SSR2 Plenary #131 - 10 December 2020
Review Team Members: Alain Aina, Boban Krsic, Danko Jevtovic, KC Claffy, Kaveh Ranjbar, Kerry-Ann Barrett, Naveed Bin Rais, Ram Krishna Pariyar, Russ Housley, Zarko Kecic, Laurin Weissinger
Observers: Dennis Tan, Olevie Kouami
ICANN Organization: Brenda Brewer, Jennifer Bryce, Steve Conte
Technical Writer: Heather Flanagan
Apologies: Scott McCormick, Denise Michel
Audio recording: EN (56:18)
Zoom recording: HERE
Transcript: EN
Zoom Chat Transcript: EN
Plenary Call Report: PDF
Decisions Reached: /
Action Items:
Action item: Naveed to re-word the ‘baseline security best practices’ recommendation and share with the team ahead of next week’s meeting.
Action item: Risk subteam members to take a look at the ‘risk SMART criteria table’ as some adjustments have been made to the “known to be implemented when…" and "can be considered effective when…" text in order to keep the approach consistent with other sections.
Action item: Brenda to schedule meeting on 14th January 2021 from 15:00 – 17:00 UTC.
- Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
- Reminder of Implementation Shepherd volunteer opportunity (see email)
- Heather to present any outstanding issues in the report for team’s attention during the meeting (draft document here [])
- Next steps
- Heather will send the full report draft on 13th December – please be prepared for discussion on 17th December plenary meeting
- Prioritization survey will follow the full report draft – please be prepared to complete this survey
- Plenary meeting will need to be scheduled in January – RT members to confirm if Thursday 7th January is ok
- Confirm action items, decisions reached
Call Details: 15:00 - 16:00 UTC (time zone support here) Interested in listening to the discussion? Send request to for meeting link. Learn more about how you can observe SSR2 meetings - see here. |