Rec 6: SAC047 - CLOSED
SSAC Comment on the ICANN gTLD Registry Transition Processes Model (R6)
Date Issued | Document | Reference ID | Current Phase |
| SSAC Comment on the ICANN gTLD Registry Transition Processes Model (R6) | SAC047 | CLOSED |
With respect to registration fees, the SSAC also notes that certain registrant information is not associated with or collected for the purpose of the public directory service, but is instead part of the administrative data that might be split between the registry and the registrar. If the registry is replaced, one of two conditions might exist:
- The current registry operator has information on the payment cycle. In this case, the current registry operator must provide the billing and payment cycle to the successor registry along with each registrant registration information.
- The registrar has payment information. In this case, the current registry operator must provide the sponsoring registrar information for each domain that is registered to the successor registry.
Date | Phase | Type | Status Updates |
| Closed | Board Update | This item has been processed as much as is relevant and is considered complete; no work is outstanding from the perspective of Board Advice (note that related implementation work may have been integrated into ICANN’s ongoing operations or other initiatives). Status provided in 19 October 2016 letter from ICANN Board Chair to SSAC Chair: The payment cycle information is reflected by the expiration date of the domain name, which is included as part of the data escrow that the successor registry receives. Each gTLD Registry is required to escrow their registration data with an ICANN approved data escrow agent on a daily basis and this activity is monitored by ICANN contractual compliance and Technical Services. Additionally in the event of a transition, the DNS Zone files continue to be escrowed daily. Registry Data Escrow requirements are noted here: Applicant Guidebook, Attachment to Module 2: Evaluation Questions and Criteria (, New gTLD Base Registry Agreement, Spec 2: Data Escrow Requirements ( More information regarding New gTLD Registry Data Escrow Requirements and Process can be found here: |
| Phase 1 | Phase Update | SSAC published SAC047: SSAC Comment on the ICANN gTLD Registry Transition Processes Model: |