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  • SSAC Staff ICANN org worked with the EPDP Phase 2 Small Team to identify what elements of the System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD) policy recommendations would be needed for a proof of concept, which is meant to be cost effective and simpler than the SSAD, for the purpose of understanding usage and demand for a centralized request service. The service will be operational for up to two years, at which point the Board will make a determination regarding the SSAD policy recommendations. As the SSAD Operational Design Assessment (ODA) identified the identity verification and accreditation feature (SSAD recommendations 1 and 2 from the EPDP Phase 2 Final Report) to be the major drivers of cost and complexity, the Small Team did not recommend inclusion of these recommendations in the proof of concept design, which the GNSO Council recommended and the Board has directed (https://www.icann.org/en/board-activities-and-meetings/materials/approved-resolutions-special-meeting-of-the-icann-board-27-02-2023-en#section1.a) ICANN org to implement. This proof of concept service -- the Registration Data Request Service -- is less complex than the SSAD and will leverage existing ICANN materials, systems, and tools, which is expected to result in a timely launch by November 2023. The service will provide a streamlined experience for both data requestors and ICANN-accredited registrars by providing the centralized platform to submit and receive the data requests with the use of standardized form, making this service reliable and efficient. Furthermore, while this service is streamlined, it does not offer differentiated access due to the exclusion of identity verification and accreditation features. It is important to keep in mind that the service will not remove the requirement that individual registrars - and not the system or ICANN - undertake the legitimate interests balancing test on a case-by-case basis. That said, some people have noted that a standardized intake form, specifying all required inputs, could make it easier for registrars to conduct that test. Finally, the ICANN Board also urged the GNSO Council to consider a Policy Development Process or other means to require registrars to use the service to gather comprehensive data. This advice has been overtaken by subsequent events and will be moved to Phase 5 Close.
SSAC StaffRec 1: SAC118
  • SSAC Staff Clarifying Questions: 1) Is the SSAC, in recommending that the GNSO and ICANN org focus their attention on building and operating an effective differentiated access system, supporting the Org’s current operational design phase to inform the Board’s consideration of the SSAD recommendations? 2) Is the SSAC's recommendation suggesting that the ICANN Board should not act on the existing SSAD-related consensus recommendations, and instead build a differentiated access system based on the SSAC's recommendations?
SSAC StaffRec 1: SAC118