15 December 2021 - #69

15 December 2021 - #69


Members: Jim Galvin, Barry Leiba, Matthew Thomas, Jaap Akkerhuis, Justine Chew, Warren Kumari, Rod Rasmussen

Apologies: Julie Hammer, Matt Larson

Observers: none

Staff/Contractors: Heather Flanagan, Jennifer Bryce, Casey Deccio, Kathy Schnitt, Corina Ferrer


  1. Welcome and roll call
  2. Update from the Technical Investigator (Casey Deccio)
  3. Current Status of the NCAP Project (Jennifer Bryce)
  4. Revisit the proposed name collision analysis workflow considering results of the Sensitivity Analysis (Matt Thomas)
  5. AOB

Recording: https://icann.zoom.us/rec/share/92S7mX8QSQ98q-yOVI1PM-pzmaVOzNydLgAVCC2FszcJ-R5rEC7Kdhso-y_nYrMa.9j3s7z62YGpB5zOK

Meeting Notes: 15 Dec NCAP DG Notes PDF
