Rec 1: RSSAC058 - CLOSED

Rec 1: RSSAC058 - CLOSED

Success Criteria for the RSS Governance Structure (R1)

Date IssuedDocumentReference IDCurrent Phase

Success Criteria for the RSS Governance Structure (R1)RSSAC058



The Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) has adopted various statements concerning the future of Root Server System (RSS) governance with the hope that it will lead to a new RSS Governance Structure (RSS GS). These include:

  • RSSAC037: A Proposed Governance Model for the DNS Root Server System (12 June 2018);
  • RSSAC042: RSSAC Statement on Root Server Operator Independence (13 May 2019);
  • RSSAC049: RSSAC Statement on Joining the Empowered Community (14 April 2020); and
  • RSSAC055: Principles Guiding the Operation of the Public Root Server System (7 July 2021)

This document provides additional details that build upon these and other statements by RSSAC and constitutes a more definite statement of RSSAC advice.


DatePhaseTypeStatus Updates


ClosedPhase ChangeThis Advice Item is now Closed


Phase 2Board Understanding

The ICANN organization understands RSSAC058 is the Success Criteria for the RSS Governance Structure. The Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) has adopted various statements concerning the future of Root Server System (RSS) governance with the hope that it will lead to a new RSS Governance Structure (RSS GS). These include:

  • RSSAC037: A Proposed Governance Model for the DNS Root Server System (12 June 2018)
  • RSSAC042: RSSAC Statement on Root Server Operator Independence (13 May 2019)
  • RSSAC049: RSSAC Statement on Joining the Empowered Community (14 April 2020)
  • RSSAC055: Principles Guiding the Operation of the Public Root Server System (7 July 2021)

This document provides additional details that build upon these and other statements by RSSAC and constitutes a more definite statement of RSSAC advice.

There are no actionable items for the ICANN Board.


Phase 2Phase UpdateUnderstanding sent to RSSAC for review.


Phase 2Phase ChangeNow in Phase 2: Understand


Phase 1Phase UpdateICANN acknowledged receipt of Advice.


Phase 1Phase UpdateRSSAC published RSSAC058: Success Criteria for the RSS Governance Structure Link: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/rssac-058-17nov21-en.pdf.