Task 12: Deliberation on Fundamental Requirements
The RDS PDP WG started its Phase 1 deliberations on key concepts, using the following document as a guide:
KeyConceptsDeliberation-WorkingDraft-13Feb2018.docx and PDF
List of WG Agreements to Date (as of 13 February 2018) - excerpted from Working Draft above
Previous drafts can be found by reviewing "Attachments" to this page.
In addition, drafting teams were formed to flesh out possible purpose definitions:
List of Drafting Teams: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/IgwNBg
Final Outputs produced by Drafting Teams as input to full WG deliberation:
This consolidated outputs document incorporates all of the individual Draft Team outputs:
As this PDP has now been terminated, the above draft outputs reflect work-in-progress through the WG's final meeting at ICANN61.
Prior to PDP termination, WG member polls used to gather informal input to on-going WG deliberations are listed below.
Task 8: Developing a Possible Requirements List
The RDS PDP WG extracted from key input documents and other sources a comprehensive and inclusive list possible requirements for gTLD registration directory services and data.The latest draft of that initial list is:
For a list of key input documents and assignments for WG members to extract further possible requirements from those sources, visit this Sign-Up Sheet.
In addition, the RDS PDP WG completed the following preparatory steps before beginning deliberation:
Task 4: Summarizing Key Inputs
Summaries of key inputs were identified to inform the RDS PDP WG work plan: