest, 2 - Secondary, 3 - Tertiary; N/A = Not (reasonably) Achievable
- Level Of Effort: marked using a Star Rating * (1) Low Effort, ** (2) Moderate/Medium, or *** (3) Higher / but still Reasonable Effort Required, N/A = Not (reasonably) Achievable
- Time Frame: for Start/Completion of Project** a. less than 6 months; b. 6-18; c. 18 months or longer
- Discussion (10 - 15 mins) Role of TF how it should act jointly and severally
- possible use of Sub or Specialty (Advisory/Focus) Work Teamt (W-T's) (2 have been called for at the last meeting are there any other matters requiring a Work Team to be proposed at this call?)
- call for existing and new members to be engaged.
- New wiki page for the focus, reporting or showcasing of Best Practices in Accessibility for ICANN. has this been set up if so insert link
- Update on any activities, outreach and engagement, recent and opportunities, (5-10 mins)
- Next meeting (s) (5-10 mins): Schedule:
- Week 5 January (at 19-2200 UTC ??)
- Monday 26 January 2015 (at 19-2200 UTC ??)
- Week 9 Feb = F2F ICANN 52 (TBC and planned - discuss options dates, times and duration)