30 June 2021 - #52
Members: James Galvin, Matthew Thomas, Barry Leiba, Jaap Akkerhuis, Julie Hammer, Justine Chew, Tom Barrett, Warren Kumari,
Apologies: Ram Mohan
Staff/Contractor: Steven Kim, Kinga Kowalczyk, Heather Flanagan, Casey Deccio, Kathy Schnitt
Agenda: NCAP Discussion Group Teleconference / 30 June 2021
1. Administrivia/Agenda Bashing
2. Action Item Review
3. Welcome and roll call
4. Updates to SOI
5. Casey Deccio introduction
6. Level set on five work items:
a.) Root Cause Analysis (Casey)
b.) Data Questions (Matt T.)
c.) CORP, HOME, and Mail Case Study (Steve and John)
d.) Board Questions (Heather)
e.) Name Collision Analysis Process Flow (Matt and Jim)
6. AOB
Meeting Notes
Background material (see google doc)
Conclusions/Decisions Made: N/A
New Questions: