At-Large Improvements Work Team A Teleconference
Meeting Number: WORKTEAMA/0111/2
Date: Thursday, 27 January 2011
Time: 18:00 - 19:00 UTC . (For the time in various timezones click here)
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Participants: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Pastor Peters, Siva Muthusamy, Yrjo Lansipuro, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Evan Leibovitch, Dev Anand Teelucksingh
Guest: Samantha Eisner
Apologies: Eric Brunner-Williams, Baudoin Schombe,
Staff: Gisella Gruber-White, Seth Greene, Heidi Ullrich,
Absent:Carlos Aguirre, Matias Altamira, Daniel Monastersky
Summary Minutes: Improvements Work Team A 27.01.11 Summary Minutes
Action Items: Improvements Work Team A 27.01.11 Action Items
Chat: Improvements Work Team A 27.01.11 Chat
Recording: English
Transcript: Improvements Work Team A 27.01.11 Transcript
Agenda: 27 January 2011
WT A AGENDA: 27 January 2011
1. Roll call – 5 min
2. Review of AIs from 13 January meeting – Co-Chairs, 5 min
a) Seth to confirm with WTs B, C, and D that they will not be proposing any Bylaw changes (which would need to be bundled with the WT A preamble to be sent to the SIC and Board).
3. Finalization of preamble for use within Bylaws – Co-Chairs, 5 min
- See Proposed Draft Preamble (as revised by WT A on 13 Jan)
4. Discussion of possible revision to Article XI, 4, j, mentioned in Legal Dept Drafts: ICANN Bylaws – Samantha, 15 min
- See WT A Drafts: ICANN Bylaw Changes
5. Discussion of possible WT B public comment (or public comment suggestion to the ALAC) regarding the ATRT’s Final Report – Co-Chairs, 10 min
- See WT A Drafts: Suggested ALAC comment on ATRT Final Recs
- See ATRT Final Recommendations public comment announcement.