CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2014.4.30 - Adobe chat
Petya Minkova:
Leon Sanchez:hello everyone
Hago Dafalla:hi all
Marilia Maciel:Hello everybody!
Cintra Sooknanan:hi everyone
Cintra Sooknanan:I have circulated changes to this version by email to the wg
manoff:Hector Manoff is here
Young eum Lee:Young-eum Lee is also here
Alexandra Dans:And myself Petya ;)
Cintra Sooknanan:staff could you make the document larger and scrollable?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Is scroll working now?
Cintra Sooknanan:yes it is
Marilia Maciel:Hello, Rafik has no audio
Marilia Maciel:If someone could assist him that would be great
Petya Minkova:@ Marilia: I am trying to fix it now
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@all: you may wish to maximise the window holding the draft charter in order to see the text better
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I have re-established synchronization with Bart's screen so we all know where he has scrolled to
Filiz Yilmaz:Can you make it scrollable again though? I would like to move within the document as I see fit, if that is possible of course without distrubance on others... Thank you.
Leon Sanchez:i like "provide input" rather than advice
Young eum Lee:agree with Leon
Filiz Yilmaz:I support "input". Nice and simple.
Leon Sanchez:Imalso support Cintra's suggestion on removing if deemed apprpriate
Filiz Yilmaz:I feel "if deemed appropriate" is there to note that "input" will be provided if there is enough consensus to do so from the WG. I am OK with that...
Cintra Sooknanan:in b) the reference to a. above should be a) above
Cintra Sooknanan:@Filiz the working group operation by consensus is applied in another section... if deemed appropriate has no connection with that
Cintra Sooknanan:the MAY in that section gives the wg enough power to apply or not apply any of a) to d)
Filiz Yilmaz:Yes, and I feel the "deemed appropriate" is a reference to if consensus reached on an issue.. I would support that if it is changed to that extend. Otherwise I have no idea what it means and agree it is confusing. But we may want to consider the intention under it before deleting it completely.
Cintra Sooknanan:overall the wg operates by consensus levels as detailed in c working group methodologies
Filiz Yilmaz:I feel advise is a form of input.
Cintra Sooknanan:it is understood
Marilia Maciel:Yes, I agree with Greg
Filiz Yilmaz:I agree. The model is part of Internet Governance that is within the scope of this group. It can be something else one day. So I would rather keep it slightly open and not too specific.
Young eum Lee:Agree with greg. Internet governance is good
Marilia Maciel:Yes, agree too
Filiz Yilmaz:what is wrong with just saying "providing input about Internet Governance issues and processes"?
Marilia Maciel:Yes, list can be non-exhausted, but I think the MS model chould be changed to Internet Governance as suggested by Greg
Marilia Maciel:should
Young eum Lee:If we qualify a) with a provisiional phrase in the first sentence, as Bart suggests, it would make sense.
Marilia Maciel:Good suggestion by Filiz as well
Filiz Yilmaz:All that are the medium of the input. We can also provide the input by a simple mail from the WG Chair.
Filiz Yilmaz:I think we are over-engieneering this.
Marilia Maciel:Please see suggestions by Greg and Filiz about text later
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:The tighter a charter is, the easier it is to have it accepted by SO/ACs.... well, the term "easy" is probably not the correct word for this...
Marilia Maciel:We can find text that shows we understand what is "off-limits"
Marilia Maciel:Agreed
Filiz Yilmaz:I suggest we move on :)
Filiz Yilmaz:Pls enable scrolling for us...
Leon Sanchez:I think papers MUST be publish and commented but comments not necesarily incorporated
Marilia Maciel:Agree with Leon
Marilia Maciel:No it means we will only have synthesis documents
Filiz Yilmaz:I again think we are over-engineering this :). Charters need to have some felxibility for future changes in methods and mechanisms that may emerge.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Filiz: you know how ICANN community loves to over engineer things. We're just making sure :-)
Filiz Yilmaz:Yes, Olivier, and I keep the hope and optimism that we may be able to move a bit further to be more agile at times :).
Marilia Maciel:I agree with you Olivier, we can remove. But among us we need to make sure the understanding is that we should NOT be obligated to include all comments. We need to have this on record somehow
Young eum Lee:can we have people mute their phone if they're not speaking? We seem to be getting unnecessary audio
Cintra Sooknanan:I would support a mechanism for diverging views
Leon Sanchez:i apologize for having to leave the call.
Marilia Maciel:I agree with Cintra
Filiz Yilmaz:Me too. The input this WG may give on any issue may be "some people support A and some support B". And this will be still helpful depending on the case.
Leon Sanchez:and agree with Cintra and. marilia
Leon Sanchez:I have to leave
Leon Sanchez:have a good day everyone
Marilia Maciel:Bye Leon, good day to you as well
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks Leon
Young eum Lee:Agree with Greg.
Young eum Lee:small number of co-chairs, and a committee of a slightly larger number of people, in the form of a steering committee
Filiz Yilmaz:I do not support a steering commitee. A chair + two co-chairs should be neough. Otherwise we get into hyrerarchy within hieararchies.
Filiz Yilmaz:Too mnay levels are not helpful either.
Greg Shatan:Do we need to clarify what kind of "consensus" we are talking about in the section entitled WG Position Paper or Statement? Specifically, consensus vs. "full" consensus vs. "rough" consensus
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:that wil be the lasr discussion we'll have
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:last
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:on the call today
Cintra Sooknanan:i have ne more point
Filiz Yilmaz:I have to drop off. Laters!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks FIliz!
Marilia Maciel:Different issues may require different thresholds. Let's not be so specific to qualify consensus
Cintra Sooknanan:+1 Marilia
Marilia Maciel:Yes, that is a viable way
Marilia Maciel:Yes
Marilia Maciel:Good work today
Marilia Maciel:Sorry, good it was fixed, rafik
Young eum Lee:thanks, everyone.
rafik:thanks everybody
Marilia Maciel:Indeed. Great call. Thanks
Marilia Maciel:No problem
Marilia Maciel:Next meeting :)
Alexandra Dans:Thank you!
Marilia Maciel:Thank you, bye!