CROPP Procedures & Guidelines
Table of Contents
What Does CROPP Provide in FY17?
Standard Travel Authorizations
- Trip Allocations (4 days, 3 nights standard):
- Five (5) individual regional trips are allocated to At-Large RALOs including: AFRALO, APRALO, EURALO, LACRALO, and NARALO
- Four (4) individual regional trips are allocated to GNSO Constituencies including: Business, Intellectual Property, Internet Services Provider, Non-Commercial Users, and Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns. (Note: please see additional "Engagement Event Authorizations" below).
- Funded Costs/Expenses: Includes transportation (economy class), lodging, and $50 USD per diem (4 days, 3 nights standard)
- Booking: All travel booked via ICANN Constituency Travel to ensure consistency, proper accounting, recordation, and tracking against budget.
Engagement Event Authorizations (GNSO Constituencies ONLY)
Instead of the above individual regional trips, each GNSO Constituency will have the following options:
- Four (4) individual CROPP travel allocations; or
- To host, co-host, or sponsor up to two (2) targeted community Outreach/Engagement events during the fiscal year (US $7,500 funding limit for each event); or
- To host, co-host, or sponsor one (1) targeted community Outreach/Engagement event during the fiscal year (US $7,500 funding limit) plus two (2) individual CROPP travel authorizations.
Outreach events may include, and are not limited to: travel allocation for speakers/organizers (maximum of one out of region funded traveller per outreach event), booth, communications materials, catering/receptions, remote participation, etc. Details are to be submitted in the event proposal and outlined in the outreach event assessment. Proposals should include draft agendas and all elements requiring resources for.
Note: The latter two options will require advanced scheduling and reservations to ensure that (a) only one such event occurs at the same time, and (b) there are no overlaps with other scheduled events such as ICANN Public Meetings.
What are CROPP's Operating Procedures & Requirements?
See also: CROPP Processing Flow Diagram
Outreach Strategic Plans
To be eligible for the CROPP Program, each participating ICANN Structure must produce a clear Outreach Strategic Plan explaining its FY17 outreach goals, strategies, and planned expectations so that the specific activities can be coordinated with the appropriate ICANN Regional Engagement teams.
A template is provided within each of the Community Workspaces where the Outreach Strategic Plan should be documented. As part of the approval process, each plan must be reviewed by the structure's leadership as well as the appropriate regional Stakeholder Engagement Vice-President(s). The Community Pilot Program Coordinator (PPC) will certify, within the template, when these reviews have taken place and communicate those results to the CROPP Program Administrators (Staff).
General Procedures
- All trips and outreach activities must be completed before the end of ICANN's 2017 fiscal year. Traveling participants must have returned to their originating destination on or before 30 June 2017 and each outreach activity must take place on or before 30 June 2017.
- If the program is continued in a succeeding fiscal year, any trip/outreach event allocated, but not taken, will not carry over.
- Minimum timeframes:
- An individual Trip must be approved within the participant's organization/structure, including coordination with the applicable regional Stakeholder Engagement V.P. team a minimum of 6-weeks prior to the proposed travel date. This 6-week period is the absolute minimum time and should not be considered a "best practice". Notice and planning with regional teams should take place as early as possible.
- An engagement Event must be approved within the participant's organization/structure, including coordination with the applicable regional Stakeholder Engagement V.P. team a minimum of 8-weeks prior to the proposed date. The 8-week period is the absolute minimum time and should not be considered a "best practice". Notice and planning with regional teams should take place as early as possible.
- Travel may not be booked individually or through the event organizers. ICANN's Constituency Travel department will manage all travel booking and ensure that any financial outlays are optimized to the maximum extent possible.
- A Trip/Event Assessment must be completed for each outreach activity attended or hosted (within 3 weeks of returning). The assessment should clearly and specifically describe if/how the original purpose(s) and outcome(s) were realized as well as details of the event itself (who, what, where, when, and why).
- Unless an exception is authorized in advance, trips must originate and conclude within the same region and should, wherever practicable, be taken by someone working in or proximate to that territory.
- Any single outreach activity may be attended by multiple persons; however, each traveler is counted as utilizing one of structure's allocated trips.
- If an approved trip is voided or cancelled for some unanticipated and/or extraordinary reason, a replacement trip will be allocated to the affected organization within FY17.
- For this pilot program, it will not be possible to support trip "compounding" or "splitting" of expenses or any other strategy with a goal of increasing the number of individual trips assigned to an organization. ICANN appreciates all reasonable efforts on the part of participants to minimize expenses; however, to properly manage this unique resource, each individual trip stands on its own and will require separate authorization and tracking.
Trip/Event Confirmations/Approvals
Before any proposed trip/event can be processed:
- It must be approved within the participant's organization/structure, including coordination with the applicable regional Stakeholder Engagement V.P. team a minimum of 6-weeks prior (for individual trips) or a minimum of 8-weeks prior (for engagement events) to the proposed date (see General Procedure section above). For further information about advance notice requirement, please refer to the CROPP Frequently Asked Questions page (see Policies/Guidelines Questions).
- It must be determined by the applicable regional Stakeholder Engagement V.P. team that the trip/event purpose/goal is consistent with any established regional engagement strategy, where applicable, and/or ICANN's overall mission.
- It must be determined by the applicable regional Stakeholder Engagement V.P. team that the trip/event is not duplicative of any other scheduled ICANN event with a similar purpose/outcome.
- The trip/event must satisfy CROPP guidelines and policies as confirmed by the Program Administrators.
- The proposed program participant(s) must agree to the terms and conditions of the pilot program, including:
- Travel arrangements are made only by ICANN Staff, that is, self-booking is not permitted for this program.
- Agreement to provide an accurate and complete post-event Trip/Event Assessment within three weeks of the return date.
Travel Policies
- For any ICANN supported travel, it is the traveler’s responsibility to comply with all local laws and legislation of the country or countries to which he or she will travel (including but not limited to laws pertaining to immigration, taxation, customs, employment and foreign exchange control).
- It is the traveler’s responsibility to comply with all regulations (including those dealing with visas and required vaccinations) of any country visited.
- ICANN is not responsible for obtaining visas for the traveler; that is the responsibility of the traveler. Travelers will be reimbursed for any visa fees (up to $200 USD).
- ICANN will not support/approve any claim for work permits or any other costs relating to compliance with the national legislation of any country in the world from a fellow or any third party.
- ICANN is a California non-profit public benefit corporation incorporated in the United States and must therefore comply with all of the laws and regulations of California and the United States.
What are the CROPP Roles/Responsibilities?
See also: CROPP Contacts
Program Administrators (Staff)
The role of ICANN's Program Administrators (Staff) will be to:
- Provide guidance and interpretation to the community consistent with the program's principles;
- Confirm that all applications meet the established principles/guidelines/criteria and have been properly authorized by the applicable parties;
- Coordinate with other ICANN departments (e.g., Communications, Meetings, Constituency Planning) as needed to maximize outreach effectiveness;
- Monitor the pilot implementation for completeness and accuracy; and
- Manage, track, and report the program's status as requested by ICANN management and/or community leaders.
Pilot Program Coordinators (PPC)
Each structure/organization is responsible for appointing 1-2 Pilot Program Coordinators (PPC) whose responsibility will be to:
- Consult within the applicable structure/organization and assist members, where needed, in completing an Outreach Strategic Plan DRAFT and DRAFT Trip/Event Proposals via the Wiki templates provided within the Community Workspaces area.
- Facilitate and manage trip/event approvals within the organization and with the appropriate regional ICANN Stakeholder Engagement Vice-President(s).
- Within three (3) weeks of the return date (or event termination):
- Ensure that the participant(s) collect information and collaborate to complete the online DRAFT Trip/Event Assessment form;
- After verifying proper form completion, ensure that the assessment meets the approval of the structure/organization's leadership; and
- Notify the CROPP Program Administrators when the form is approved internally.
Stakeholder Engagement Vice-Presidents
- Review each Trip/Outreach Event Proposal to ensure that it is congruent with and supportive of applicable regional strategies, plans, goals, and objectives.
- Communicate concurrence to the applicable CROPP Pilot Program Coordinator (PPC) and CROPP Program Administrator so that the Trip Proposal's "Confirmation Section" can be updated.
- Collaborate with community representatives and support planning and coordination of Outreach Events as applicable based on Outreach Event/Activity requirements.
What are CROPP's Key Principles?
Information concerning the management and administration of this program will be made publicly available including:
- Applications:
- Accessible via ICANN Community Wiki
- Includes program participants, events, dates, purposes, proposed outcomes, et al.
- Approval/Confirmation Process:
- Occurs internally within each organization or structure
- Coordinated with the Stakeholder Engagement Vice-President(s) for strategy congruence with regional engagement strategies (where applicable) or overall ICANN Mission
- CROPP Staff Administrators confirm that all trips/events satisfy the program's terms, guidelines, and policies
- Trip/Event Assessments:
- Accessible via Community Wiki
- Include actual travel dates, accomplished goals/objectives, achieved outcomes (both strategic and tactical), et al.
Where Can I Find Additional Instructions, Templates, & Help?
For all CROPP Templates, see Program Participant Template Instructions
To complete a GNSO Working DRAFT Template, see GNSO Constituency DRAFTS
To complete an At-Large Working DRAFT Template, see At-Large RALO DRAFTS
If you are new to CROPP and want an overview of the program, see the CROPP-FY17 Home Page
To find someone knowledgeable who can help you, see CROPP Contacts
If you need specific assistance not found above or elsewhere, send an email to the ICANN Program Administrators