- jonathan.zuckto send bullets about UA to Justine Chew.
- hadia.elminiawi and ccNSO Liaison otieno.barrack to examine / comment on the ccNSO PDP3: Initial Proposals for Process to Retire ccTLDs.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to update workspace and website regarding OFBSC (Operations).
- Yesim Saglam to coordinate with jonathan.zuck and Justine Chew on scheduling At-Large GeoNames Survey call with interpretation and second Single Purpose call, but within the next 14 days (60 minutes) starting week of 11 May. Invite GAC rep to second Single Issue Call.
- Yesim Saglam to schedule next CPWG on 13 May at 19 UTC (TBC).
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