LACRALO 19.07.2012 Summary minutes EN

LACRALO 19.07.2012 Summary minutes EN

1. Welcome

Welcome and roll call was held


3. Eduardo Santoyo

ES: I am glad to be here as I was invited by regional leadership. I think it is important thst we have a good working relationship with ICANN

We should improve the relationship between the Caribbean and Latin America.


ES: There is no managememt of the TLDs; This depends on the local internet communities. We need the managers to have more control over the ccTLDs. They ccTLDs are represented by these individuals.


SSP: What is the penetration rate of the TLDs?


ES: In Latin America, we have good conditions. There is a high penetration rate of gTLDs and in many countries gTLDs are higher than ccTLDs.


ES: There has been a growth  in Latin America.


ES: If are successful in the implementation in our community, including promotion, there is much growth which can occur. In Colombia, we are promoting the adoption of DNSSC.


ES: English is the language spoken by many. We are building new relationships. We have to keep working to share our experiences and relationships.


DAT: what is the cost for ccTLD operators to join LACTLD ?


ES: As an association obtain funding from associate members. Money not received from other structures for regular functioning. From that perspective, contributions we have are for supporting the operations of the association. Contributions from them and these are related to size of registries.  Voluntary contributions. Annual Contribution of USD 500, scholarships for training in technical fields are possible. Association has established this fee, which represents USD 40/month for those who manage the TLD’s.  IN return, they can receive benefits of scholarships or participating in workshops.


Question from Marcelo Telez

MT: Thank you for your presentation. Within LAC TLD’s we have ccTLD from Latin America and Caribbean.  Different issues related to the Falkand islands. For those living in Argentina, this is an important issue. Not allowing .FK which belongs to us, and discussed in the UN as well.


ES: IN LAC TLD, we have adopted the same definition of Geo territory and understanding of the ccTLD which ICANN has defined for its operation. I do not want to get into a political or internal discussion. As an association, I am not able to buy a TLD … Under these terms, we share ICANN’s views. The discussion is still be treated in the UN and in ICANN


SHL: Sergio over to you. Please be brief


SSP: Eduardo – one more question. Regarding the comments within ICANN> Regarding .PR. What is the situation?


ES: No additional news than that of IANA. A claim has been filed in court of Puerto Rico with regards to .PR and appointing a responsible person for managing the domain name. Solution has not yet been rendered. Situation before IANA has not been modified. There is an institute which is responsible for this and awaiting a decision within the court and ICANN to identify responsible people. Currently certain stability under responsibility of Mr Moreno but being discussed in Courts of Puerto Rico and have to wait until issue is solved.


SHL: Thank you Eduardo. We are happy with your answers and you have been very clear. Any additional questions will be sent to me and I will send them on.


ES: Additional Comment – share the idea of ICANN to share the relationships in means of the survey sent by Rodrigo della Parra. I hope people will be able to respond and generate actions.


SHL: Please complete the survey sent by Rodrigo


ES: a pleasure to participate – thank you!


SHL – Jose has joined the call but before handing over, dealing with pending Action Item. Related to automatic translation of our mailing list.


DAT:  Spoke with ICANN IT staff in Prague and they have been invited to next TTF call on Monday to discuss problems and how to overcome the difficulties.


DAT: Idea presented without going into technical parts of this and following on Monday’s TTF call, we will find some solutions to reduce the current problems encountered on machine translations.


SHL: New Action item – always with a view on improving participatin in our teleconferences. Staff will circulate a survey to set best day and time for the calls from August to December. We may keep the current schedule of 3rd Thursday of the month at 2100 or 2200 UTC. We are however looking into other options. Aim of the survey – communities needs with regards to timings of the calls


SHL: Regarding Item 5, we are well organized. After this initial meeting, groups will start working more smoothly. We had the opportunity to meet the new CEO in Prague. He gave a presentation to our community,


SHL: While in Prague, we thought about restructuring the website. Some members were invited to gave their thoughts on this.


JA: I have always been a clear person. There were many developments in Prague. Regarding SSP's re-election, Sergio is unable to stand for relection again.  We need to reopen the GA and suspend the amendments that were made.


JA: Sylvia and I have drafted some rules for actions within the GA. We will submit them to Staff for approval from Legal.


SSP: I will not stand for reelection.


AP: Ending the GA is not such a simple decision. We need to build agreement. To that end we need to work on all of the issues. We need to focus on the WGs and the outcome of their work. We also need bilateral consultations between all necessary parties.


SHL: Maybe we need to have more debate amongst all of the members, regarding the GA.


DAT: We must hold a GA.


AP The ombudsman is not here to solve all of our problems.


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