Future events (June 2017 - )

Future events (June 2017 - )


Listing of civil society events

These are events suggested as relevant to ICANN civil society


DateConference/meeting name, organisers/host, location

ICANN staff / CS community attending

Materials/ reports

Type of support / involvement

Community planning to attend?
18 - 19 June 2017C20 Summit, Hamburg, GermanyCivil Society preparation for the G20 SummitConference site here  
24 July 2017IGF USA, Washington DC, U.S.ICANN community and staff attendingConference site here  
26 - 29 July 2017APrIGF 2017 and YIGF 2017, Bangkok, Thailand http://rigf.asia/news/2016/bangkok-to-host-aprigf-yigf-2017.html  
2 - 4 August 2017LAC IGF, Panama City, PanamaCommunity members and ICANN staff attending and speakingConference site hereICANN sponsor, community and staff organisers 
30 August - 1 September 2017CPRsouth 2017: Connecting the next billion. Yangon, Myanmar  Conference site here  
7 - 11 August 2017Asia Pacific Internet Governance Academy APIGA, Seoul, KoreaICANN staff and community members (APRALO), Asia Pacific I* organisationsConference site (2016) hereICANN sponsor and co-organiser 
September 2017 (TBC)Digital Citizen Summit, India (Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF)) Conference site here  
19 September 2017Canadians Connected 2017 (CIRA)


Conference site here  
4 - 6 October 2017Society for the Advancement of Science in Africa (SASA), University of Rwanda, KigaliCommunity members attendingConference site here

16 October 2017Austria IGF, Vienna Conference site here  
28 October - 3 NovemberICANN60, Abu DhabiICANN AGM 2017Conference site here

6 - 8 November 2017Gender Summit 11 North America 2017, Montreal, Canada

(gender equality from science, innovation and development)

Conference site here  
11 - 13 November 2017Brazil IGF 2017, Porto Alegrecall for workshop proposals here (Portuguese). ICANN community and staff expected to attendConference site here

11 - 13 November 2017OpenCon BerlinInformation about scholarships here, applications before August 1Conference site here

20 - 21 November 2017Swedish Internet Days (including Nordic Domain Day)ICANN staff and community speakingConference site here

4 - 9 December 2017Civil Society Week 2017 and the CIVICUS World Assembly, Suva, Fiji CIVICUS website here  
18 - 21 December 2017IGF 2017, Geneva, Switzerland