APRALO Showcase WG 18.05.2011 Chat
Seth Greene: Hello, everyone.
Edmon: good morning
Ang Peng Hwa: Hi Edmond
Edmon: good to see you on peng hwa
Edmon: when is isoc sg joining apralo? :-D
Charles Mok: Hi all
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: hello
Ang Peng Hwa: ISOC SG first needs to get organised
Ang Peng Hwa: ie become an organisation
Ang Peng Hwa: it's under process
Charles Mok: GOod to see ISOC SG getting going, Peng Hwa!
Edmon: let us know if u need any help peng hwa
Ang Peng Hwa: quite a bit of work for that
Ang Peng Hwa: you have your isoc hk m&a and sop? we could use that.
Ang Peng Hwa: Hi Charles
CLO: Excellent news indeed
Charles Mok: Oh sorry, Peng Hwa, I was looking away.
Charles Mok: Yes, we can surely.
Charles Mok: I will find it and share with you, Peng Hwa.
Edmon: do we do recordings for these calls?
Edmon: if so we should start that :-p
CLO: of course as an ISOC Chapter now in formation they could apply as an ALS as an in formation ISOC Chapter under current processing the DD could be done simultaniously that way///
Ang Peng Hwa: thanks Charles
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Vodka
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: only kidding
CLO: Well for me Vodka os good at ANY time ;-)
CLO: and NOT kidding
CLO: We were going to go electeonic => i.e. flashdrove
CLO: thumb drive
CLO: I'm OK with pins
Seth Greene: There are also the general APRALO brochures that could be available.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Think about it early enough because sometimes the making of these things takes time
CLO: ALL the brouchers come in PDF and SO needs to be looked to locally I have anither point
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Seth - will the general APRALO brochures be sent to SG directly?
Edmon: thats prob a good question for peng hwa
Edmon: re media
Edmon: local
Charles Mok: WE should work with Peng Hwa on potential sponsors!
Charles Mok: in Singapore.
Charles Mok: We can certainly contact Pindar from here.
CLO: Brouchres araken by staff for all meetings usually s BUT for the showcase let's stick to the now and future with an IT paperless approach
CLO: araken = are taken
Charles Mok: I can talk to Raj in Colombo. Pavan just drop me the stuff.
Charles Mok: This weekend
Edmon: for keynote i have a couple suggestion: Prof Qian from China and Kilnam from Korea
Charles Mok: Edmon, I think Pavan and I can also invite them, if ok with others.
CLO: should we use something liek Eventbrite for pre rego
CLO: http://www.eventbrite.com/
CLO: Same time next week then...
Edmon: bye
Ang Peng Hwa: I'm dropping out. Have a good day/evening everyone.