Rec 4: SAC074 - CLOSED
Rec 4: SAC074 - CLOSED
SSAC Advisory on Registrant Protection: Best Practices for Preserving Security and Stability in the Credential Management Lifecycle (R-4)
Date Issued | Document | Reference ID | Current Phase |
| SSAC Advisory on Registrant Protection: Best Practices for Preserving Security and Stability in the Credential Management Lifecycle (R-4) | SAC074 | CLOSED |
The ICANN Board should direct ICANN staff to facilitate global hands-on training programs for registrars and registries based on the best practices outlined in this document, with the goal to enable parties to learn practical operational practices for preserving security and stability of the credential management lifecycle. SSAC welcomes the opportunity to advise training staff in the creation of a curriculum.
Date | Phase | Type | Status Updates |
| Close | Phase Change | This Advice Item is now Closed |
| Phase 4 | Phase Update | A letter (https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/correspondence/costerton-to-mohan-25nov24-en.pdf) was sent to Ram Mohan as part of ICANN's ongoing efforts to streamline and enhance the advice consideration process. |
| Phase 4 | Phase Update |
| Phase 4 | AP Feedback | Thank you for the update. We look forward to the final implementation which should address this recommendation. |
| Phase 4 | Phase Update | ICANN org has completed its review of existing materials to understand where there are gaps in training programs for registrars and registries related to the credential management cycle. ICANN org is now in the process of updating existing courses TE10 - DNS Ecosystem Security, and TE12 - Network Operations Security, to meet the requirements of SAC074 recommendation 4. Further, ICANN org is developing materials for a new course, TE15 - Credential Management Lifecycle. This work is expected to be complete by the end of the calendar year 2022. ICANN org will provide a formal update to the Board to complete the implementation of this recommendation, per the ARR process. |
| Phase 4 | Phase Update | ICANN org has completed its review of existing materials to understand where there are gaps in training programs for registrars and registries related to the credential management cycle. ICANN org is now in the process of updating existing courses TE10 - DNS Ecosystem Security, and TE12 - Network Operations Security, to meet the requirements of SAC074 recommendation 4. Further, ICANN org is developing materials for a new course, TE15 - Credential Management Lifecycle. This work is expected to be complete by the end of the calendar year 2022. ICANN org will provide a formal update to the Board to complete the implementation of this recommendation, per the ARR process. |
| Phase 4 | AP Feedback | Are there any new implementation updates for SAC074 Rec 4? |
| Phase 4 | Phase Change | SAC074 Recommendation 4 is Open in Phase 4: Implement |
| Phase 5 | AP Feedback | SSAC responded to update with "Upon review, the SSAC does not believe this item is complete. The SSAC would like more information related to who is getting engaged from the community. Specifically, the SSAC would like to know who has been utilized to add to the tutorial and hands-on best practice material and whether there are more practical examples than the one from the Brazilian NIC. |
| Phase 5 | AP Feedback | SSAC acknowledged the June 2019 notification that this item is considered complete following the 2019 Q2 Implementation Update. |
| Phase 5 | Phase Update | At GDD Industry Summit 2019 in Bangkok in May 2019 (https://www.icann.org/gddsummit), a session on Credential Management Lifecycle was conducted. A team of community experts presented an educational material that was shared with the SSAC prior to the session for input and guidance. A community wiki space has been established for the community to share good practices in credential management. The sharing of the good practices and community awareness will continue with the participation of the community. |
| Phase 5 | Phase Change | SAC074 Recommendation 4 is Open in Phase 5: Close |
| Phase 4 | Phase Update | A training session for Credential Management Lifecycle has been scheduled for GDD Industry Summit in May 2019 (https://www.icann.org/gddsummit). A community volunteer team with expertise in credential management has drafted an introductory material. The team is soliciting feedback on the draft from the technical community including SSAC. |
| Phase 4 | Phase Update | ICANN org has scheduled a session at the upcoming GDD Summit in Bangkok (https://www.icann.org/gddsummit) to provide the requested training to the contracted parties. The ICANN org team is working with community volunteers with expertise in credential management to create and provide the training for the contracted parties. |
| Phase 4 | Phase Update | Implementation Target June 2019; Training to be provided at GDD Summit in 2019. |
| Phase 3 | Board Update | Resolved (2018.02.04.07), the Board adopts the scorecard titled "Implementation Recommendations for SSAC Advice Document SAC074" [PDF, 49 KB], and directs the President and CEO, or his designee(s), to implement the advice as described in the scorecard. Rec 4 ICANN Organization Implementation Recommendation & proposed implementation plan: Implementation is recommended. The Global Domains Division will provide the requested training. The training would likely occur at a future GDD Summit or ICANN meeting and be recorded for future use. See full resolution at https://www.icann.org/resources/board-material/resolutions-2018-02-04-en#1.f. |
Phase 4 | Phase Update | The ICANN org understands this recommendation ot mean that ICANN staff should facilitate training programs for registrars and registries relating to the credential management cycle. These trainings should focus on the best practices outlined on SAC074. We note the SSAC's offer to provide input to ICANN's development of the training curriculum. On 4 Feb 2018, the ICANN Board took a resolution directing the President and CEO, or his designee(s), to implement the advice as described in the scorecard: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/resolutions-implementation-recs-ssac-advice-scorecard-04feb18-en.pdf. Per the direction from the ICANN Board, the ICANN org will address the advice items as described in the adopted implementation recommendations and continue to provide updates to the SSAC and community on these advice items. | |
| Phase 4 | Phase Change | SAC074 Recommendation 4 is Open in Phase 4: Implement |
| Phase 3 | Phase Update | ICANN received SSAC's approval of understanding and is in the process of evaluating the advice. Our understanding of this advice is that ICANN staff should facilitate training programs for registrars and registries relating to the credential management cycle. These trainings should focus on the best practices outlined on SAC074. We note the SSAC's offer to provide input to ICANN's development of the training curriculum. |
| Phase 3 | Phase Update | ICANN received SSAC's approval of understanding and is in the process of evaluating the advice. |
| Phase 3 | Phase Change | SAC074 Recommendation 4 is Open in Phase 3: Evaluate & Consider |
| Phase 2 | AP Feedback | SSAC confirmed the understanding. |
| Phase 2 | Board Understanding | Our understanding of this advice is that ICANN staff should facilitate training programs for registrars and registries relating to the credential management cycle. These trainings should focus on the best practices outlined on SAC074. We note the SSAC's offer to provide input to ICANN's development of the training curriculum. |
| Phase 1 | Phase Update | SSAC published SAC074: SSAC Advisory on Registrant Protection: Best Practices for Preserving Security and Stability in the Credential Management Lifecycle: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/sac-074-en.pdf. |