CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2014.3.14 - Adobe chat
Bill Drake: Bonjour
Filiz Yilmaz:It was me, I believe, Filiz...
Filiz Yilmaz:Hi Renate
Filiz Yilmaz::)
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Today's Agenda:
Alain Bidron:Hello Marilyn
Alexandra Dans:Hi Marilyn :)
Michele Neylon:lo
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:hi, Michele.
Michele Neylon:registrar
Michele Neylon:and I haven't had coffee yet
Michele Neylon:so I don't really count
Michele Neylon:yet
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:Michele, I am of the view that you can count, and do count.
Alain Bidron:with coffee you count twice
Michele Neylon:Marilyn - when the coffee kicks in :)
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:welcome, Naresh. I look forward to seeing you in Singapore.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Naresh will not be able to make it to Singapore in person
Filiz Yilmaz:RIR meetings are open to all, including governments. This is already worded in the text I had provided.
Alain Bidron:I confirm...
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:
Michele Neylon:Just do it
Michele Neylon:We've already discussed this more than once
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:Rafik and Olivier should send a communique to ICANN staff: Sally and David, explaining that this is a priority; that we need 2 hours; we cannot deal with a conflict as exists in the p.m.
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:Most of those who have spoken have asked to support the am. session.
Michele Neylon:We all support bottom up
Michele Neylon:not top down
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer::-)
Michele Neylon:Staff moving the bloody stuff around the schedule is very much top down
Bill Drake:I support sideways
Michele Neylon:end of
Michele Neylon:let's move on
Michele Neylon:except if you're in Switzerland of course
Michele Neylon:*sigh*
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:Overview of CCWG by Olivier/Rafik. I am still not enamoured of asking for statements at this point, as it lessens the opportunity for the community. Let's limit this it only 1 minute per 'entity'. After all, the CCWG doesn't want to appear to be ursurping the opportunity for the participation. We might need to have questions/or statements 'in the moderators' pockets, if things seem to not be picking up dynamic participation.
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:I proposed rapporteurs/at least 2-3 per question/not the co-moderators, as we woudl support thm.
Bill Drake:I like the way OCL says rapporteurs...
Michele Neylon:I agree with agenda as proposed
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:Some are taking other roles in NETMundial, or in support of Fadi's Strat panels. Some might be part of the discussion as it evolves.
Filiz Yilmaz:I am in the same opinion still too, which I expressed so far too: I do not think spending time on statements from groups is not effiicient. What they had to say shoul dbe reflected alread in the joing CCWG brief. Rest, anythign missing, can be communcated on mic by reps given the same oppurtunity like anyone else during Q&A agenda point.
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:I can't seem to raise my hand, but would like ot speak.
Michele Neylon:Next week I'm travelling Tuesday + Wednesday
Michele Neylon:RrSG will not have a statement
Michele Neylon:Our members will have comments
Michele Neylon:so I'd agree with Marilyn
Alain Bidron:the same with ISPs
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:By the way, Board, staff, are just audience participants, and should be so seated, and not given favored time at the mike. That is bottom up
Michele Neylon:Agreed
Michele Neylon:Don't give them mics
Michele Neylon:let them Q
Michele Neylon:like everyone else
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:The community has had a rep on this planning team, Bill.
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:I personally can't understand the distinction. I didn't propose a time for group members to make statements, but made a suggestion that we, as CCWG will perhaps be commenting on what we hear. ;-)
Filiz Yilmaz:It is not about how many Community Statements are expected.
Filiz Yilmaz:It is about a principle and setting expectations too.
Filiz Yilmaz:We talk about bottom-up, so lets reflect this in the agenda usage too as well as reserved mic time
Filiz Yilmaz:Everybody gets 2 mins from the same lot of the agenda, Community Statement or individual contribution
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:I had proposed that the WG members be listening at the front of the room, and able to also ask for a mike, from the co-moderators.
Bill Drake:Olivier what you just said was my understanding as is fine if it's what people want. I was responding Marilyn's suggestion.
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:Let's use roving mikes, not queing. The community is viewed as a supplcant, having to get out of their seats, and stand as supplicants at standing mikes. We can run a public sessin with roving mikes.
Bill Drake:YES
Filiz Yilmaz:NO
Bill Drake:statements and comments, mixed
Michele Neylon:I want a pony
Filiz Yilmaz::)
Bill Drake:I agree with Marilyn
Bill Drake:if the idea of 'statement' being mixed with 'comments' is problematic, let the 'statements' be made from the floor
Filiz Yilmaz:Satements are comments too. And they are from the Community.
Alain Bidron:agree also with Marilyn
Michele Neylon:What Filiz said
Michele Neylon:I still want my pony Olivier!
Filiz Yilmaz:Change Agenda 4 to "Comminity Input" and state that we will receive input form all.
Michele Neylon:Filiz - sounds good
Michele Neylon:thank you Olivier
Filiz Yilmaz:Questions are to get that input triggered anyways....
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:I want a pin that i 1/4 the size of the 1/net pin!!
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:we are there to listen, Bill. that dosn't make it a free for all.
Filiz Yilmaz:Yes, the point is to have an open-mic time to listen
Michele Neylon:I never got a 1net pin
Michele Neylon:does that make me special?
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:I am working on that! I will try again on the 8 a.m. call/but can I insist it is smaller?
Bill Drake:Michele I'd give you mine if I still had it
Michele Neylon::)
Bill Drake:I suspect people will come to the mic, OCL
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:NOT coming to mike! raising their hands for mike from a roving mike handler. I can volunteer to carry a roving mike!
Bill Drake:ATRT required reading the report
Bill Drake:everyone can spout off on IG topics
Bill Drake:Marilyn what's the difference, why is roving better
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:If we put CCWG members who know a lot of the participants in the audience, we can encourage speakers by being available to them by being walking around with mikes. Asking people to queue up is a put off to many.
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:Supplicant versus participant, Bill, thanks for asking.
Bill Drake:I don't know...I think standing in line for the mic is pretty democratic
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:We should have the questions printed out, not just posted. Also, we should post the document from CCWG in several places,and maybe a FAQ.
Bill Drake:I agree to the clock
Michele Neylon:I like the idea of a timer
Young-eum Lee:Agreed as well.
Michele Neylon:otherwise you get overly verrbose lawyers
Bill Drake:or French
Michele Neylon:lawyers! *spit*
Alain Bidron:;-)
Michele Neylon::)
Young-eum Lee::0
Michele Neylon:Unless they/re questions why do we need to respond?
Filiz Yilmaz:I am not saying we should be using a clock/timer stritcly as in Public meetings, but Chairs should keep an eye for equal chance for participation.
Filiz Yilmaz:It should set an example how this can be really encouraged; providing fair time for all who wants to speak.
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:I am not disagreeing, but we need to set that up in our initial introduction. Also, Wednesday is a closed working session so, let's be clear about that. However, we might also note that communities are meeting on Tuesday and may have feedback to their reps into the CCWG and should do so... by Wednesday.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Wednesday is NOT closed
Filiz Yilmaz:Agreed with Olivier. Lets move on with the questions.
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:Can staff prepare a printed document with the names of all the participants, and that can be posted, and also printed. I am aware that we have a GAC liaison, but haven't seen him on the calls.
Bill Drake:Agree
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:I propose that Olivier and Rafik be co moderators, and rapporteurs be others /from the CCSG.
Young-eum Lee:Agreed
Filiz Yilmaz:Agreed yesterday, agreeing today.
Alain Bidron:Agree
Bill Drake:And I'd suggest rapporteurs not be usual suspects
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:ask for volunteers,and then make assignments/try for diversity across different groups: agreed.
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:I still volunteer to be a roving mikestress.:-)
Young-eum Lee:I can also volunteer to be a roving kikestress
Young-eum Lee:mikestress
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:micstress?
Bill Drake:I volunteer for roving troubadour
Young-eum Lee:^^
Bill Drake:Adigo cut me off
Young-eum Lee:(Korean emoticon for :-) )
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:so, two of us so far. I best we can recruit a couple more.. NO instruments allowed, Bill.
Renate De Wulf:Bill, do you need Adigo to dial you back in?
Bill Drake:I'm back Renate
Filiz Yilmaz:I had submitted other/slightly different questions to the ml. It is not important to see them specifically here, but there was one about the roles of Staff, COmmunity and Board partiicpation
Filiz Yilmaz:Yes, that question :). I thought I raised it yesterday...
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:Feliz, can you repost. I did think I had it but can't find it now.
Bill Drake:oui
Bill Drake:(3) What are the expectations from ICANN Staff/CEO; ICANN Board; ICANN Community Members respectively during NetMundial? [As these can contribute the process in different ways, channels…]
Filiz Yilmaz:Sure. But lets consider them this time!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:(1) What are the main messages from ICANN Community members towards NetMundial? [Highlighting the main messages that seemed to be supported by the majority so far, with a note that there are varying opinions of course and unanimity is not the goal here…](2) What are the addition points for CCWG developed document? Are there missing messages that needs to be elaborated?(3) What are the expectations from ICANN Staff/CEO; ICANN Board; ICANN Community Leaders respectively during NetMundial? [As these can contribute the process in different ways, channels…]
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:sorry got dropped. AAAAAGH
Filiz Yilmaz:Marilla's response to them as follows:
Filiz Yilmaz:I would like to agree with Filiz's suggestion of focusing on Net Mundial and not on CCWG at this moment. I also agree with her questions, which are very good. Building upon what was proposed, my suggestions would be:- That we add Bill's very important point about globalization of ICANN. This will certainly be a topic of discussions in Net Mundial. ICANN community should have the opportunity to exchange views beforehand (CCWG sessions seems like a good opportunity to do it given its representativeness) and be prepared, even if with general guiding ideas, when the topic is raised in Brazil- My feeling is that it will be difficult to talk about messages fto Net Mundial (topic 1) without talking about expectations (topic 3). Maybe there is some overlap between questions 1 and 3. Should then question 3 be slighly directed towars an exercise of forward-looking? A little twist would be enough. Maybe ask what are the expections regarding the contributions that net mundial could present to other processes.Best wishes,
Renate De Wulf:Olivier, Adigo is dialing you now
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:back on!
Bill Drake:While we are cutting and pasting....NCUC would be very interested in community responses to a specific question about globalization
Michele Neylon:Agree with Filiz
Michele Neylon:WE the community
Michele Neylon:NOT them the BOARD
Michele Neylon:the BOARD is NOT the COMMUNITY
Bill Drake:Marilyn's reformulation fine
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:I was proposing a rewording of one of the questions: What are the expectations of the community for the CEO/Board, and staff during NETMundial and any output of NetMundial?
Filiz Yilmaz:How is the current wording saying that we are asking ICANN Board?
Alain Bidron:agree with this formulation
Filiz Yilmaz:Anyway, I hope the intention is clear now.
Michele Neylon:+1 Marilyn
Michele Neylon:BOTTOM UP
Michele Neylon:NOT TOP DOWN
Michele Neylon:yes
Michele Neylon:I am a person
Michele Neylon:too
Bill Drake:YOu sure?
Filiz Yilmaz:We all are...
Filiz Yilmaz::D
Bill Drake:I forgot my mantra
Alain Bidron:we don't know the format of the meting
Alain Bidron:meeting
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:(3) What does the Community expect the role of ICANN Staff/CEO; ICANN Board; ICANN Community Leaders will be during NetMundial? [As these can contribute the process in different ways, channels…]
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:that's the reformatted question
Michele Neylon:I'm not goint to NetMundial
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:It isn't clear that there is over subscription but that should be more visible in next new days. Mariela also possibly has more insights from linkage to CGI planning/logistics but I was told that the next call of the HLG and EMC was occuring soon. It has panels, I understand, with audience participation and 12 remote hubs.
Michele Neylon:AFAIK none of the registrars are
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I have NOT IDEA whether I'll be there or not. I find this whole thing to be really very last minute, expecting me to drop everything in my life to go to Sao Paulo.
Bill Drake:Michele why are no registrars going?
Michele Neylon:Olivier - you have a life?
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:Michele, I kept telling individual registrars to submit a statement of interest, and if they did, they are just as likely to be selected as anyone, as far as I can tell
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:but I expect that I might be asked to go.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Many think I do not have a life. Theyare probably right.
Michele Neylon:Marilyn - AFAIK a couple did but I'm not aware of any who can commit to going
Michele Neylon:Bill - we're all busy with other stuff
Bill Drake:ok...
Michele Neylon:Bill - I'm the only person in our company who covers any policy / legal stuff
Michele Neylon:I've got plenty of other commitments
Michele Neylon:beyond running off to Brazil
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:I have no problem with asking, I just wanted to make it clear that some may be attending wearing a different responsibility. It isn't even clear that 1NET SG will be allowed to attend, although 1NET is a co sponsor, supposedly.
Bill Drake:I suspect the attendees will be busy too. Pity not to have Rgr views in the room
Michele Neylon:Bill - based on the way the 1net mailing list was going I suspect a lot of people couldn't see any point
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:We should switch 1 and 2, as that is how the meeting is being conducted in Brazil/Principles, and then Roadmap.
Bill Drake:mail list = meeting?
Bill Drake:online
Young-eum Lee:online
Bill Drake:more voices yes
Alain Bidron:On line please
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:Can we have a complete list of who is on the CCWG, Renate? I think we need to do more outreach, and I know who the BC liaisons are, but I think we are missing the GAC liaisons, for instance.
Renate De Wulf:
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:I had asked if we could have that prepared in a suitable manner to copy and hand out on Monday. :-)
Alain Bidron:On tuesday?
Michele Neylon:I can't do any more calls before Singapore
Michele Neylon:I fly out Tuesday morning
Bill Drake:Given the broad framing of the questions I don't see the burning need for a call
Filiz Yilmaz:I will probably not be able to make either.
Michele Neylon:so damn true
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:I probably can't either. Drowning in other work. Yes to print. Why would we need budget? There is copying available on site. I am sure that the staff can do that. OR, I can carry a printer and do it for us.
Filiz Yilmaz:Marilyn, printer-ress ;)
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:color, no less.
Michele Neylon:I *could* do Monday
Young-eum Lee:We should let the members know that we will be distributing the list, not just in the meeting summary.
Marilyn cade, BC /CSG Officer:IF you made it at 3 a.m. my time, yes. otherwise, sorry.
Michele Neylon:I cannot do after Monday
Michele Neylon:as I'm not here
Michele Neylon:and Monday is St Patrick's Day
Michele Neylon:it's national hangover day
Young-eum Lee:Doodle sounds good
Bill Drake:I will be teaching then
Michele Neylon:Olivier - and you think I'm not when I'm on these calls the rest of the time?
Michele Neylon:Propose multiple times
Michele Neylon:and let people choose
Filiz Yilmaz:Why do we need a call? Sorry if I missed that bit, stull trying to kick off jet lag.
Filiz Yilmaz:ok got it :)
Young-eum Lee:Thanks, everyone. Sorry for not being able to talk. Not possible for me now.
Filiz Yilmaz:bye
Young-eum Lee:Bye
Bill Drake:bye
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:and I have been dropped but was just closing the call
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks everybone and have a good week-end
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:no need to cal meback