Meeting Number: AL.AP/CC.0112/1
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Summary Minutes: APRALO Summary Minutes 03.01.2012
Action Items: APRALO Action Items 03.01.2012
Audio Stream: EN Full
Chat: APRALO Chat 03.01.2012
Transcript: APRALO Transcript 03.01.2012
APRALO AGENDA: 3 January 2012
1. Roll call
2. Review of action items from November 2011 APRALO Meeting
3. ICANN policy issues: Open public consultations
a. Call for at-large project submissions to include in ICANN's Fiscal Year Operational Plan and Budget
b. Preliminary Issue Report on 'Thick' Whois -Closes 30 December 2011
See: At-Large Preliminary Issue Report on ‘Thick’ Whois Workspace
See: At-Large Whois WG Workspace
The ExCom has requested that Carlton Samuels, Chair of the At-Large Whois WG repopulate the Whois WG. The first action of the Whois WG will be to draft the ALAC statement on the Preliminary Issue Report on 'Thick' Whois. The ExCom has also extended an invitation to Holly Raiche to be a member of this WG.
4. Outreach
ICANN Academy/ Capacity Building
5. Chair's report, Charles
6. ALAC report, Edmon
7. Any other business