24 February 2021 - #43
24 February 2021 - #43
Members: Matt Thomas, Jim Galvin, Justine Chew, Jaap Akkerhuis, Barry Leiba, Steve Crocker, Jeff Schmidt, Gregory Shatan, Julie Hammer, Rod Rasmussen, Merike Kaeo, Jeff Neuman
Apologies: Ram Mohan, Russ Mundy
Observers: Jim Prendergast
Staff/Contractor: Matt Larson, Amy Creamer, Steve Sheng, Kim Carlson, Kathy Schnitt
NCAP Discussion Group Teleconference
- Welcome and roll call
- Update to SOI
- Update on Study 2
- Standing Agenda
Documents: Name Collision Analysis Standing Agenda by Matt Thomas
Recording: Zoom Playback
Background material (see google doc)
Chat: Chat NCAP DG 24 Feb.txt
Decisions Made: