APRALO Secretariat Reports 2016/2017

APRALO Secretariat Reports 2016/2017

June 2017 Report

  1. The At-Large Review moved into the implementation phase, and ALAC and RALOs were requested to contribute to the process of evolving a set of recommendations towards this.
  2. ICANN59 meeting took place in Jo'burg. A meeting of available LT members took place in order to kick-start the GA planning process
  3. The first batch of the APRALO Mentoring Program came to an end in June 2017. It was decided to ascertain feedback through different mechanisms so as to assess the effectiveness of the program.
  4. The Subcommittees for the GA were finalized. The Advisory Committee for the GA was finalized and members contacted.

May 2017 Report

  1. The APRALO selection process for two positions, ALAC Member from APRALO and APRALO Vice Chair, concluded by Maureen Hilyard and Lianna Galstyan respectively selected by acclamation.
  2. The four nominations for the position of NomCom representative were forwarded to ALAC for further action.
  3. Two new members joined APRALO during the previous month: Internet Development Initiative (IDI), ALS from Georgia; and Faheem Soomro, Individual Member from Pakistan
  4. Preliminary results from the APRALO Survey was shared with the community, and it was decided to follow-up with member ALSes who haven't responded yet.

April 2017 Report

  1. APRALO Leadership Selection Process: The Selection Process of APRALO Leaders continued through the month, with multiple nominations coming in for one position (NomCom Representative) and one nomination each for the two other positions.

  2. Don Hollander, Secretary General of the UASG, conducted a session on UAI for the APRALO community during the monthly call in April.
  3. The application form for individual members in APRALO was finalized after several iterations.
  4. The mentoring program of APRALO continued through April.
  5. Preparations for APRALO GA continued through the creation of SubCommittees for Programme, Organizing, Finance and Outreach.
  6. The Membership Survey remained open through the month.

March 2017 Report

  1. ICANN58: The 58th ICANN meeting was held at Copenhagen, Denmark. APRALO held its monthly meeting for March as a face-to-face meeting at Copenhagen.
  2. At-Large Review: The At-Large Review process was at the stage of public comments, which closed by the end of the month. APRALO took an active role in creating the RALO response to the draft document. The RALO report as well as the ALAC report were submitted towards the end of the month. It was notable that the RALO report incorporated numerous contributions from the community.
  3. APRALO ALS/Member Survey: The proposed survey of ALSes and Individual Members was created during March, and will be circulated in early April for comments.
  4. APRALO Selections: Preliminary work on the APRALO elections was started in March. The positions that are open are:
    1. ALAC Member from APRALO
    2. APRALO Vice Chair
    3. NomCom member from the region
    4. NomCom appointee from the region
    5. APRALO Secretary (discretionary)
  5. APRALO Individual Membership Admission: A form was created and circulated within the LT and Staff for managing the process of admitting individual members
  6. The APRALO Mentorship programme continued to be active. A process was carried out to identify the second traveler to ICANN59 at Johannesburg in the absence of Ali who is unable to travel in June.

Feb 2017 Report

  1. At-Large Review: The At-Large Review has now been opened to the larger ICANN community. APRALO will be responding to the public comments with its own positions.
  2. Board Member Selection Process: APRALO decided not to support any petition candidates after a community consensus call. APRALO also took steps to inform the community about the opportunity to raise questions to the two Board Candidates through the public session and Wiki.
  3. Mentoring Program: APRALO's mentoring programme is proceeding on schedule, and two mentees are slotted to share their feedback during the February Monthly Call.
  4. Member Database:  APRALO is in the process of updating the contact information of its ALSes with help from At-Large Staff. The matter is being discussed in the February Call.
  5. FY18 Budget: The budgeting process for FY18 is nearly complete, with APRALO submitting 4 proposals. APRALO GA during ICANN60 has been submitted as an ALAC Proposal.

Jan 2017 Report

  1. At-Large Review: The draft report of the At-Large Report was released within the Review Party, and the APRALO LT contributed to early comments on it. The report will be released for public comments by the end of the month.
  2. Board Member Selection Process: The Chairs of the two committees that are managing the At-Large Board Member election, spoke at the APRALO Meeting to the community about the processes followed.
  3. Priority Areas for 2017: APRALO has identified several areas as priority for 2017, including Capacity Building, Enhancing the Policy Contributions by the Community, and Working with Partner Organizations in the Region.
  4. General Assembly: APRALO is planning its General Assembly in October 2017. Initial preparations for this event started during the month. In addition to the GA, APRALO is also planning outreach activities and a showcase during the Abu Dhabi meeting.
  5. Mentoring Program: The mentees of the programme were given a 3-minute slot by rotation to speak on the monthly call, from Jan 2017 onwards.
  6. Budget for FY18: APRALO started its work on FY18 budgets and strategies. An open call for community proposals has been made in Jan 2017.
  7. APRICOT 2017 and IGF 2016: The APRALO LT will be represented at APRICOT 2017 at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, in February.  APRALO LT members presented two workshops at IGF 2016 at Guadalajara, Mexico, and will also be covering their experience in the forthcoming APAC Hub Webinar.
  8. New Members: APRALO welcomed three new ALSes and one individual member who were admitted in the previous month. These are:

July 2016 Report

  1. APRALO Strategy for FY17 - APRALO LT members worked on the preparation of FY17 strategy and successes and challenges occurred during the implementation of FY16 while getting together during ICANN meeting in Helsinki. Please, see attached the highlights, presented to APRALO ALSs during July monthly call (on July 21st, 2016). 

    The full strategic plan for FY2017 is available here: 

2. APRALO Mentorship Program - APRALO Leaders are proposing to offer its ALS members a Leadership Mentoring Programme that will help to develop the leadership potential of our ALS members and to encourage them to take an active lead role in their participation in, and continuing contribution to, the work of At-Large within ICANN. The programme is proposed to run over 9 months, with introductory phases of the selection of mentor volunteers and mentees (already identified); a survey to profile participants in order to seek the best matches for partner participants; followed by at least 6 months of directed communication, guidance and support by the mentor for the mentee and a set of expected outcomes by the mentee and on-going assessment and feedback taking place between the partners. Important to this process on everybody involved, will be to ensure that mentors and mentees realize the potential intensity of this involvement in between ICANN meetings. There will be different levels of entry and experience, so that there must be careful matching of mentors and mentees. Vitally important will also be the appointment of a Super-Mentor for the mentors on this programme. There will be a schedule of feedback by 2-3 participants at each APRALO meeting; the programme will conclude with a short evaluation report expected from both sets of participants, and some oral feedback at ICANN Copenhagen in March 2017. This programme has the potential to showcase succession planning for cross-RALO leadership. The wiki space has been created for further input (here is direct link: APRALO Mentorship Program). Ali Almeshal, APRALO Vice Chair is assigned to lead the process.


3. ALAC Policy update - During July monthly call ALAC member from APRALO Maureen Hilyard provide policy update with ALSs and highlighted the important policies which may be of interest for our ALSs: 

4. Preparations for ICANN 57 Meeting in Hyderabad - APRALO started the preparatory works for the next ICANN meeting to take place in Hyderabad (Asia Pacific region). The wiki space has been created for further input: APRALO Activities at ICANN 57 - Hyderabad Meeting - November 2016


June 2016 Report

APRALO Successes during FY16 - mid term report

During FY16, several highlights of APRALO’s annual programme included CROPP and other funded activities which not only enhanced our aims to build capacity among existing ALSes but also created opportunities to build connections with potential member groups as well as to maintain the relationships we have established with regional organizations that assist us to carry out our responsibilities. We have greatly appreciated the support of our partners - APNIC, APTLD and DotAsia. APRALO also continues to maintain a cooperative relationship with the APAC Hub with whom we have produced series of webinars to both inform and up skill our At-Large community. We trialed live captioning to encourage English as a second language participants to read along with the presenters, and created eBooks in an attempt to increase participant understanding of the subject content and context. Because eBooks required voluntary time and effort, their production has been slow but they are necessary to enable the At-Large community to be able to access webinar information in their own time and space. We are ever mindful that APRALO come from diverse backgrounds of languages, cultures, knowledge and experience, as well as time zones which may preclude attendance of webinars in real time. 


Five members of the APRALO Leadership Team attended the APTLD/ APRICOT/ APSTAR meetings which were held in Auckland in February 2016. Three members attended the first National IGF in Armenia. Two leaders attended the Global IGF in person (one participated remotely in two sessions organized by APRALO members). As communication within the region is important, APRALO continues to encourage ALSes to notify the regional community of events in their areas, on the APRALO outreach calendar. Regional leadership updates and eBooks have been added to our APRALO.wordpress.com website, and during the year, ICANN has involved the leadership team in the development of the APRALO page on the new At-Large Beta Website. APRALO also holds a regular monthly meeting. We would like to encourage more members to attend these online meetings, although we are aware of connectivity and time zone constraints. It is through these various media that we disseminate information to regional members about policy issues and policy development processes as well as about working groups, regional ALS activities and public consultation activities.


The highlight of the APRALO year was the successful application of a very unique organization, the Internet Society of China, to become the region’s 44th ALS. A visit to China by three members of the leadership team was sponsored by the ISC to attend and participate in their Global Internet Development Trends and Technological Innovation Forum, as well as to learn more about the organizational operations of the ISC. It was a very successful visit where information about ICANN and the engagement of young end-users in policy discussions, is being facilitated by the staff of the ICANN office in Beijing via China’s very popular social media app - WeChat.


APRALO proposes to continue to encourage and support the information needs of our current ALSes by whatever way possible to increase their engagement and participation. At the same time, the Leadership Team will continue to network and build relationships in order to increase the number of ALSes in our region towards our goal of at least one ALS per country. 

Attached, please see:

  1. APRALO Speech at China Internet Conference Closing Ceremony: 
  2. APRALO PPt for China Internet Conference: 
  3. APRALO Report on Participation at China Internet Conference: 

May 2016 Report

  1. 2016 APRALO Regional Selection - During May the announcement went to all APRALO ALSs related to the leadership positions opened. The deadline for accepting nominations was up until 9 May. As part of nomination procedure each current leaders were asked individually if they are willing to continue and taking into consideration that they all are eligible for re-election, all of them have indicated that they are willing to stand again and are making themselves available for their current positions. Meanwhile, other nominations were welcomed.  Before the deadline, there was no other candidates who put their names forward for the elections, meanwhile all current incumbents provided their statement of interests and were selected by APRALO members by acclamation. See the selection process details and statements posted here: 2016 APRALO Regional Selections

  2. APRALO Mentorship program - In May APRALO LT announced about the mentorship program, which is planned to start from 2016 AGM (ICANN 57). The model for the mentorship program is that the existing leadership team to mentor and train interested individuals from the region for future leadership roles in ICANN. This is important and extremely valuable as the ICANN context and issues are complex and require time to understand, navigate and intervene successfully. APRALO LT will start working on preparing the strategy for this program in June. The wiki space had been created for all members to provide input: APRALO Mentorship Program. APRALO LT will work with the individuals who expressed their interest to be a part of this program.


  3. E-book on APRALO-APAC Hub Webinars - Within the framework of APAC Hub and APRALO collaboration the next (seventh) webinar was organized in May on DNS Security and DNS Abuse. The records are available here: 2016-05-17 APRALO-APAC Hub Webinar on the topic: (Intermediate)DNS Security and DNS Abuse Webinar. APRALO ALAC Member Maureen Hilyard prepared eBook based on the webinar transcripts and captioning, which is available here: 

  4.  ICANN 57 - ICANN 57 location had been changed and the new location will be Hyderabad (India) in November. As it is Asia Pacific region, APRALO members will start working together to plan relevant activities. As an initial step it was agreed that ALSs based in India to get together with the joint proposal to the Government of India, based on the results of the event, called "Engaging with ICANN".  APRALO Vice Chair Satish Babu will lead the process.


April 2016 Report

  1. APAC Space Web Conference - On April 21st APAC HUB organized a web conference on APAC Participation in GNSO (Generic Names Supporting Organization). At the recent APAC Space session in Marrakech (ICANN55) it was agreed that an additional session should be organized in between ICANN meetings to sustain community interaction and communication. This was the first web conference. All the documents, records and presentations are available here: APAC Space


  2. APRALO-APAC Hub Webinar - On May 17th the next webinar withing the framework of APRALO and APAC HUB partnership will be organized and the topic will be "Advanced DNS Security and DNS Abuse". The agenda will be updated close to the meeting. The link for the webinar information is available here: 2016-05-17 APRALO-APAC Hub Webinar on the topic: (Intermediate)DNS Security and DNS Abuse Webinar. Join us for this webinar.

  3. 2016 APRALO Regional Selection - APRALO will soon start the selection/election of the new Leadership team. Visit the space to find out what positions are available and what is the time frame for the upcoming selection in APRALO region, available here: 2016 APRALO Regional Selections

  4. APRALO Individual Members - APRALO is in the process of reviewing the Rules of Procedures on Individual members. We invite all ALSs to comment on the wiki space here: APRALO Rules of Procedures Review - Individual Membership

  5. FY17 Budget requests - APRALO submitted 5 special requests, which are currently discussed by the Board and the Board decision will be available in the mid of May. All requests are available here: At-Large FY17 Budget Development Workspace

March 2016 Report

  1. APRALO monthly meeting on March 6, 2016 in Marrakesh - APRALO hold it's March monthly meeting in concord with ICANN 55, in Marrakesh. APRALO members had the opportunity to meet the new Vice President and Managing Director, ICANN Asia Pacific Jia Rong Low (here is his bio: https://www.icann.org/profiles/jia-rong-low) and to receive an update related to APRALO-APAC Hub cooperation and future activities. APRALO members also provided updates related to the activities, conducted in the region, related to APRICOT participation (the full report is posted in February 2016 report space), as well as APRALO members discussed the metrics of ALSs' participation and the importance of their involvement in different activities on national, regional and global level.

  2. APAC HUB - APRALO joint webinar - On March 22 APAC Hub conducted the next webinar - Getting ready for the “New” Internet Name Space - Universal acceptance and its challenges. The webinar provided a good background on Universal Acceptance, its importance, an introduction to UASG as well as its work and key challenges. All the presentations and records of the webinar are available here: Getting ready for the “New” Internet Name Space - Universal acceptance and its challenges Webinar 2016-03-22. This was the first webinar with live Captioning, conducted within the framework of At-Large Captioning Pilot Project. This piloting will help to increase participation, especially for those who are persons with disabilities or with limited bandwidth participating, for people who are non-native English speakers.


February 2016 Report

  1. FY17 Budget requests from APRALO - 5 special requests had been prepared, reviewed by APRALO LT and submitted to At-Large staff. During the reporting period APRALO LT worked with staff and Finance team to provide additional input for the submitted proposals

  2. APRICOT 2016 - From February 18 - 26, 2016 APRALO representatives participated in APRICOT 2016 within the framework of CROPP Program. The highlights of participation can be viewed in the report:

January 2016 Report

  1. FY17 Budget requests from APRALO - During the reporting period APRALO team worked with ALSs to identify the potential interest for submitting special requests during FY17. As a result, 5 special requests had been prepared, reviewed by APRALO LT and submitted to At-Large staff. The requests are:

    1. Request from ISOC Palestine


    2. Request from ISOC TRV jointly with ISOC Delhi 


    3. Request from ISOC Dhaka (Bangladesh)


    4. Request from APRALO LT for IGF 2016


    5. Request from APRALO LT for China


    All requests were posted in  FY17 Budget Development Workspace, where you can find requests from all RALOs and different Sub Committees. You can also review the timeline. All requests will be discussed by Finance Staff and FBSC, later will be provided to the ICANN Board for final decision, which will be made during April 2016 ICANN Board meeting.

  2. APRALO LT participation at APRICOT 2016 - APRALO LT members, including Chair, two Vice Chairs and two ALAC members will participate in APRICOT 2016 in New Zealand. This participation was possible due to CROPP funding and support from regional partner organizations: APNIC, APTLD and DotAsia. Special APRALO presentation is included in APTLD conference on February 18 along with another presentation prepared by ALAC member Maureen Hilyard on Pacific Island ccTLDs and several other meetings with APRALO ALSs. The report will be prepared and posted in relevant space.
  3. Civil Society Group - APRALO member Cheryl Langdon-Orr is selected to represent APRALO as the representative to Civil Society group

  4. APRALO - APAC Hub partnership - A new series of webinar will be organized during 2016 within the framework of APRALO-APAC Hub partnership. The first webinar is planned in March 2016 on Universal Acceptance. To view the space, please, visit: APRALO-APAC HUB Webinars

  5. APAC Newsletter January 2016 - The first APAC Newsletter for 2016 is available with a lot of information related to the activities taking place in the region.