The Annual OP&B sets forth the focus of effort and organizational commitment for the current fiscal year. The ICANN Bylaws and PTI Bylaws require the preparation and adoption of an Annual OP&B prior to the start of each fiscal year. PTI is an affiliate of ICANN and, through contracts and subcontracts with ICANN, is responsible for the operations of the IANA functions. PTI has its own Bylaws that require the organization to develop its own annual PTI Operating Plan & Budget (OP&B). The PTI OP&B includes all costs directly related to the delivery of the IANA services: performing day-to-day operations, developing, and evolving tools and systems, reporting on performance and customer satisfaction, and maintaining the security and integrity of key elements of Internet infrastructure. Draft ICANN FY26 Operating Plan and Budget & Draft IANA FY26 Operating Plan and Budget The Annual OP&B sets forth the focus of effort and organizational commitment for the current fiscal year. The ICANN Bylaws require the preparation and adoption of a Five-Year Operating and Financial Plan and Annual OP&B for ICANN and IANA prior to the start of each fiscal year. Revised Operating Standards for Specific Reviews Draft Over the course of multiple Specific Reviews, challenges emerged with the process that impacted their effectiveness. To address these challenges, ICANN org developed process improvements that it socialized with the community. Based on community input, org revised the Operating Standards for Specific Reviews. This proceeding seeks community input on the Revised Operating Standards, in time for the next Accountability and Transparency Review. Phase 2 Final Report on the EPDP-IDNs for ICANN Board Consideration The public comment open proceeding is to seek input on the Phase 2 Final Report recommendations from the GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) for ICANN Board Consideration. |