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The Community Regional Outreach Program (CROP)-FY18 Home is live! Please use At-Large RALO Outreach Plans on CROP FY18 wiki to continue to document and coordinate approvals of draft RALO Outreach plans for FY18. This page should no longer be edited. The page history will have the previous texts before they were transferred to the CROP wiki and previous drafts will |
With the Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (CROPP) for FY17 ending on June 30 2017 (and confirmation that the the Community Regional Outreach Program (CROP) will continue in FY18), one of the key deliverables for CROP FY18 before any CROPP proposals can be considered for FY18 is the submission of a updated Outreach Strategic Plan for each RALO. Each RALO's Outreach Strategic Plan should explain its FY18 outreach goals and planned expectations so that any selected CROPP activities can be coordinated with the appropriate ICANN Global Stakeholder Engagement teams.
This is an opportunity to review the CROPP FY17 At-Large RALOs Outreach Plans and CROPP FY16 At-Large RALOs Outreach Plans, review their outcomes and refine or develop new goals for FY18Given that the CROP wiki has yet to be built out, the At-Large Outreach and Engagement SC will use this page to draft their Outreach Plans for FY18.
RALOs that are considering CROP proposals to begin in July or August 2017 should consider their outreach plans now and seek approvals from GSE before the end of CROPP FY17. It is anticipated that the same conditions would apply for CROP FY18, namely that ICANN requires 6 weeks minimum for receiving APPROVED CROP proposals before the event takes place. This means for At-Large and GSE to have time to review and approve CROP proposals, we should strive to have proposals submitted for review at least 7 weeks before such proposed travel takes place.
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AFRALO draft FY18 Outreach Strategic Plan
Outreach Plan Description and Details:
AFRALO has achieved tremendous success in outreach and engagement within the region especially with its participation in Africa Internet Summit and AFRINIC Meetings. We have achieve a high rise in the number of ALSes to current 53 ALSes in the region.
Aim of the Strategy
With the important increase in the number of ALSes, the strategy of FY18 will focus on Engagement of the end users and will aim at:
Reaching out to African end users all over Africa to enhance engagement in the policy development processes and all other ICANN activities
Promoting the ICANN multi-stakeholder model and its bottom-up decision making process
Continue the effort of recruitment of new members (At-Large Structures and/or individual members)
Strategy plan
To reach the aims of the strategy, AFRALO shall:
- Participate in events across Africa to:
- Organize engagement sessions to present AFRALO, At-Large and ICANN to the event participants, explaining mission, constituencies and activities.
- Make use of all breaks and social events to do the adequate outreach to bring African Internet organizations and individuals into ICANN Arena and make them interested/be involved in the processes
- Make presentations about topics under discussion in ICANN to show how the African ICANN community participate effectively in the ICANN policy development
- Organize local events, in partnership with the local ALSes to enhance their engagement and broaden their radiance in their respective countries
- Continue to identify university and academic institutions to organize fruitful discussions with students and teachers about Internet and ICANN to bring young people into ICANN through these Open Sessions
Engagement Events targeted
The engagement will be done at various forums within the Africa Region. The following non exhaustive list identifies some targeted events:
AFRINIC Meetings 2017 - AFRINIC 27
Africa Internet Governance Forum 2017
Acknowledgements Section
Note: To be completed by a Pilot Program Coordinator (PPC) designated by this organization/structure.
APRALO draft FY18 Outreach Strategic Plan
Outreach Plan Description and Details:
Overview of 2016 and 2017-2018 activities
APRALO objectives: To build and enhance capacity among existing ALSes as well as create outreach opportunities to build connections with regional organizations as well as with current and potential ALSes and individuals who could be assisted to contribute to policy processes within ICANN.
Since June 2016, the APRALO Leadership Team (ALT) has gained sponsorship from a variety of sources to carry out its outreach objectives. During this period, APRALO was involved in the following activities:
New leadership – Satish Babu taking over from Siranush Vardanyan as RALO Chair. Ali AlMeshal remains as Vice Chair. The second VC position is currently vacant, to be filled in before the GA during ICANN60.
Established a mentorship programme to develop leadership capacity of ALS members who volunteered for the programme.
Continued our collaboration with the APAC Hub to create capacity building webinars
Participated in the following events (numbers relate to the attendance of APRALO Leaders)
(5) attended ICANN meetings in Helsinki, Hyderabad and Copenhagen
(4) attended APRICOT (Ho Chi Minh City) – participated in APTLD and AP* mtgs – 3x CROPP, 1x private sponsor (also 3 sponsorships for fees and 1x self-sponsoring of additional accommodation).
(4) participated in the China Internet Forum (Beijing) – 4x private sponsorships
(2) and ALS members attended APrIGF (Taipei) - participated in various sessions and the development of the Synthesis Document to present Asia-Pacific IG concerns to the Global IGF – 1x Fellowship and 1x part-private & part-self-sponsored, ALS members were privately sponsored or were Fellows
(2) attended APNIC42 (Colombo) and the AP* meeting – 1x Fellowship and 1x private sponsor
(2) are members of the Management Steering Groups of the APrIGF and the APSIG
(1) participated in the AP Internet Governance Academy (Korea) – APAC Hub sponsored
(1) participated in the organization of the first APSIG (Bangkok)
(1) coordinated the IndiaSIG prior to the Hyderabad meeting (ICANN funding provided)
Supported ICANN FY18 budget applications for ALT and ALS outreach events
Continued to promote ALS events on the APRALO Outreach calendar
Continued to encourage ALS participation in ALAC policy development
Maureen Hilyard became a Director of the Public Interest Registry Council for .NGO
Throughout 2017-2018, APRALO will continue its community outreach through regional events that offer the greatest opportunity to make contact with regional organisations, ALS members and potential APRALO members (organizations and individuals). Priority will be given to activities where we have established an identity as a reputable regional internet organisation, and reognised as one of the AP* organisations that regularly participate in and feed back to the members of APRICOT and APNIC meetings. The Leadership team approached the Budget Committee for FY18 funding for at least 3 members of the team to attend the APRICOT meetings which are the gathering of all the regional IT-related organisations. Although the proposal was accepted, it was conditional on using CROP, however as our schedule of events in the region indicates, five CROP slots would not meet the outreach requirements for our region. Satish and Maureen are members of the APrIGF Multistakeholder Steering Group (MSG) and while Maureen has participated as a member of the 2016 Election and the 2017 Fellowship and Programme Committees as well as co-chaired the Synthesis Document Town Hall Sessions, Satish has also contributed to the Synthesis Document and both participate in the APrIGF programme as workshop coordinators. Despite out hands-on role with this activity, it has been a regular for CROP use by two members of the team.
For 2016 two slots remained to be used by the Leadership Team to attend regional events that they had not participated in before. These were to be the Nepal IGF and the Pacific IGF in Vanuatu. Use of the CROP places for both events fell through because the Nepal event was postponed into the FY18 year, and the conflict of getting a visa for Johannesburg meant that there was no one available to attend the Pacific IGF. Because both events were to be held in the month of June, it was impossible for any other opportunity to use them by the end of the financial year.
Our priority for CROP will be 2 x APRIGF, and 3 slots to be used for regional events by the other Leadership Team members. The Leadership Team and ALS members will take advantage of Fellowships and other financial resources in order to reach out to their communities to gain more interest in ICANN
APRALO has access to various funds to assist the Leadership Team and selected active ALS participants, to attend events within the region with the purpose of outreach and engagement. These funding sources proposed for APRALO activities in FY18 include:
Funding Source
Potential Users of the fund
Provides 3 nights & 4 days attendance for five individuals at regional events. for example
Pacific IGF and other regional events
Leadership Team and members to provide outreach to communities about APRALO activities & networking
FY18 Budget
(proposed to FBSC and accepted – some referred to CROP)
Full funding to attend the following events
APRICOT – Kathmandu (March 2018)
APIGA – Korea (Aug 2017)
General Assembly – Abu Dhabi (Oct 2017)
Armenian IGF & SIG – Armenia (July 2017)
India SIG (Oct 2017)
Global IGF (conditional on acceptance by MAG of ALT submissions) – Geneva (Dec 2017)
Leadership Team
ALS members–potential leaders
All ALS representatives
Armenian ALS members
India ALS members
Leadership Team
APrIGF – session leaders will be a priority (Bangkok, July)
APSIG (Bangkok, July)
APRICOT (Katmandu, March 2018)
APNIC 44 (Taichong, Taiwan, Oct)
Net Hui (Auckland, Sept)
Any ALS member who wishes to make a Fellowship application to attend and participate any of these events which offer Fellowships
Private sponsors
A range of events provided by private sponsors for example, Dot Asia and Internet Society of China
Also, WSIS (Geneva, June) Diplo Foundation
Members of private sponsor organisations who want to participate in any other ICANN or non-ICANN event
Any national, regional or international event
Any members who cannot get sponsors to attend and participate in any national, regional or international event
Acknowledgements Section
Note: To be completed by a Pilot Program Coordinator (PPC) designated by this organization/structure.
EURALO draft FY18 Outreach Strategic Plan
treach Plan Description and Details:
Acknowledgements Section
Note: To be completed by a Pilot Program Coordinator (PPC) designated by this organization/structure.
See AFRALO Outreach Strategic Plan on the FY18 CROP wiki
APRALO FY18 Outreach Strategic Plan
See APRALO Outreach Strategic Plan on the CROP FY18 wiki
EURALO draft FY18 Outreach Strategic Plan
See EURALO Outreach Strategic Plan
LACRALO FY18 Outreach Strategic Plan
Outreach Plan Description and Details
NOTE This is a 2nd draft based on feedback given on the 2017-05-31 LACRALO Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement Call . LACRALO is seeking to have this plan approved by June 9 2017 for submission to the GSE given the need to apply for CROP in August 2017.
LACRALO will continue to raise awareness about ICANN At-Large in the LAC region with the goal of finding new organisations and individuals to join ICANN At-Large. Emphasis will be given to getting organisations to become accredited At-Large Structures (ALSes) from territories in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region that do not have any ALSes.
When potential At-Large Candidates have been identified, they will be contacted by the LACRALO Outreach & Engagement members (in coordination with the LACRALO chair and secretariat) to be invited to conference calls to learn about ICANN and ICANN At-Large.
Two IG events in the region have been noted in August 2017.
- Latin American and Caribbean Internet Governance Forum - LACIGF 10 which will be held in Panama City, Panama from 2-4 August 2017.
- Caribbean Internet Governance Forum - CIGF - tentatively planned for 21-23 August 2017 in Tortola, British Virgin Islands.
Given the important opportunity of these events for outreach, we will be seeking to use CROP:
- for two travelers, one from Latin America, one from Caribbean, to attend LACIGF
- for one traveler from Caribbean to attend CIGF.
We will seek to use the remaining CROP support for two travelers to attend other outreach events during FY18.
LACRALO members will also seek to contribute to and support the LAC Strategy Projects such as the Latin American and Caribbean Entrepreneurship and Internet Center (CEI LAC) and to consider submission of new project ideas for the LAC Strategy in line with the LAC Strategy's goals.
Acknowledgements Section
Note: To be completed by a Pilot Program Coordinator (PPC) designated by this organization/structure.
NARALO draft FY18 Outreach Strategic Plan
FY 17 Plan is listed here NARALO Outreach Strategic Plan
-Listen to feedback from community on the types of trips and who should be going
Outreach Plan Description and Details:
1.0 NARALO CROPP PLAN FY'18 Overview
NARALO's Outreach and Engagement Plan for FY 18 takes a four part approach,:
- We will build on the ARIN RIR Relationship at ARIN on the Road and ARIN events
- We will leverage the trips in accordance to larger events in the region i.e. ICANN PR in March 2018
- We are polling our community to help define what our priorities should encourage members to step forward to suggest viable trips.
- We are examining the GSE plans for FY 18 and look for harmonization
Changes in approach for the FY 18
In FY17 we implemented the concept of encouraging only new travellers/ALS members to take advantage of the trips and explained the process. That is except for the ARIN meetings where our current ARIN Liasion attended. We have been providing regular updates on all CROPP trips on our monthly NARALO calls. Despite repeated requests we failed to obtain all five new travellers for trips. The last trip saw Judith Hellerstein proposed a trip suggestion and was approved . This resulted all five of the trips successfully completed and reported upon.
Another important feature of the NARALO trip strategy is encourage participation very early in the trip cycle which has resulted in adequate time allowances for ICANN staff to process the request.
1.1 Observations and Gap Analysis We observed from the FY 17 trips in the gap analysis the following suggestions
Strong encouragement for NARALO participation at the two yearly ARIN events in North America- 2 out of 5 trips
Recruitment of unaffiliated was very successful with ten new unaffiliated members and efforts need to taken for orientation and recruitment
No reps from Southern, and South Western states in the US (ALS in 7 locations: Mass, Cal. NC, NY, ILL, DC and CO).
No reps from Canadian Prairies (Two 4 locations)(ALS Ont, Quebec, BC, NS)
No Francophone ALS’s outside of ISOC Quebec
No reps in many of the Western and North Western states of the US, only 1 ALS in California
No Canadian First Nations group (E Manitoba decertified)
Only one Indigenous US group, (NPM) Seeking additional ones.
Other Cities considering the acquisition of a TLD might be interested in forming an ALS
1.2 NARALO Community Priorities Suggestions
Here is the list of priority areas where we hope to do outreach and also increase the engagement of current and new ALSes in NARALO as well as educating the populace about ICANN, At Large, and NARALO issues.
The Puerto Rico ALS are implementing a major outreach effort corresponding to the NARALO Mou signing in June 2017
Leverage the efforts of ISOC PR for the first North American School of Internet Governance
Mentoring of the SF-Bay Area Chapter to become the second North American School of Internet Governance for the following year in San Francisco
Commitment to building a strong relationship with ARIN and their bi-annual events
Participation at RIGHTSCON in Toronto March 2018
- Participation in the Digital Inclusion conference put on by the National Digital Inclusion Alliance
1.3 Clarity of Plan
To identify the opportunities to enable some of the NARALO members to outreach to a specific audiences to educate them on the value of ICANN, At Large, and specifically NARALO. In addition in underserved sectors we will deliberately do outreach for recruitment for new organizations to become new ALS's.
1.4 Attributes of Participants
Positive attitude to proactive marketing
Confident and supported by RALO
Focused and purposeful
Proven track record
Preparation of the target market to educate
Awareness of the ICANN ecosystem
Expertise in core NARALO/ICANN issues
1.5 Environmental Factors
Research completed on existing ALS participation, absence and issues
Match of NARALO goals and event's mission
Endorsement of NARALO of event schedule
1.6 Skills of Participants
Assumption that the sponsored NARALO member is willing and able to present to an audience, conduct interviews, do radio interviews and more
Understand importance of social media reporting
Prompt reporting of event and follow up
1.7 Plan Implementation Timelines
June 2017 Plan Submitted to NARALO for Approval. Adoption of Plan
July Earliest possible First Cropp Trips
July to June 2018 Completion of the Five CROPP trips( All trips completed prior to June 31 of that year)
1.8 Proposed Trips
This trips listed below are suggestions based upon interest expressed in the past by NARALO Members
Trip One and Trip Two Event ARIN Meetings
Note: Open discussion again on the key ARIN-NARALO Liaison person
Gap Analysis: ARIN MOU relationship
Trip Three: National Digital Inclusion Alliance Conference
Dates: May 2018. Place not announced
Gap Analysis: Lack of ALSes from the South, North, and Western Areas of the US, North/South and Western areas of the US, Seattle/Portland areas, Indigenous Communities, Lower Income Communities
Traveller: Native Public Media, SF Bay ISOC, Other ALSes interested in Digital Inclusion
Trip Four
Event North American School of Internet Governance( San Juan, Puerto Rico)
Date March 2018
Traveller Susannah Gray, SF-Bay Area Chapter or alternate ALS to be identified who may be speaking at the conference
Gap Analysis: Ongoing creation of NA School of Internet Governance
The 2019 NASIG is being planned for San Francisco and the organizers have Susannah Gray shadowing the NASIG Planning team in PR
Trip Five Event RIGHTSCON (Toronto)
Date March 2018
The FY 18 strategic plan is so submitted after community consultation that started pm April 23 to the NA Discuss lists and the NARALO Chat in Skype.
The feedback from the community included:
Acknowledgements Section
Note: To be completed by a Pilot Program Coordinator (PPC) designated by this organization/structure.
Glenn McKnight
Judith Hellerstein
See LACRALO Outreach Strategic Plan on the CROP FY18 wiki
NARALO FY18 Outreach Strategic Plan
See NARALO Outreach Strategic Plan on the CROP FY18 wiki