APRALO Rules of Procedure
Table of Contents. 2
Section A: Introduction, Structure and Definitions. 4
1 Introduction. 4
2 Defined Terms. 4
3 Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organisation (APRALO). 7
4 APRALO Objectives. 8
5 APRALO’s Roles. 8
Section B: APRALO and APRALO-Associated Responsibilities. 12
6. APRALO Member Requirements and Responsibilities. 12
7 APRALO Chair Requirements and Responsibilities. 12
8 APRALO Leadership Team (AP-LT) Requirements and Responsibilities. 15
9 APRALO Appointee Requirements and Responsibilities. 16
10 Terms. 18
11 Performance, Metrics and Remediation. 18
Section C: Meetings, Decision-Making and Work Methods. 20
12 Rules of the APRALO.. 20
13 APRALO Meetings. 21
14 Agenda. 22
15 Quorum.. 22
16 Motions. 22
17 Open Meetings, Speaking Rights and Speaking Order. 23
18 Decisions of APRALO.. 23
19 Points of Order. 25
20 Procedural Motions. 25
21 Records of APRALO Meetings. 26
22 Proxies. 26
23 Amendment of the Rules of Procedure. 27
24 APRALO Work Methods. 27
25 Code of Conduct. 28
26 Language Services. 29
27 At-Large Structures and Unaffiliated Individual Membership. 29
Section D: Selections, Elections and Appointments. 32
28. General Provisions. 32
29 Procedures for the Selection of Leaders and the APRALO Leadership Team.. 32
30 Procedures for Voting for Appointments or selections. 33
31. Revocation of APRALO Appointment as Representative of the RALO.. 34
32 Removal of an APRALO Member. 34
33 APRALO Appointments or Leadership Team Member Recall 35
Section E: Annexed Documents. 36
Section A: Introduction, Structure and Definitions
The name of this organization shall be the Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organization. (hereinafter referred to as “APRALO”)
1 Introduction
1.1 APRALO is the Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Geographic Regionally bound 'home' for organisational and unaffiliated individuals who wish to formally engage with ICANN as “At-Large'. It was established according to Section 5 of Article VI of the ICANN by-laws for residents (organisational and individual) of Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Countries. APRALO serves as the main forum and coordination point for public input to the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) and/or ICANN in our Geographic Region and as required in ICANN By-Laws is a non-profit organization certified by ICANN according to criteria and standards that were established by the ICANN Board based on the recommendations of the At-Large Advisory Committee. It was formally created with the founding ALSes’ signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with ICANN on the 28th February 2007.
1.2 The role of the APRALO is to consider and provide advice on the activities of ICANN, insofar as they relate to the interests of individual Internet users in our Region as well as globally.
1.3 APRALO is represented on the ICANN At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) by three members; two (2) of whom are appointed by APRALO and one (1) by the ICANN Nominating Committee.
1.4 APRALO operates under the Rules of Procedure (RoP) as described in this present document.
1.5 Administrative and other support is provided to the APRALO and our ALSes by a Secretariat which may be appointed to assist with meeting support, and by designated ICANN staff members (Staff) who provide the logistics for meetings, etc.
2 Defined Terms
These Rules of Procedure contain specific defined terms and acronyms that are collected here to facilitate easy reading. The capitalized words have specific meanings as specified by their definitions.
Term / Acronym | Definition | Where Defined |
AC | Advisory Committee, for example, At Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) | Para12.2.4 |
Adjunct Document | Document providing additional information and/or operational processes associated with specific aspects of the Rules of Procedure. | Para 12.2 |
AGM | ICANN's Annual General Meeting: The ICANN Meeting which is usually held in the third Quarter between October and December of each year to coincide with the Annual Meeting of the ICANN Board as defined in Article VI, Section 13 of the ICANN by-laws. | Section 13 (ICANN Bylaws) |
AP | Formerly Asia Pacific, but now used to designate the full APRALO region - Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands. |
AP-AGM | APRALO Annual General Meeting, the APRALO meeting held in conjunction with the ICANN AGM. | Para 13.2.2 |
AP-LT | APRALO Leadership Team | Section 5 |
APRALO | Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organisation: The body within ICANN representing the interests of Internet users. | Section 3 |
APRALO Member | One of the certified At-Large Structures (ALSes) or Unaffiliated Individuals deemed to have met the criteria established for ALSes. | Section 6 |
APRALO Meetings | These may be conducted face to face at ICANN and other meetings, but are predominantly by teleconference or email. | Section 13 |
ALS | At-Large Structure: An ICANN accredited grass-roots organization which forms the basis of the At-Large Community and within each ICANN region are organized into the five RALOs. Accreditation (and any change of that status) is performed by the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) in consultation with APRALO | Para 27.4 |
AP-LT | APRALO Leadership Team: The leadership team of the APRALO is comprised of the selected Leaders of APRALO (the APRALO Chair and two (2) Vice-Chairs); the three (3) regional representatives serving on the ALAC (2 APRALO appointees and 1 NomCom appointee); the Secretariat (where appointed) and any other APRALO Member who holds a specific position, role or advisory capacity as agreed to by APRALO from time to time. | Section 8 |
AP-LT Member | Any of the members of the APRALO Leadership team. | Para 5.9 |
Appointee | An individual appointed by the APRALO to other groups inside or outside of ICANN to either represent the APRALO or to serve on behalf of the APRALO and the At-Large Community. Some Appointees may bear the title Liaison based on the rules of the group to which they are appointed. | Section 9 |
Approved Distribution Lists | Mailing lists or other mechanisms that are specified in the APRALO Rules of Procedure and/or any E-mail Guide produced, and are used to distribute information as specified in these RoP. | Para 24.2.3 |
Chair | The APRALO Member / ALS Representative elected to lead the APRALO. | Section 7 |
Code of Conduct | All APRALO Members, Appointees and At-Large Participants shall adhere to the ICANN Expected Standards of Behaviour. | Section 25 |
Consensus | An opinion or position reached by the APRALO as a whole. It is generally reached by no less than 80% of APRALO Members. | Para 18.2 |
Decisions | Most decisions made by APRALO are by consensus unless a vote is required or requested | Section 18 |
ICANN | Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. |
Metrics | A variety of metrics will be maintained to quantify performance aspects of the work of APRALO whose ability to represent the interest of internet users depends on strong participation from all APRALO Members and Appointees. | Section 11 |
Motion | The mechanism by which the APRALO makes formal decisions | Section 16 |
Proxy | The right to cast a vote or participate in a Consensus decision on behalf of another eligible APRALO Member. | Section 22 |
Quorum | For APRALO meetings at least 4 members of the AP-LT must be present and a meeting is quorate with more than 1/3 or 8 of the eligible APRALO members present. | Section 15 |
RALO | Regional At-Large Organization: An ICANN regional organization, which is geographically defined, comprising accredited At-Large Structures. There are RALOs for five ICANN regions: Africa; Asia, Australasia & the Pacific Islands; Europe; Latin America & the Caribbean; and North America. |
RoP | Rules of Procedure: The document governing the operation of the APRALO – this document. |
Selection Call | An e-mail sent to specific APRALO mailing lists asking for nominations for a position, where voting is required to be filled. | Para 29.2.6 |
Selection Summary | A report sent to specific APRALO mailing lists giving the results of a Selection Call |
SO | Supporting Organisation, for example, Country Code Names Supporting Organisation (ccNSO) |
SoI | Statement of Interest: A document which includes basic professional information about an individual and which is required for anyone participating in APRALO, ALAC or ICANN SO-related leadership and activities. It is also recommended for all participants (generally through a Wiki-based tool). | Para 5.10 |
Super-majority | Most decisions of the APRALO require a simple majority of votes (>50%) in favour of a motion for that motion to pass. In some cases, however, at least two-thirds of the votes must be in favour and this is referred to as a Super-majority. | Para 18.3 5 |
Staff | Any ICANN staff designated to support APRALO and At-Large. |
TG | Target Group: An organization accepting an APRALO Liaison or other appointee. | Section 9 |
Unaffiliated individual | Are not members of a certified ALS but their ‘certification’ requires that they are permanent residents of the AP region, are on the AP-Discuss list and contribute fully to APRALO. | Para 27.5 |
WT | Work Team: A generic description for any APRALO group charged with a specific task. The WT may bear the description Working Group, Committee, Sub-committee, Drafting Team and other similar designations. | Para 24.3 |
The ICANN Glossary (http://www.icann.org/en/about/learning/glossary) is a useful reference covering most of the acronyms and terms used throughout ICANN.
3 Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organisation (APRALO)
3.1 APRALO became the recognized/certified Regional At-Large Organization (RALO) for our Geographic Region upon executing our Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with ICANN in 2007 (these original founding documents for APRALO can be found here). This MOU addressed the respective roles and responsibilities of ICANN and the RALO regarding the process for selecting ALAC members and the requirements of openness, participatory opportunities, transparency, accountability, and diversity in the RALO's structure and procedures, as well as the criteria and standards for the RALO's constituent At-Large Structures.
3.2 As it is so certified by ICANN, APRALO shall abide by the by-laws of ICANN regarding individual users’ participation and involvement.
3.3 APRALO is constituted by:
3.3.1 At-Large Structures (ALSes) accredited by the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC);
3.3.2 The unaffiliated individuals who meet the requirements under Paragraph 27.5 within the Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Region, as defined by ICANN.
4 APRALO Objectives
4.1 to provide a forum and promote and encourage Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Internet users’ participation and involvement in ICANN in an open, accountable and transparent manner;
4.2 to promote, understand and advocate for individual Internet users and to provide a forum for outreach, co-ordination and exchange of information and knowledge for persons who live in the Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands region as defined herein;
4.3 to act as an interface between individual Internet users and ICANN and to promote skills development and information exchange related to the Internet amongst Members;
4.4 to bridge the digital divide and encourage users in developing countries to participate in APRALO; and
4.5 to select two individuals as representatives of the Members of APRALO to the ICANN ALAC.
5 APRALO’s Roles
APRALO’s roles are to:
5.1 consider and provide advice, as agreed upon, on the activities of ICANN, insofar as they relate to the interests of individual Internet users within the Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Region or globally. This includes policies created through ICANN's Supporting Organizations, as well as the many other issues for which community input and advice is appropriate.
5.2 play an important role in ICANN's accountability mechanisms and regional outreach by:
5.2.1 assisting or coordinating some of ICANN's outreach to individual Internet users within the AP Region where practical and possible;
5.2.2 working in conjunction with ICANN and the ALAC to: keep the Regional community of individual Internet users informed about significant news from ICANN; distribute news about ICANN, and information about items in the ICANN policy-development process; promote outreach activities in the community of individual Internet users; develop and maintain on-going information and education programs, regarding ICANN and its work; establish / engage with an outreach strategy about ICANN issues in the AP Region; participate in the ICANN policy development processes and provide input and advice that accurately reflect the views and needs of individual Internet users; make public and analyze ICANN's proposed policies and its decisions and their (potential) regional impact and (potential) effect on individuals in the region; offer Internet-based mechanisms that enable discussions among members of APRALO; work with the ALAC to best enable two-way communication between members of our At-Large Structures and those involved in ICANN decision-making, so that interested individuals can share their views on pending ICANN issues; and give advice to the APRALO Chair or the appropriate AP-LT alternate regarding their vote in the selection by the At-Large Community to fill one seat of the ICANN Board.
5.3 The work of the APRALO is carried out through:
5.3.1 meetings of the entire APRALO, both at ICANN meetings and via teleconferences throughout the year;
5.3.2 a variety of Work Teams (WTs) comprised of APRALO Members, RALO Leadership, and At-Large Community members; and
5.3.3 electronic communications including, but not limited to, e-mail, wikis and telephonic discussions.
5.4 The APRALO is led by a Chair elected by the APRALO.
5.5 The APRALO Leadership Team (AP-LT) is a leadership team comprised of key appointed or elected APRALO Members/ regional representatives, and selected others as follows:
5.5.1 APRALO Chair, the Chairperson, shall be selected for a period of two years and shall act as Chairperson at all APRALO Meetings and represent the APRALO in its dealings with outside entities. The Chair can from time to time delegate some responsibilities or functions with the agreement of the AP-LT on behalf of the RALO.
5.5.2 Two vice-chairpersons shall be selected. In 2009-2010, one was selected for a period of one year and another for a period of two years. Since then, each vice chairperson selected will serve for a period of two years, with alternating 'even and odd' year start dates.
5.5.3 A Secretariat for the APRALO may be appointed, and when appointed will be considered a key AP-LT Member. The Secretariat shall be responsible for performing administration functions as requested and agreed by the AP-LT, and for providing a monthly report to the Members on APRALO activities.
5.5.4 Two (2) individuals will be selected as representatives of the members to serve on the ALAC. The APRALO will choose two (2) individuals to serve as representatives to the At Large Advisory Committee (ALAC), in the terms specified in the ICANN Bylaws. To the extent possible, the ALAC representatives shall be selected by consensus; if a consensus cannot be reached then a vote shall be held. Only those ALSes that have been accredited prior to the election will be able to vote. Each accredited ALS will have one (1) vote. The selected representatives must be Members of different ALSes, must have their principal residence in different countries of the Region and their citizenship must be different. Selected representatives will have their responsibilities described in the ICANN Bylaws.
5.5.5 The Nominating Committee appointed AP Regional ALAC representative is also considered a key AP-LT Member.
5.5.6 Optionally, up to two (2) or three (3) APRALO Members or advisors with specific portfolios or responsibilities deemed to be of assistance to the AP-LT, may be appointed from time to time. It should be noted that the aforementioned AP-LT Members can be considered as acting in an 'executive capacity' within the AP-LT. These additional Members if and when they are included in the AP-LT, cannot act in any individual or joint capacity beyond the rights given to all APRALO Members, and their length of service is dependent on their task or purpose and is decided by the primary AP-LT
5.6 The selection process of APRALO representatives to ALAC, Chairperson of APRALO and Vice Chairpersons of APRALO shall be concluded by June 30th of the relevant year of filling up the position.
5.7 If a vacancy occurs, a replacement for the remainder of the term shall be selected at an extraordinary Meeting.
5.8 The AP-LT has no ongoing explicit powers other than those resting with the Chair and delegated as he/she deems appropriate or assigned by the APRALO as fully described in Section 8.
5.9 The AP-LT Members shall:
5.9.1 work with the APRALO Chair to ensure that the APRALO can focus on the most appropriate issues with the minimum of administrative overhead;
5.9.2 support the APRALO Chair in the overall management of the APRALO; and
5.9.3 help ensure that any decisions made on behalf of the APRALO are made with due consideration of regional issues.
5.10 Leaders are required to submit a Statement of Interest (SoI) including basic professional information, in a format agreed to by the APRALO, and to keep that SoI up to date.
Section B: APRALO and APRALO-Associated Responsibilities
6. APRALO Member Requirements and Responsibilities
6.1 All APRALO Members agree to abide by these RoP and other requirements as may be agreed to by the APRALO from time to time. It is expected that they:
6.1.1 Serve on behalf of the APRALO and the At-Large Community by acting for the good of the entire Community.
6.1.2 Attend all APRALO meetings, and to the extent that such participation from time to time may not be possible, provide advance notice of the planned absence where practical.
6.1.3 Prepare for and actively participate in all APRALO discussions, including face-to-face meetings, teleconferences, e-mail lists, wikis and other means of interaction as agreed to by the APRALO
6.1.4 Take part in all APRALO consensus decisions and votes except for those requiring attendance at a meeting where the APRALO Member is not present.
6.1.5 Play where possible and practical a leadership role in representing the interests of Internet users within the Region, for the ALAC and in ICANN generally.
6.1.6 Actively participate in APRALO and ALAC WTs, and preferably in WTs sponsored by other ICANN bodies as well. Unless otherwise specified, such participation is as an individual and not formally representing the APRALO.
6.2 Should a situation arise where a person can no longer reasonably (currently and ongoing) carry out the obligations of an assigned Role or Appointment, they are obliged to notify the AP-LT and discuss options which may include either resignation and/or arrangement of a replacement as representative for their function, and to otherwise ensure that the APRALO and At-Large are well-served.
6.3 Any member of the ICANN community may voice problems, concerns, or complaints about ICANN to the Ombudsman. (Refer to Paragraph 11.9)
7 APRALO Chair Requirements and Responsibilities
7.1 The Chair must be an APRALO Member.
7.2 A person nominated to be Chair does not need to be an APRALO Member at the time of nomination but must have an expectation of being an APRALO Member after the next APRALO Annual General Meeting (AP-AGM), the APRALO meeting held in conjunction with the ICANN Annual General Meeting (AGM).
7.3 Should the person elected Chair not be an APRALO Member after the AP-AGM, a new election must be conducted.
7.4 The Chair is selected for a two year term. At the end of that term, the appointment may be renewed for one additional term. At least a period of one (1) year must pass between any second term as Chair and any subsequent reappointment. The first priority for the APRALO is to select the best person to be Chair regardless of their ability to serve for a second term.
7.5 All actions attributed to the Chair in these RoP may be delegated by the Chair to any other APRALO Member unless such delegation is explicitly not allowed.
7.6 When the Chair delegates the running of a meeting to another APRALO Member, all rights and responsibilities with respect to managing the meeting are vested in the acting meeting chair with the exception of those rights and responsibilities explicitly given to the “APRALO Chair”.
7.7 It is expected that a Chair will delegate specific responsibilities (sometimes referred to as “portfolios”) to other AP-LT Members, other APRALO Members and/or Liaisons based on skills, interests and workload.
7.8 All such delegations are subject to the agreement of the delegate and should be a matter of public record.
7.9 The duties of Chair include:
7.9.1 presiding over APRALO meetings;
7.9.2 determining the procedures to be followed where standard operating procedures do not cover a specific situation;
7.9.3 upholding the RoP, ICANN by-laws and other norms applicable to the APRALO;
7.9.4 determining meeting agendas in advance in conjunction with the AP-LT Members and Staff;
7.9.5 being the prime liaison with Staff;
7.9.6 representing the APRALO and Regional ALSes in meetings and in written communication. This responsibility notwithstanding, the Chair is obliged to consult with the APRALO Members, the AP-LT and the APRALO and/or other segments of At-Large as appropriate;
7.9.7 ensuring that timelines and deadlines for the work of the APRALO are set and met; and
7.9.8 facilitating and encouraging participation of all APRALO Members in At-Large Community activities and taking appropriate action when the participation and contributions of APRALO Members and appointees, as specified in these RoP are unsatisfactory or do not meet expectations.
7.10 As a member of the AP-LT, the Chair is subject to the same obligations as all AP-LT Members.
7.11 The APRALO Chair may make substantive decisions on behalf of the APRALO if the matter is of such urgency that the APRALO cannot practically be consulted. To the extent possible, this must be done in consultation with the AP-LT. Any such decision must be reported to the APRALO without undue delay and must be ratified by the APRALO as soon as practical.
7.12 The APRALO Chair is empowered, at his/her sole discretion, to:
7.12.1 recommend to ICANN via the ALAC the suspension or restriction of a person's right to post to any At-Large electronic communications platform provided by ICANN, including but not limited to e-mail and wikis, if the Chair determines that the person has violated the ALAC Code of Conduct (Section 25). If such action is necessary, and unless subject to legal constraints, the Chair will consult with the AP-LT prior to taking action if feasible, and/or after the fact, advise the AP-LT of the violation and seek AP-LT validation for the action(s) taken. The Chair is required to take into account whether the overall nature of the actions of the individual is an aberration or represents a pattern of abuse when determining the duration of the suspension or other action;
7.12.2 recommend to ICANN that electronic postings to ICANN managed communications platforms be deleted if their presence harms or prejudices any person or organization or if they are unrelated to ICANN activities;
7.12.3 take direct actions equivalent to those specified in paragraphs 7.12.1 and 7.12.2 for electronic communications platforms not operated under the aegis of ICANN.
7.12.4 exclude for a specified period of time, an individual from any APRALO-related and At-Large-related activities if that person’s actions violate the Code of Conduct (Section 25) or are deemed to be disruptive.
7.13Should the Chair be incapable of carrying out the duties and obligations of the office, including that of delegating responsibilities to another APRALO Member, another APRALO Member will be deemed to be the Chair until such time as the original Chair can resume his/her duties or the APRALO can select a replacement as follows:
7.13.1 The replacement chair will be, in order of precedence:
7.13.2 One of the Vice-Chairs by mutual agreement of the Vice-Chairs in consultation with other AP-LT or APRALO Members, or barring such agreement, by random selection of those willing to serve as Chair with the random selection carried out by Staff.
7.13.3 Any other AP-LT Member by mutual agreement of the AP-LT Members, or barring such agreement, by random selection of those willing to serve with the random selection carried out by Staff.
7.13.4 Any other APRALO Member by mutual agreement of the APRALO Members. Barring such agreement, Staff shall identify one APRALO Member by random selection from among all remaining APRALO Members who is both willing to serve and has the explicit support of at least seven (7) other APRALO Members.
8 APRALO Leadership Team (AP-LT) Requirements and Responsibilities
8.1 Members of the AP-LT support and collaborate with the Chair in the overall administration and management of the APRALO.
8.2 The AP-LT shall have no other explicit responsibilities and is not empowered to make substantive decisions on the part of the APRALO unless urgency or confidentiality precludes consulting the APRALO. In such a case, the decision needs to be ratified with the APRALO as soon as practical.
8.3 Paragraph 8.2 notwithstanding, APRALO may, from time to time, assign various specific responsibilities or tasks to the AP-LT.
8.4 All AP-LT Members must be APRALO Members. Any ICANN Nominating Committee Appointees to the ALAC for the AP Region are considered full 'APRALO Members' for the duration of their service.
8.5 A person nominated for an AP-LT position does not need to be in the APRALO at the time of nomination but must have an expectation of being an APRALO Member after the next AP-AGM.
8.6 Should a person selected as an AP-LT Member not be an APRALO Member after the upcoming AP-AGM, a new selection must be conducted.
8.7 AP-LT Members are expected to participate in all AP-LT meetings, both face-to-face and teleconferences, and to the extent that such participation from time to time may not be possible, provide advance notice of the planned absence where practical.
8.8 An APRALO Member occupying the role of Vice-Chair agrees to take on a heavier workload than any non-key / untitled AP-LT Members.
9 APRALO Appointee Requirements and Responsibilities
9.1 The APRALO may from time to time appoint individuals to represent the interests of the APRALO and the At-Large Community, to act on behalf of the APRALO or to meet other specific obligations, to various bodies within or outside of ICANN. Such individuals will be referred to in these RoP as Appointees, and the body to which they represent the APRALO referred to as the Target Group (TG).
9.2 Based on the arrangement with the TG, some Appointees may bear the title Liaison.
9.3 Appointees generally do not need to be APRALO Members but must have sufficient knowledge of the APRALO and At-Large and any other group or subject related to their appointment so as to be able to properly represent the APRALO / and At-Large within our Region
9.4 Appointees are responsible for communicating APRALO positions to the TG, and for reporting on TG activities, meetings and actions that may be of interest to the APRALO, to the extent that the confidentiality rules of the TG allow.
9.5 Appointees shall generally have the same responsibilities as APRALO Leaders, with the following exceptions.
9.5.1 Appointees do not participate in APRALO consensus decisions or votes unless they are APRALO Members.
9.5.2 Appointees may be relieved of the responsibility to attend all APRALO meetings by decision of the APRALO.
9.5.3 Appointees have no requirements to participate in the APRALO and other WGs other than those related to the TG unless they are APRALO Members. That notwithstanding, Appointees are encouraged and expected to be active participants in the activities of the TG.
9.6 All APRALO Appointees have an obligation to ensure that it is clear whether they are speaking on behalf of themselves, the APRALO or any other organization that they are affiliated with. Moreover, Appointees must fairly represent positions of the APRALO where they exist.
9.7 When representing the APRALO, Appointees have an obligation to solicit APRALO and At-Large views on the matter where practical and possible. Appointees should be selected knowing that in many instances such consultation may not be possible or practical and thus the APRALO needs to select people who understand the philosophies or guiding values and principles of the APRALO and At-Large.
9.8 Appointees shall accept, while acting in their capacity on behalf of the APRALO, to put the collective views of the APRALO ahead of their own, to the extent that such views are known and made clear
9.8.1 When personal views are in conflict with APRALO views, the Appointee must make clear which position is which.
9.8.2 To the extent that such APRALO views are not known, personal views should not be misrepresented as APRALO views.
9.9 Liaisons may serve in this capacity to only one TG at a time.
9.10 Appointee appointments are from the period of the end of one AP-AGM to the end of the following AP-AGM unless otherwise specified by the APRALO at the time of the appointment.
9.11 Any appointment where the TG has internal participation qualifications is conditional upon acceptance by the TG.
9.12 The TG should make their requirements known ahead of time to the extent possible and practical.
10 Terms
10.1 All appointments begin at the conclusion of one AP-AGM and continue until the conclusion of the AP-AGM in the year that their service term ends, unless the APRALO specifically identifies a different timeframe.
10.2 If any person leaves an appointed position prior to the normal end of their term, the person appointed as a replacement will serve only for the remainder of the incumbent’s term. This interim appointment should not negatively impact the individual’s eligibility to be appointed to this position on a regular basis at a later stage.
11 Performance, Metrics and Remediation
11.1 The ability of the APRALO to represent the interest of Internet users depends on strong participation from all APRALO Members and Appointees. Furthermore, the APRALO can function effectively only if all APRALO Members and Appointees meet the obligations of their positions. Satisfactory performance is a complex concept including both objective and subjective issues, and must factor in the very significant personal contributions made by At-Large volunteers. Moreover, the APRALO and At-Large receive significant funding from ICANN, both for travel and other activities, and the APRALO must be able to justify such expense.
11.2 All APRALO Members must make regular and significant contributions to the APRALO, At-Large and ICANN.
11.3 A variety of metrics will be maintained related to quantifiable performance aspects to ensure that all APRALO Members and appointees are aware of their performance, and to support the Chair in the responsibility of monitoring such performance. Such metrics will include, but are not limited to:
11.3.1 Meeting attendance, which includes sending prior notice if attendance is not possible. Attendance will be based on individual APRALO sessions for meetings held during an ICANN meeting and the monthly APRALO meetings held online.
11.3.2 Participation in the decisions and votes of the APRALO.
11.3.3 Participation and roles played in APRALO working groups as well as those of other bodies within ICANN.
11.4 Subject to privacy and confidentiality requirements, the metrics for all Members and Appointees will be publicly available.
11.5 The APRALO is empowered to set thresholds which the AP-ALT or ALSes could use to monitor performance.
11.6 The APRALO has the right to withdraw the appointment of APRALO appointees.
11.7 The Chair is empowered to initiate or take action as agreed to by the APRALO with regard to performance and remediation. Any such actions must be done with due sensitivity and consideration to cultural differences throughout the globally diverse At-Large Community to the extent possible. Such actions may include but not be limited to:
11.7.1 Discussion of issue with the APRALO Member or Appointee.
11.7.2 Use of an impartial third-party for mediation.
11.7.3 Discussion with the ALAC leadership if the APRALO Member is an appointee to the ALAC.
11.7.4 Recommend to ICANN the withdrawal of travel funding.
11.7.5 Actions specified in Paragraph 11.7 do not need to be done in sequence and none of those listed above are mandatory unless specified as so by the APRALO.
11.8 Although resignations are far preferable to the APRALO taking formal action, should the situation warrant it, the APRALO may vote to remove an APRALO Member following the procedures described in Paragraph 11.7.
11.9 The ICANN Ombudsman provides an independent internal evaluation of complaints by members of the ICANN community who believe that the ICANN staff, Board or an ICANN constituent body has treated them unfairly.
11.10The APRALO is empowered to publish an Adjunct Document: Metrics and Remedial Actions for APRALO Members and Appointees to describe in fuller detail the metrics referenced in Paragraph 11.3 and actions referenced in Paragraph 11.7.
Section C: Meetings, Decision-Making and Work Methods
12 Rules of the APRALO
12.1 APRALO meetings and activities are run based on the following rule sets in decreasing priority:
12.1.1 ICANN by-laws
12.1.2 These APRALO Rules of Procedure.
12.1.3 Decisions of the APRALO including Rules of Procedure Adjunct Documents (Paragraph 12.2)
12.1.4 Rulings of the Chair.
12.1.5 Robert`s Rules of Order, 11th Edition. (at the time of writing and adoption of these AP-RoP but the most recently available edition of Robert's Rules of Order should be consulted and followed when this Rule is enacted or referenced).
12.1.6 Within a single rule set, there is no implicit precedence of rules based on the order within the rule set. The Chair shall decide on which specific rules take precedence if there are conflicts within any rule set.
12.1.7 If a situation occurs which is not explicitly addressed by the total set of rules, the Chair shall decide on how to address the situation.
12.2 Adjunct Documents referenced by these Rules of Procedure, and which if not existent, may be created and annexed by APRALO.
12.2.1 AP-Adjunct-01 – Relating to Position Description for APRALO Members, Liaisons and Appointees.
12.2.2 AP-Adjunct-02 – Metrics and Remedial Actions for APRALO Members and Appointees
12.2.3 AP-Adjunct-03 – Any APRALO Specific procedures regarding At-Large Board Member Selection Implementation.
12.2.4 AP-Adjunct-04 – the ALAC At-Large Structure Framework.
12.2.5 AP-Adjunct-05 - [TBC] regarding voting hierarchy within an ALS for voting purposes
12.2.6 Any others agreed to by APRALO from time to time but always Annexed to these AP-RoP
13 APRALO Meetings
13.1 APRALO meetings may be conducted face-to-face at an ICANN meeting or where they may occur at another event, but predominantly via teleconferences, and frequently on-line with the use of other collaborative or communications tools. Face-to-face meetings should strive to have teleconference or online communication capabilities for those who cannot attend in person.
13.2 Classification of APRALO meetings
13.2.1 Regular Meetings of the AP-LT and ALSes which Are scheduled at times as agreed upon by the APRALO. Usually Monthly. Require advance notice of at least one week. Such notice may be waived by explicit action of the APRALO. Has a Quorum to begin. The requirement for Quorum may be waived by the Chair. Such a decision does not alter the requirement for a meeting to be quorate at the time any formal decision is taken. Face-to-face meetings (typically held in conjunction with ICANN meetings) can be temporarily halted and reconvened at a later time by agreement of the APRALO. Quorum is once again required to reconvene as per Paragraph
13.2.2 APRALO Annual General Meeting (AP-AGM) Which is a Regular meeting held in conjunction with an ICANN or other ALAC General Meeting (GM).
13.2.3 Urgent Meetings May be called by the APRALO Chair at any time, possibly on short notice. Requires Quorum to begin. The only Motion that an Urgent Meeting can approve is to transform the Urgent Meeting into a Regular Meeting.
13.2.4 Special Meetings May be called at the request of any four APRALO Members. Requires a minimum notice of one week. Requires Quorum to begin. Has the same status as a Regular Meeting once convened.
14 Agenda
14.1 All meetings should have an agenda, preferably published ahead of time identifying the topics to be covered in the meeting as well as the projected time to be allowed for each item.
14.2 A meeting may have a “Consent Agenda” that will include Motions which are deemed to not require further discussion and may be adopted by Consensus or vote as a single item.
14.3 Items within the consent agenda will be deemed to have been moved by the Chair and seconded by a Vice-Chair as identified in the Consent Agenda.
14.4 Any APRALO Member may request that a specific item from the Consent Agenda be removed and dealt with independently.
15 Quorum
15.1 For an AP-Annual General Meeting to be quorate, more than 1/3rd or 8 (whichever is the greater) of the eligible APRALO Members must be present, face-to-face, telephonically, or by other means explicitly approved by the APRALO.
15.2 For the Regular Meetings of the AP-LT at least 4 Members of the AP-LT must be present.
16 Motions
16.1 Any formal action of the APRALO will be in the form of a Motion. Such formal action may be initiated at an APRALO meeting or electronically.
16.2 Motions may be made by any APRALO Member.
16.3 All Motions with the exception of Procedural Motions must be seconded by another APRALO Member.
16.4 Motions to be decided at a meeting of the APRALO should be made and circulated well in advance of the meeting to the extent possible and practical, and should be included in the meeting agenda.
16.5 The Chair shall allow sufficient time for discussion, which may take place at a meeting or electronically, prior to the APRALO taking a decision.
17 Open Meetings, Speaking Rights and Speaking Order
17.1 All APRALO meetings are open unless otherwise decided by the APRALO to address a specific sensitive issue. Sound recordings will be available in a timely manner where technically possible. Transcripts will be available in a timely manner where technically possible and cost-effective. Live access will be provided where practical.
17.2 Speaking priority is given to APRALO Members, Liaisons and Appointees, but time permitting, others may be granted speaking rights at the discretion of the Chair.
17.3 Participants who wish to speak should indicate their intention using whatever method is appropriate given the meeting details.
17.4 The Chair shall have sole control over the speaking order and may time-limit interventions.
18 Decisions of APRALO
18.1 All face-to-face and teleconference decisions of the APRALO should preferably be made by Consensus, subject to several exceptions noted in these RoP. A Consensus decision is one supported by an overwhelming percentage of the APRALO, but need not be unanimous.
18.2 Consensus
18.2.1 The Chair shall rule as to whether or not a Consensus has been reached.
18.2.2 As a “rule of thumb”, Consensus is no less than 80% of the sitting APRALO Members.
18.2.3 Any APRALO Member who does not support a Consensus position may request that their disagreement be noted in the records of the meeting.
18.2.4 Any APRALO Member may request that a Consensus decision be verified by a formal vote and the outcome of such vote will replace the Consensus decision.
18.2.5. Any APRALO Member may request that a formal vote be taken instead of the Chair judging whether Consensus has been reached. If such a vote is requested, the Chair may decide whether to hold the vote immediately or after additional discussion.
18.3 Voting
18.3.1 Where consensus is not achieved and a vote is required or called for, and where the outcome is not needed immediately for a time-sensitive reason, the Chair may decide to prolong the vote by keeping it open for no more than three days to allow for votes of those not at the meeting to be registered
18.3.2 Votes held outside of formal meetings may be carried out using any method approved by the APRALO which may include:
18.3.3 Specialized web-based voting systems; e-mail, via Approved Distribution Lists; and telephone with ICANN Staff, the APRALO Chair or as otherwise specified by the APRALO Chair.
18.3.4 Votes must be used in lieu of Consensus for: Election of the APRALO Chair. Approval or removal of an ALS. Any vote that must be held by secret ballot. Evaluation of Vote Outcomes
18.3.5 Outcomes of Voting.
Subject to the terms of Paragraph regarding Quorum for all normal APRALO decisions, a vote is deemed to be successful if at least 1/3 or 8 (whichever is the greater) of APRALO Members do not cast a non-abstaining vote, and if the number of votes in favour is higher than the number of votes against. For a vote that explicitly requires a Super-majority, the number of votes cast in favour must be at least twice the number of votes cast against.
18.3.6 Any formal action of the APRALO will be in the form of a Motion. Such formal action may be initiated at an APRALO meeting or electronically. (Refer to Section 16 - Motions)
19 Points of Order
19.1 A Point of Order is an interruption of a meeting which must be addressed before the meeting may proceed. There are three general types of Points of Order with respect to APRALO meetings.
19.2 A situation where an APRALO Member believes that the ICANN by-laws or the APRALO Rules of Procedure are not being followed.
19.3 A situation where continuation of the meeting is impractical due to a technical or other problem. Examples of such problems include the lack of technical infrastructure and the failure of audio-visual aids.
19.4 A situation where an APRALO Member requires a clarification related to the issue being discussed, such as the definition of a term or which of a multi-part issue is being discussed.
19.5 The Chair shall rule if anything needs to be done to correct the situation.
20 Procedural Motions
20.1A procedural motion is a motion to do the following (in order of precedence):
20.1.1 adjourn the meeting;
20.1.2 suspend the meeting; and
20.1.3 close debate on an issue and initiate the decision process (Consensus or vote).
20.2 A procedural motion may be made by any APRALO Member and does not need to be seconded.
20.3 The Chair may disallow a motion to close debate if he/she feels that the question has not been fully explored.
20.4 Once a procedural motion is made, it must immediately be decided by either Consensus or vote.
20.5 Multiple procedural motions will normally be addressed in the order specified in Paragraph 20.1, but the Chair may alter that order of precedence.
21 Records of APRALO Meetings
21.1 Records of APRALO meetings, whether in the form of formal “minutes” or less formal notes or meeting summaries, will at a minimum include:
21.1.1 type of meeting, date, location (if face-to-face) and start and stop times;
21.1.2 attendance including how a person joined (for instance in person or via teleconference);
21.1.3 agenda, as amended during the meeting if applicable;
21.1.4 decisions taken including method (vote or Consensus), record of how APRALO Members voted if a vote has been taken, and records of any abstentions or other remarks requested by APRALO Members;
21.1.5 links to any media associated with the meeting (such as recordings, presentations); and
21.1.6 any of the above may be omitted by decision of the APRALO if inclusion would violate confidentiality in any particular case.
21.2 Records of meeting must be made available to APRALO Members by the earlier of:
21.2.1 30 days from the date of the meeting (or last date if the meeting spanned more than one day); or
21.2.2 the posting of the final agenda for the following meeting.
21.3 Records of meetings are deemed to be accepted 14 days after they are first distributed, or 14 days after the last correction is requested by an APRALO Member.
22 Proxies
22.1 If an APRALO Member is unable to participate in a decision of the APRALO, another APRALO Member (Proxy Holder) may hold a proxy to cast that vote on behalf of the first APRALO Member (Proxy Giver).
22.2 Further instructions for proxy voting, if required, can be found in the ALAC RoP.
23 Amendment of the Rules of Procedure
23.1 Approval of any modification of the APRALO Rules of Procedure requires a Super-majority vote of the APRALO.
24 APRALO Work Methods
24.1 The APRALO will use a variety of work methods to accomplish its goals. These will include:
24.1.1 Face-to-face meetings;
24.1.2 Teleconferences;
24.1.3 E-mail;
24.1.4 Wikis;
24.1.5 Other methods that are deemed by the APRALO to be appropriate and generally accessible to its APRALO Members, Appointees, and members of the At-Large Community.
24.2 E-mail
24.2.1 E-mail is a prime communication technology used by the APRALO.
24.2.2 The APRALO and At-Large will have a variety of e-mail mailing lists to allow easy communications amongst APRALO Members, Appointees, WT members, RALOs, and members of At-Large.
24.2.3 The APRALO will from time-to-time publish the APRALO E-mail Guide to ensure that these lists are used properly and have the correct membership. The Guide also specifies what e-mail lists or other mechanisms, known as Approved Distribution Lists are used in relation to communications required in these RoP noting that:
24.2.4 Most At-Large mailing lists are archived and viewable by the public. The APRALO E-mail Guide will identify which lists are public and which are not.
24.2.5 Communication by electronic mail will be considered equivalent to any communication otherwise required to be in writing. The APRALO shall take such steps as it deems appropriate under the circumstances to assure itself that communications by electronic mail are authentic.
24.3 Work Teams
24.3.1 Much of the work of the APRALO will be carried out through Work Teams (WT). Examples of WTs include but are not limited to:
24.3.2 APRALO Sub-committees, standing or ad hoc; Drafting Teams; Working Groups.
24.3.3 When the APRALO establishes a WT it must set out the following: terms of reference or charter; expected outcomes if applicable; method of selection of membership, including whether the membership is confined to APRALO Members, is to include balanced RALO representation across the region, or is generally open; of the WT chair or how the chair is to be selected; and the WT is ongoing or established only until completion of its terms of reference
25 Code of Conduct
(Adopted from the ALAC RoP and modified for Regional use)
25.1 All APRALO Members, Appointees and At-Large participants shall adhere to the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior (http://www.icann.org/en/news/in-focus/accountability/expected-standards) in all of their ICANN-related activities.
25.2 APRALO Members, Appointees and At-Large participants must always behave in a professional manner and treat all ICANN participants and ICANN staff with respect, whether in person, on teleconferences, via e-mail, or through other electronic work methods. Examples of inappropriate behaviour include but are not limited to postings or other actions:
25.2.1 used to abuse, harass, stalk, or threaten others; or
25.2.2 that are libellous, knowingly false, ad hominem, or misrepresent another person.
25.3 ICANN facilitated APRALO and At-Large meetings and electronic communications are largely to be in support of APRALO activities.
25.4 Most APRALO and At-Large meetings and electronic communications are open, archived and viewable by the public. Care must be taken so as to not violate any obligations of confidentiality or violate the privacy of others.
26 Language Services.
26.1 All APRALO meetings are conducted in English (unless specified that a selected or 'local language' is to be used); and most documents associated with the ALAC, APRALO and ICANN are produced in English, but local language materials should be produced where practical and possible. As such, all AP-LT Members must have a suitable level of spoken and written English proficiency to facilitate engagement with ALAC and ICANN.
26.2 Simultaneous interpretation and translation from and into other languages may be provided to the extent possible and practical, where there is sufficient demand and subject to ICANN policy and funding by ICANN/ALAC but at this stage
26.3 Language services to assist Asia Pacific Members is extremely rare. WT meetings are generally conducted only in English. Future development of local Regional Language Services guidelines and objectives may happen at some time in the future.
27 At-Large Structures and Unaffiliated Individual Membership.
27.1 There shall be no limit as to the number of Members of the APRALO.
27.2 All Members shall be entitled to attend and participate at all Meetings and be entitled to access information via a publicly accessed World Wide Web site maintained by APRALO.
27.3 All Members shall be entitled to participate in APRALO mailing lists.
27.4 At Large Structures
27.4.1 The ALAC shall, subject to review by the RALOs and the ICANN Board, set procedures to certify and decertify any At-Large Structures that are part of the APRALO.
27.4.2 Detailed procedures are set forth in the Adjunct document “At-Large Structure Framework” in the ALAC RoP and is available online.
27.4.3 All ALSes certified and whose headquarters or primary domicile is in the geographic Region defined by ICANN as the AP region shall be Members of the APRALO.
27.4.4 To help ensure participation by any interested individual in the AP Region, the APRALO will encourage the formation and accreditation of additional At-Large Structures and their participation in the APRALO.
27.4.5 APRALO recognizes that ICANN has established criteria and standards for the accreditation of ALSes. APRALO will encourage organizations to apply for certification and assist with certification, including by: Reviewing ALS applications from organizations in AP region upon submission to ICANN and recommending whether or not the organization should be accredited as an ALS: Providing AP-ALS applicants with APRALO information and, if recommended by the APRALO for accreditation, provisional membership in the APRALO whilst the ALS application is under consideration by the ALAC; When ALS status is certified by the ALAC for Asia Pacific applicants, these applicants shall be granted full membership in the APRALO.
27.5 Unaffiliated Individual Members.
27.5.1 These members are the unaffiliated individuals, including any certified Nomination Committee appointed representatives, to the APRALO who meet the following criteria:
27.5.2 Unaffiliated Individuals must:- be subscribed to the AP-Discuss list, be a permanent resident of one of the countries/territories in the APRALO region as defined by ICANN, not be a member of a certified ALS. By way of 'certification' of having met this criteria and therefore to be able to contribute fully to APRALO an Unaffiliated Individual Member must submit an affirmation of these criteria to At-Large Staff indicating how they meet the required criteria and also note that:- Upon ceasing to meet any of the criteria, unaffiliated membership is terminated. All unaffiliated individuals (treated as a group) will be responsible for selecting their representative (when required to from time to time and or to contribute to the Regional General Assembly This representative must not be employed or contracted by, or have substantive financial interest in, an ICANN contracted registry or accredited registrar. Selection or ratification of this representative of the unaffiliated individuals will occur whenever a new: AP-AGM is called. An ALAC member is selected by the Regional Membership. Or Leadership elections are held. The unaffiliated individuals (as a group) will adopt a verifiable process to ensure that consensus is achieved or if required, any votes cast follow (in general) these Rules of APRALO and if needs be any metrics or requirements to ensure that their selected representative reflects the views held among their membership.
Section D: Selections, Elections and Appointments
28. General Provisions
28.1 According to the ICANN by-laws, the APRALO appointments, and selections should be made wherever possible by Consensus, but failing that, elections can always be used and the methodology for such is outlined in these RoP.
28.2 Elections and selections can take place by electronic mail, online ballot, written ballot, or any other convenient and accurate means that are deemed to provide appropriate degree of confidentiality.
29 Procedures for the Selection of Leaders and the APRALO Leadership Team
29.1 Ordinary Leadership selections
29.1.1 Ordinary selections of the APRALO Chair and Vice Chair(s) shall be held so as to have the new selections prior to the start of the end of June each year. The selection should preferably be completed at least three weeks prior to the start of the June/July ICANN Meeting to facilitate travel arrangements IF the selectee is expected to attend that ICANN Meeting. They are expected however to attend the ICANN Meeting were the ICANN AGM is held and where they will effectively 'take their seats' for the roles that are appointed to.
29.1.2 In the case where no consensus has been reached or it is deemed necessary to hold a vote then
29.1.3 The time schedule of the election process must take into account possible run-off election.
29.1.4 The Chair/Staff shall send via Approved Distribution Lists a Selection Call for the APRALO Chair and Vice Chair(s), giving the schedule and modalities of the election process and requesting nominations (including self-nominations) by APRALO Members. The Selection Call will allow at least fourteen days for nominations.
29.1.5 The requirements to be met by nominees for Chair are listed in Section 7.
29.1.6 A nominee must send a message of acceptance to the same list on which nominations were solicited within seven days of the close of nominations. The acceptance should be sent via Staff if the nominee does not have sending privileges to that list. An APRALO SoI must be completed prior to the close of the acceptance period if the nominee does not already have one.
29.1.7 The Chair/Staff shall post to the Approved Distribution Lists a Selection Summary of all valid nominations for Chair, announcing the detailed election process after the deadline for nomination acceptance has passed.
29.1.8 Nominations will then be discussed on the Approved Distribution Lists, conference calls or other electronic or face-to-face meetings as appropriate.
29.1.9 Determination of winner
29.1.10 The following steps must be carried out in the specified order until a winner is declared or the election process is restarted with a new vote or Selection Call:
29.1.11 The winning candidate must receive votes from a majority of the sitting APRALO Members.
29.1.12 If the number of abstentions constitutes the majority of the sitting APRALO Members, the entire election process must be re-started with a Selection Call.
29.1.13 If the number of votes minus the number of abstentions does not constitute majority of the sitting APRALO Members, the vote must be re-run with the same slate of candidates. This may be done only once per Selection Call. If the situation occurs more than once, the entire election process must be re-started with a Selection Call.
29.1.14 In situations where there are more than two candidates: If all candidates receive the same number of votes, the vote must be re-run with the same slate of candidates. This may be done only once for a given set of candidates per Selection Call. If the situation occurs more than once, the entire election process must be re-started with a Selection Call. Drop the candidate placing last. If there is a tie, drop all candidates with the lowest number of votes. Re-run the vote with the remaining candidates. If there are two candidates and both receive an equal number of votes, re-run the vote with the same slate of candidates. This may be done only once per Selection Call. If the situation occurs more than once, the entire election process must be re-started with a Selection Call.
29.1.15 The election of APRALO leaders will follow the process outlined in Paragraph 30.2.
29.2 Extraordinary selections, elections and appointments and Other Appointments
29.2.1 Appointments of At-Large Appointees to various bodies both inside and outside of ICANN will be made by the APRALO. Such appointments will normally be initiated by a call for volunteers, posted by the Chair/Staff to the Approved Distribution Lists, and on other lists if appropriate, allowing at least seven days for people to volunteer. The decision regarding appointments is typically made via Consensus. However, the Chair will initiate a secret ballot to determine which candidate is to be appointed if Consensus cannot be reached or if this is requested by any APRALO Member.
29.2.2 By the decision of the APRALO, a current Appointee who is willing to continue in that role may be reconfirmed instead of initiating a new selection process.
29.2.3 In the case of selections requiring complex criteria evaluation, the APRALO may choose to form a sub-committee to carry out the analysis and to make recommendations to the APRALO based on that analysis.
29.2.4 For situations where the APRALO is not empowered to make appointments but rather to endorse one or more candidates, essentially the same process as described here for appointments should be used, but with the outcome being an endorsement.
29.2.5 Extraordinary selections may be held, at the discretion of the APRALO, if for any reason a vacancy arises outside the normal election cycle, and an AP-LT position (including the Chair) becomes available.
29.2.6 When such an extraordinary selection is to occur, the Chair/Staff shall send via Approved Distribution Lists, a Selection Call for filling the open position for the remainder of the ordinary term, asking for nominations by a fourteen day deadline or sooner if warranted by special circumstances. Nominations may only be made by APRALO Members. Self-Nominations are acceptable. The Selection Call should allow for nominations (where they are not self-nominations, to be accepted within seven days of the nomination).
29.2.7 Wherever possible consensus should be reached for such a selection or appointment at a Regular Meeting and/or online in a manner and process agreed upon by APRALO
30 Procedures for Voting for Appointments or selections
30.1 This section describes the process by which voting shall be carried out when the APRALO has deemed that a Vote is required such as in the case where a natural person or ALS is subject to the outcome of the vote.
30.2 Voting Process
30.2.1 If there is only one candidate on the Final Candidate List, that candidate will be acclaimed the winner
30.2.2 If there is more than one candidate on the Final Candidate List, a vote shall be taken.
30.2.3 All votes must be by secret ballot. Votes may be cast electronically, in person, telephonically or some combination thereof. For votes cast in person or telephonically, the services of a trusted third party will ensure the secrecy of the ballot. Proxies are allowed only in accordance with explicit APRALO rules governing their use.
30.2.4 Where possible and practical and wherever electronic voting methods are used, the method of voting will be 'Instant Run Off Voting' (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instant-runoff_voting)
30.2.5 In the case of a vote resulting in a tied result, the APRALO will complete a subsequent round of Voting between the tied candidates to attempt to fund a clear winner with greater that 50% of the votes, (majority support) and if that results in a further tie a winner from the tied candidates, will be selected using a random selection method (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sortition).
30.2.6 For votes taken electronically or over a period of time, all APRALO Members are deemed to have been present. To be considered a valid decision, more than 50% of eligible APRALO members must record a vote (including ‘abstain’ if available).
30.2.7 For a Consensus decision to be considered valid the meeting must be quorate and APRALO Members must have been present in person, telephonically, or by other means explicitly approved by the APRALO.
30.2.8 For a Vote during a meeting to be considered valid, the meeting must be quorate at the time of the vote and must have been present in person, telephonically, or by other means explicitly approved by the APRALO unless the issue is so urgent as to not allow prolonging the vote as per Paragraph 5.17. Absent such urgency, the vote must be prolonged to allow all ALSes an opportunity to participate.
31. Revocation of APRALO Appointment as Representative of the RALO
31.1 Any APRALO appointment to a Target Group (TG) may be withdrawn by a secret ballot of the APRALO.
31.2 Any APRALO endorsement may be withdrawn by a secret ballot of the APRALO, but it is a decision of the TG whether to act on this withdrawal.
32 Removal of an APRALO Member
32.1 Should a situation arise that requires the removal of an APRALO Member the following will apply:
32.1.1 In the case of an accredited ALS the ALS Representative(s) must be given an opportunity to explain to the APRALO Leadership why the ALS should not be decertified (listed as “Inactive” thereby forfeiting any and all voting rights, and then if decertification is desired or agreed upon, a submission with explanatory notes will be presented to the ALAC for further action and processing via the RALOs Regional representatives).
32.1.2 In the case of an Individual the person must be given an opportunity to explain to the APRALO why he/she should not be removed and if remedial action is not an option, then resignation is to be encouraged.
32.1.3 Should a vote be necessary within the RALO regarding removal, it will be carried out with a secret ballot of all sitting APRALO Members except the one in question.
32.1.4 For a vote of removal to be successful, at least 2/3 of the APRALO Members eligible to vote must vote for removal.
33 APRALO Appointments or Leadership Team Member Recall
33.1 A recall of an appointed, selected or elected Member, may be initiated by either of:
33.1.1 The Chair, upon verification of the lack or loss of eligibility requirements, or failure to meet participation requirements set forth in these Rules of Procedure.
33.1.2 A request submitted by an APRALO Member, specifying the Member to be recalled and the reasons for their removal from their appointed position, which must be posted to the Approved Distribution Lists, and supported by at least five APRALO Members including the submitter.
33.1.3 The subject of the recall should be encouraged to resign before proceeding to the formal recall process.
33.1.4 In case a recall is initiated, the Chair (or another AP-LT Member if it is the Chair being recalled) shall communicate with the subject of the recall, providing the rationale for the recall and the process to be followed. The matter will be discussed by the APRALO, preferably face-to-face or via teleconference, and this discussion must provide an opportunity for the subject of the recall to provide counter-arguments. The process should be carried out as quickly as possible, but must provide at least 7 calendar days to allow for sufficient discussion and rebuttal.
33.1.5 A recall vote must be conducted by secret ballot as described in Paragraph 30.2.1 with all of the sitting APRALO Members except for the subject of the recall.
33.1.6 At least 2/3 of the APRALO Members eligible to vote must vote in favour of recall for a vote of recall to be successful.
33.1.7 The Chair/Staff shall promptly initiate the procedure defined to select a replacement if the recall vote is successful.
33.1.8 In the case of a successful Chair recall, the Chair succession rules listed in these Rules apply.
Section E: Annexed Documents
List of all Annexed Documents below relating to these AP RoP must be kept up to date in their most current form.
Document ID and Title (link to online copy where possible ensure it is most current version) | Date Adopted by the APRALO (a link to the relevant meeting minutes can be added) | Date Revised / Replaced / Removed (specify action as well) |