2024-05-20 APRALO CIP-CCG Small Team Call

2024-05-20 APRALO CIP-CCG Small Team Call

Date: Monday, 20 May 2024

Time: 06:00 - 07:00 UTC (for the time in various time zones click here)

Zoom Room: https://icann.zoom.us/j/98272095271?pwd=Q3U0VFZUUzRZOXMvUUg0RWhzaHFhZz09  Password: APCIP-CCG1

*** This call will be held Zoom only, without ADIGO***

Action Items: EN

Zoom Recording: EN

Chat: EN


EN: Amrita Choudhury, Justine Chew, Pranav B Tiwari, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Phyo Thiri Lwin, Ali Almeshal, Shita Laksmi, Adarsh Bu, Jasmine Ko

Apologies: Faheem Soomro, Priyatosh Jana, Barkha Manral, Ashirwad Tripathy

Staff: Gisella Gruber & Gülten Tepe Öksüzoğlu

Call Management: Gülten Tepe Öksüzoğlu (COM)


  1. Agenda & Staff Intro- Staff 
  2. Update from CIP-CCG 15 May call - Amrita Choudhury 
    1. Proposed minor adjustment to Principle 4
    2. CIP-CCG Roadmap (2024) and impact to Small Team TOR & Work Plan
  3. Continued discussion on APRALO Small Team Working Document
    1. Review proposed Principle 1 Criteria
    2. Develop SMART Indicators for each Criteria
  4. Homework & Next Call

Reference Documents: