Action Items: 2017-10-05 APRALO History Project Call
(CLO) Project's Aim_ Opportunity to create a digital archive
Target Audience - 2 fold: Existing and future interested parties in the ICANN world and a wider audience future historians, so we need appropriate materials
10 Anniversary could provide a narrative
Satish: Need to differentiate documentation archive project and a longer term project
Differentiate between information captured and longer term data capture process
Neutral, generic and open format - preference not proprietary technology
CLO: Creation of some of the materials can be used to create an Ebook, time critical project, some can be implemented before ICANN 60, while at the f2f meeting and afterwards.
Denisse Michel who will be in Abu Dhabi - video opportunity
Mathias Langenegger
APNIC meeting where MOU was signed
- Cheryl Langdon-Orr to reach out to Denise Michele, Nick Ashton-Hart and Matthias Langenegger re history of birth of APRALO.
Satish proposed to start with an Ebook for 10 Anniversary
Heidi, past chairs could be interviewed
Ebook to be ready for Abu Dhabi
- @Pavan to reach out to Charles Mok for a video interview.
Research team:
- Ariel Liang, Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) and Former user (Deleted) to work on video Interviews
- satish.babu and APRALO leaders to identify the people to be interviewed at the ICANN 60 meeting
- a) Ebook and one video for ICANN 60 to be presented at the GA.
- b) Skype video interviews before ICANN 60
- c) Themes for the video, free conversations but some guiding questions formulated by the Committee
- d) Ariel Liang to send some questions for interviewees
- e) Ariel Liang to create a dropbox where all can put contents
- f) Rohan Perera can help with Ebook
- g) Yesim Saglam to send a doodle for a call to be held next week or in 10 days.