6 October 2021 - #62

6 October 2021 - #62


Members:Julie Hammer, Justine Chew, Tom Barrett, Warren Kumari, Ram Mohan, Anne E. Aikman-Scalese, Barry Leiba, Jaap Akkerhuis, John Kristoff, Jothan Frakes, 

Apologies: Matthew Thomas

Observers: Jim Prendergast

Staff/Contractor: Matt Larson, Steven Kim, Kinga Kowalczyk, Heather Flanagan, Casey Deccio, Kathy Schnitt, Steve Sheng


  1. Welcome and roll call
  2. Update from the Technical Investigator – Casey Deccio
  3. Current status of the NCAP project – Jennifer Bryce
  4. Review and discuss the updated NCAP project plan
  5. AOB

Recording: https://icann.zoom.us/rec/share/e-xv4yO8Sf0cPJAG_0Cje4TJbW00XPu0cfu5-EB1ZAVwLuKAeRxZBNGNf69y9-EA.1U2LGyDAEYiZXmTb

Meeting Notes: No staff notes were taken for this session. Please refer to the link above for the meeting recording and transcript.

Slides: PDF

Project plan: EXCEL