AFRALO Outreach Strategy FY 17 - Draft

AFRALO Outreach Strategy FY 17 - Draft

Aim of the Strategy

The FY17 AFRALO strategy for Outreach and Engagement aims at:

  • Reaching out to African end users all over Africa to raise their awareness about the benefit of their involvement in ICANN activities

  • Promoting the ICANN multi-stakeholder model and its bottom-up decision making process

  • Explaining how an Internet organization / association may become an At-Large Structure

Strategy plan

To reach the aims of the strategy, AFRALO shall:

  • Participate in events across Africa and especially in countries without ALSes to:

    • make the adequate outreach to bring African Internet organizations into ICANN Arena and make them interested to become ALSes

    • make presentations about topics under discussion in ICANN to show how the African ICANN community participate effectively in the ICANN policy development

    • exhibit ICANN structure, information and activity and detail its working methods

  • Organize local events, in partnership with the local ALSes to enhance their engagement and broaden their radiance in their respective countries

Continue to identify university and academic institutions to organize fruitful discussions with students and teachers about Internet Governance to bring young people into ICANN

Outreach Events targeted  

The outreach will target forums within the Africa Region to enhance AFRALO participation. The following non exhaustive list identifies some targeted events:

  1. AFRINIC Meetings 2016 - Mauritius

  2. Africa Internet Governance Forum 2016

  3. Africa Internet Summit 2017