Action Items: 2016-06-02 Cross Community Committee on Accessibility Call

Action Items: 2016-06-02 Cross Community Committee on Accessibility Call

  • Gisella GruberTerri Agnew to contact captioning service to look into option of posting URLs in the captioning chat
  • Terri Agnewi / meeting management Staff to create a resource page for each meeting to list URLs shared in the AC chat; a consolidated resource page will be created as well 
  • Yesim Saglam to cross check the CCC-Accessibility mailing list subscribers and update the roster on the wiki (add Werner Staub, Ken Hansen) 
  • Ariel Liang to obtain the meeting accessibility check list from the meetings Staff and share with the CCC-Accessibility 
  • Cheryl Langdon-OrrLaura Bengford, and Ariel Liang to put together a "dashboard" or equivalent on various accessibility deliverables; Cheryl/Ariel/Laura to follow up with gunela.astbrink and other relevant individuals/groups on their work deliverables to be included in the "dashboard". 
  • Ariel Liang to liaise with Gisella Gruber to reserve a longer time block for the CCC F2F meeting in ICANN57, which will incorporate an interactive program about accessibility deliverable updates; Ariel Liang to consult with Cheryl Langdon-Orr and invite relevant Staff/Community members for reporting on the accessibility deliverable updates and encourage greater participation 
  • Gisella Gruber to send out a doodle poll to arrange a meeting in between ICANN56 and ICANN57 (scheduling details to be confirmed)  
  • Silvia Vivanco to contact Judith Hellerstein to organize a brief single purpose call in August, reporting on the captioning pilot project
  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr to consider adding the agenda item for discussion in the ICANN57 F2F meeting:
    • Right to privacy vs. physical assistance and services
    • Updates on accessibility deliverables, including web accessibility on icann.org, atlarge.icann.org, meeting accessibility, content strategy, JamTart, etc., with elaboration on next steps, obstacles, resource requirements