BCEC 06.10.10 Action Items
Participants: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Yaovi Atohoun, Fouad Bajwa, Christopher Wilkinson
Apologies: Jacqueline Morris, Rajnesh D. Singh, Annalisa Rogers, Veronica Cretu, James Corbin
Staff: Heidi Ullrich begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Staff will serve as proxy voters for selected members of the BCEC beginning week of 11 October.
Staff to personally contact each of the BCEC members whether they need to serve as a proxy. Follow up by phone if necessary.
Staff to send to individual BCEC members the PDFs of the SOIs with receipt requirement and that staff will be contacting them shortly to see if they will need to have a proxy vote by staff. Staff will also inform them in this message that the first round of evaluations must be completed by 15 October.
CLO to follow up with RALO Chair other RALO rep and follow up with ALAC as Report, All BCEC Members to receive SoI’s as PDF’s, and be contacted by staff re proxies assist and expectations for completion of tasks. (with HU for local co-ordination with staff etc.,)
Due diligence to be done between 20-28th October.
Staff to request Legal to prepare a note on the details on the due diligence process proposed for the At-Large Director Selection candidates. To be sent to BCEC list and made an agenda
Slate and due diligence will available after the 28th October.
Summary minutes and transcript of this call should be sent to the BCEC list.