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Meeting Number: AL.EU/CC.0317/2 


How can I participate in this meeting? 

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EURALO Chair & Secretariat: Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Wolf Ludwig

Board: Jordi Iparraguirre, Yrjö  Erich Schweighofer, Olawale (‘Wale) Shakiru BAKARE, Matthieu Camus, Yrjö Länsipuro,  Mikhail Medrish, Annette Mühlberg

ALAC Members: Sebastien Bachollet, Andrei Kolesnikov

Absent: Annette Mühlberg

Dial-Out Participants: Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Wolf Ludwig, Sébastien Bachollet


Action Items: EN                        

Recording: EN       

Transcript: EN

Adobe Connect Chat: EN





1. Roll call - Staff

2. Introduction- Olivier, Wolf- 3 minutes



4. Update on Task Forces (20 minutes)

  • Task Force on ALS Engagement
    • two initial tasks:
      1. follow-up on ALS skill sets
      2.  Update and refine the list of ALS with contact points behind a login
  • Task Force on Review and Revision of Bylaws
    1. First task will be to map out the differences between the bylaws are drafted and how EURALO actually works.
    2. The Task Force will revert back to EURALO ALSes with their results
      • In order not to reinvent the wheel, many information sources will need to be accessible on the task force's page.

5. EURALO Brochure (10 minutes)

6. EURALO Special Budget Requests for FY17 (5 minutes) - (See: At-Large FY17 Budget Development Workspace)


EURALO CROPP requests for FY16 (from now until 30 June 2017)



4. AOB


 Reference wikis:

EURALO Board members