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NARALO Monthly Teleconference 


Time: 20:00 - 21:00 UTC (for the time in various time zones click here)  

How can I participate in this meeting? 

1(800)550-6865, Teleconference EN ID: 1638


EN: Eduardo Diaz, Gordon Chillcott, Karen Mulberry, Marita Moll, Glenn McKnight, Jose Lebron, Jeffrey Reberry, Bill Jouris, John More, David Mackey, Denise Dehochbaum, Alan Greenberg, Alfredo Calderon, Adrian Schmidt, Dustin Loop, Greg Shatan, John More, Judith Hellerstein, Pierre-Jean Darres, 


Zoom Chat: EN    

Transcript: EN



1. Attendance (15/53 - 28%)

This section is to record the meeting attendance.








1Pacific Community Networks Association/CAAllan SkuceBev Collins
2ISOC DC/USDustin Loup (P)John More (P)X
3ISOC PR/PREduardo Díaz (P)Alfredo Calderón (P)X
4Canadian Association for Open Source (CLUE)/CAEvan Leibovitch Mathew Rice
5Foundation For Build. Sustainable Communities/CAGlenn McKnight (P)Robert T Bell
6Greater Toronto Area Linux User Group/CAGordon ChillcottBill  Thanis
7Association of Internet Users/US :: ALAC 2017-19John LapriseCristina WilllardX
8ISOC NY/USGreg Shatan (P)-X
9Capital Area Globetrotters/USJudith Hellerstein (P)Le-Marie ThompsonX
10Consumers Council of Canada/CA

Kenneth L. Whitehurst

Howard Dean

Karen Mulberry (P)

12ISOC SF/USLeah SymekherSusannah GrayX
13Native Public Media/USLoris TaylorElyse Dempsey
14Telecommunities Canada/CA Marita Moll (P)Garth Graham
15Communatique/CAMonique Chartrand -
16The IP/Tech. Section of the HI State Bar Assoc./USDavid MorrisDane AndersonX
17ISOC Quebec/CAPierre-Jean Darres (P)Robert Castonguay
18ISOC Canada/CAShelley Robinson Murray McKercher 
X Inc./USThomas Lowenhaupt ( deceased)Robert PollardX
20Hispanic Educational Tech. Services (HETS)/PRYubelkys MontalvoYelixa CastroX
21Nova Scotia Community Access ProgramDana Perry (A)Erick Stackhouse
22At-Large North American Graduate Students/USDavid Cristian MorarAnna Cecile Loup X
23Alternatives, Inc.Michel LambertMyriam Cloutier
24Colegio de Ingenieros de Puerto RicoJosé Lebrón (P)Miguel BauzáX






1Adrian Schmidt (P)
2Alan Greenberg (P)
3Bill Jouris (P)X
4Daniel WrightX
5David Mackey (P)
6Denise de Alcantara-Hochbaum (P)X
7Endrias ZewdeX
8Edward HasbrouckX
9Javier Rúa Jovet (A)X
10Jeffrey Reberry (P)X
11Jeongwon RyuX
12Jeremy PesnerX
13Joey Doyle
14Jonathan ZuckX
15Kevin FrazierX
16Kirstin DoanX
17Kristian Stout X
18Linda KaiserX
19Michelangelo De Simone
20Nat CohenX
21Nathalie CoupetX
22Philip RighterX
23Robert Guerra
24Robert JacobiX
25Roland YarbroughX
26Thomas W CampbellX
27Thomas StruettX
28Wes BoudvilleX
29William Cunningham X

For updates please contact Evin Erdoğdu, At-Large Staff.

2. Roll Call and Approval of the Agenda/Discussion Order 

This section is to do the roll call and record the approval of this meeting agenda and its discussion order. (00:02/00:02)

3. Meeting Discussion Order 




Allotted Time/Running Time


Introductory Remarks by NARALO Chair

→: To put the meeting in perspective  and bring-up anything of general interest to the membership:


  • New member: Jeffrey Reberry

Update Reports

  • Universal Acceptance
  • Post ATLAS III Activities
  • NASIG 2020 Update
  • F20 Discretionary Funds
  • CROP & Outreach Efforts
  • 2020 NomCom Updates

New Discussions:

  • SWebinar on DNS Abuse by Jonathan Zuck

Next Meeting

  • 10 February 2020 @ 20:00 UTC


(00:03/ 00:05)

Introduction of New Individual  Members

→  To introduce new individual members to the region

  • New member: 
    • Jeffrey Reberry



(00:05 / 00:10)

Universal Acceptance (UA)

Universal Acceptance WG

→  Team responsible for liaising  with the UA Org to educate NARALO in UA concepts and help identify ways on how our RALO and the UA Org could work together to help spread the importance of UA in our region. 

  • For this meeting 
    • Report on interactions with UASG members and participation in some of its meetings during ICANN 66 in Montréal


(00:05 / 00:15)

Post ATLAS III Activities

→ To provide an update report for post ATLAS III activities

→ For this meeting

  • Final participants report due January 17, 2020
Eduardo(00:05/ 00:20)

North American School of Internet Governance (NASIG) Updates

→  To provide an update on efforts regarding the North American School of Internet Governance

  • Future NASIG Schools:
    • NASIG 2020 :: Washington , DC
      • Lead: Dustin Loup
    • NASIG 2021 & 2022
      • Location and lead are to be determined
  • For this meeting
    • Update report on NASIG 2020 :: Washington DC
      • Preliminary date set for this event: September 24-25, 2020



(00:05 / 00:25)

FY20 NARALO Discretionary Funds

→ To report on the use of the funding for FY20 outreach and engagement activities by Regional At Large Organizations (RALOs) - Current NARALO balance: $3,500

  • Reminder on steps to apply (FY20 RALO Requests for Funding to support an Outreach Activity):  
    1. request form needs to be completed to initiate the process.
    2. The request needs to be reviewed and approved by Regional Leadership prior to sending to ICANN org staff
    3. The request must be sent to Silvia Vivanco and Heidi Ullrich at least three weeks prior to the planned activity. 
    4. Approval (or not) will be informed via email to the organization representative that made the request.
  • For this meeting
    • Report on submitted NARALO ABR FY21  ← Judith
    • Update on Adrian Schmidt event moved to January 2020 ← Adrian



(00:05 / 00:30)

NARALO Outreach Group Update Report

→: To provide a summary of the NARALO Outreach Group efforts

  • Remainder of CROP Trips FY20 (1 July 2019 through 20 June 2020) ← Judith
    1. ARIN
    2. NonprofitTechnology Conference 2020 (NTC 20) March 24/26 @Baltimore,MarylandApplication deadline is January 10, 2020
    3. Net Digital Inclusion 2020 (NDIA 20), April 7/9 @Portland, OregonApplication deadline is January 30, 2020
  • Update on last Outreach & Engagement Working Group (O&E) meeting ← David



(00:05 / 00:35)

2020 NomCom Updates

 To provide an update report from the 2020 NomCom

  • For this meeting:
    • Update report with opportunities for  PTI Board, ICANN Board, ccNSO, GNSO and ALAC

    • Application opens mid  December and closes Feb 10th, 2020
Glenn(00:05 / 00:40)

SWebinar on DNS Abuse

→  Brief presentation on the topic of DNS Abuse

          • What is this?
          • Why is this important to the end-users? 
          • Overview of the ALAC recommendations sent to the Board on December 24, 2019
          • Any next steps for NARALO?
Jonathan(00:18 / 00:58)

if we get to them...


NARALO ALAC members Update Reports

→: To provide a summary by our current NARALO representatives in ALAC of what was discussed since our last meeting in ALAC regarding policy and anything else that the region should be aware about.





NARALO Education Group Update Report

→: To provide provide an update report by the head of the Educational Group since our last call.


Student Outreach by  the North American Graduate Students At-Large Structure

→: To provide an updated report on efforts related to outreach University students by this At-Large Structure 

  • F/U syllabus work and Google doc for research material




Real-Time Transcription (RTT) 

LEAD: Judith Hellerstein supported by Silvia Vivanco (ICANN Staff)

→  To provide an update report on the results of this resource.

  • FY20 Additional Budget Request (ABR)
    • Approved:
      • Real-Time Transcription (RTT) of up to ten (10) hours of Inter-sessional At-Large teleconference calls in English during FY20
  • For this meeting:
    • Report on analysis of RTT survey data




RIR Outreach

→: To provide a report on RIR outreach efforts

  • For this meeting:
    • Report on efforts

2022 NARALO General Assembly (NGA 2022)

 To provide an update on efforts regarding the 2021 ( NARALO General Assembly

  • NGA can be held during ICANN 72 in Seattle or during ICANN 73 in San Juan, PR.

North America Stakeholder Engagement

→: To provide an update report on North America Stakeholder Engagement efforts

  • Current and future engagements




NARALO Policy Group Update Report

→: To provide an update report by the head of the Policy Group as to the ICANN policies being discussed at the moment affecting NARALO end-users and/or interest to NARALO members in general

      •  At-Large Policy Advice Updates




EPDP on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data

→: To provide an update report on this effort


to be updated in the future...


Academic Credits

→:To work on ways that we could possibly exchange academic credit for students who participate in ICANN policy development processes





Any Other Business (AOB)

-Next meeting: November 18, 2019 @19:00 UTC-(00:01 / 00:60)

*(allowed time/running time)

4. Current Discussion Topics

This section is for discussion topics details that have been carried forward to this meeting


→ 10 September [Recording: 36:00] Report given. Transcript excerpt:"So, again, we have two tools. We have CROP which is three trips that ICANN has been generous enough to support. Plus we have discretionary funding." Check transcript starting in page #21 for more details. [Decision]:  Carry Forward to next meeting. 


→ 09 Deember: See discussion detail starting on transcript page #21

→ 13 January 2020: See discussion detail starting on transcript page #11.

Topic 026:  NARALO ALAC Members Update Reports


→ 09 april [Recording: 3:00 ]  Javier Rúa gave a summary of the Work Track 5” of the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP Working Group. Alan mentioned statements already put out by ALAC fro GDPR Implementation, Fellowship Program and KSK Rollover. ALAC is currently looking for input on a proposal model made by the Intellectual Property Constituency (IP) and Business Constituency for accreditation and authorization on WhoIs data and on the replenishment of the ICANN financial reserve. Please check out the Policy Page in the links provided below. [Decision]: Action Topic for staff: Summarize what the policy issues are and send it out to the list as quickly as possible.


→ 10 September [Recording: 46:50]  Report given by John Laprise. Transcript excerpt : "As was mentioned, the KSK rollover is moving ahead, so that will happen before the next ICANN meeting. In addition, the Policy Working Group is getting up and running. Jonathan Zuck [inaudible] there. We’ve got review implementation which is also kicking off as well as ongoing work with new gTLDs and GDPR. The accelerated technical specs that are being under review which is another area of a lot of concern and conversation." Check transcript starting in page #26 for more details. [Decision]:  Carry Forward to next meeting.


→ 14 May [Recording: 45:00 ]   Presentation given by Jonathan on Intelectual Property Constituency (IPC) / Business Constituency (BC) Accreditation & Access Model for Non-Public Data. Please see details in transcript starting on page #30. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.


→ 10 September [Recording: 44:00] Report given. Transcript excerpt : "I sent out an e-mail through the education group to gather topics that we feel that we should have a short webinar in the coming meetings, keeping in mind that if they are really related with some policy that is out there for comment and it’s time-sensitive, we’re going to give priority to those." Check transcript starting in page #25 for more details. [Decision]:  Carry Forward to next meeting.


→ 10 September [Recording: 16:31]  Report given. Transcript excerpt: "We are also working with two universities, the University of California in Los Angeles and also Arizona State University and also the University of Colorado, to work on ways that we could possibly exchange academic credit for students who participate in policy development processes or have some other ICANN policy development advancing role. So we are talking to them actively." Yubelkys Montalvo from HETS was very interesting in helping with this effort. Check transcript starting in page #10 for more details. [Decision]: Carry forward to next meeting.


→ 09 September: Reps were not present in the call. No report was received.

Topic 052: EPDP on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data 

LEAD: Alan Greensberg

OPEN: 10 December 2018, CLOSED:


DESCRIPTION: To report on the use of the funding for FY20 outreach and engagement activities by Regional At Large Organizations (RALOs) - $4k/RALO

  1. request form needs to be completed to initiate the process.
  2. The request needs to be reviewed and approved by Regional Leadership prior to sending to ICANN org staff* 
  3. The request must be sent to Silvia Vivanco and Heidi Ullrich at least three weeks prior to the planned activity. 
  4. Approval (or not) will be informed via email to the organization representative that made the request.


DESCRIPTION: To provide an update report on the results of this resource.

  • FY20 Additional Budget Request (ABR)
    • Approved:
      • Real-Time Transcription (RTT) of up to ten (10) hours of Inter-sessional At-Large teleconference calls in English during FY20
        • F/U: Judith & Silvia to coordinate FY20 RTT meeting schedule


OPEN: 12 August 2019, CLOSED:

TYPE: Policy, Outreach

NARALO Universal Acceptance Working Group



"Dear RALO Chairs,

Further to an action item from yesterday's ALT-PLUS meeting, please see the Tracking Pages for the At-Large Universal Acceptance Pilot for your respective RALO here.

These pages are meant to facilitate the record of At-Large activity related to UA by region. Please share with your leadership team and community. John Laprise, ALAC Vice Chair has also requested you please also contact your regional UASG Ambassador regarding Universal Acceptance.

You may find the main At-Large Workspace on the UA Pilot here, with the below resources from Ajay Data of the UA Steering Group (UASG). Please share these resources with your RALO community."

See: RALO Tracking Pages for UA Pilot

Resources Shared by Ajay Data



Topic 074: 2020 NomCom Updates

LEAD: Glenn McKnight

OPEN: 18 November 2019, CLOSED:


→ 09 December: Glenn provided a brief report. See transcript page #30.

→ 13 January 2020: Deadline for applications is 18 February 2020. See transcript page #19 for other details.

Topic 075: Post ATLAS III Activities

LEAD: Eduardo Díaz

OPEN: 09 December 2019, CLOSED:


→ 13 January 2020: Next step is to publish a report on the feedback information  received post- ATLAS III.  See transcript page #6 for more details.

5. New Discussions

This section is for new discussions in the agenda for this meeting

Topic 076: SWebinar on DNS Abuse


OPEN: 13 January 2020, CLOSED: 13 January 2020 

TYPE: Education

DESCRIPTION: Brief presentation on the topic of DNS Abuse

          • What is this?
          • Why is this important to the end-users? 
          • Overview of the ALAC recommendations sent to the Board on December 24, 2019
          • Any next steps for NARALO?

→ 13 January: Mr. Zuck was not able to attend the meeting for personal reason. 

6. Any Other Business (AOB)

This section is for any new discussions not in the agenda for this meeting.


DESCRIPTION: [Brief description]

*Use this format. The number shown is the next in the sequence of discussions. Update every meeting if necessary.


Supporting Material



At-Large Policy Resources

At-Large Capacity Building Workshop - An Introduction to Policy Development at ICANN
2019 ALAC Policy Comments & Advice
At-Large Policy Summary
At-Large Executive Summary page
Multistakeholder Advice Development graphic

ALAC moving topics @ June 2019 

Please join the weekly  At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) meeting.

Recently Ratified by the ALAC (since last NARALO Monthly meeting)

ALAC Advice to ICANN Board on DNS Abuse (submitted to the ICANN Board on 24 December 2019)

Implementation Plan for the GNSO Consensus Policy Relating to the Protection of Certain Red Cross Names
As a worldwide internationally recognized humanitarian aid organization, and one that has been regularly the target of those seeking to fraudulently extract donations, the ALAC believes that the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (incorporating National Red Cross or Red Crescent Societies, and the International Committee of the Red Cross) should be given the benefit of protection to its various identifiers, designations and/or acronyms as intended by the policy changes proposed for implementation in the said updated consensus policy. This includes the proposed action to recognize changes to the official names of the Red Cross Society entities, including component names, in Eswatini and Macedonia, respectively, an action we view as necessary.

Registration Directory Service (RDS-WHOIS2) Review Team Final Report
The ALAC finds the report to include very useful information that should be used to guide the development of relevant policies, and appreciates the team's effort and supports the provided recommendations. 


Public Comment for Decision 

Proposed Amendment 3 to the .COM Registry Agreement 14 February 2020

Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Comment or Correspondence)

Public Comment Name

Public Comment Close



Potential ALAC Advice to ICANN Board






As per 06 January Single Issue Call AI, a drafting team formed before assigning penholder(s):

Laurin Weissinger


Proposed Dates for ICANN Public Meetings 2024-2028 and Revised Dates in 2022



Proposed Final Report of the New gTLD Auction Proceeds Cross Community Working Group





At-Large Policy PlatformICANN67




FY20 NARALO Outreach

NARALO FY19 Outreach and Engagement Strategic plan

Community Regional Outreach Program (CROP)-FY18 Home

At-Large Social Media Working Group

Universal Acceptance (UA)

 RALO Tracking Pages for UA Pilot

Resources Shared by Ajay Data

