Maureen Hilyard:Hi Guys.. Apparently I can only log in as a guest which is why you can't hear me at these meetings...
Maureen Hilyard:I asked for log in details but they haven't arrived yet
Gisella Gruber-White:Happy New Year to all
Maureen Hilyard:Yes Happy New Year everyone
Holly Raiche:And Happy New Year too - Holly
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Maureen - there is no sound through the Adobe Connect - you have to dial-into the telephone bridge. We are happy to dial-out to you
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Hi everyone.
Maureen Hilyard:OK do you want my landline number ?
Silvia Vivanco:Hello everyone Happy New Year!
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Gisella, is Adigo going to call me on my landline?
Pavan Budhrani:hi all, i am on the call but on mute, my cough is terrible
Heidi Ullrich:Happy 2012, everyone!
Hong Xue:Happy New Year to Everyone!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Happy New Year Hong & everyone!
Charles Mok:Hi all, happy new year. We have a long list of items this time : )
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:More than the 7 listed?
CLO:hi everyone Happy 2012 there is a problem diling me in :-( so I'll see how I go via Skype *shudder*
Charles Mok:Are we waiting for dialouts to be done?
Charles Mok:Just seeing when we may start the call
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:You sound a lot better on skype than when they call you
Maureen Hilyard:Can I have the skype details and try that too?
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Maureen - can you please send me your number via private chat?
Charles Mok:Gisella, should we start?
Hong Xue:Could the staff show us the full list of call-in participants?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Just call any of the toll free numbers in any country using skype. It's free.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:(include full country code)
Hong Xue:Hey, I called in as well. Please add to attendee list.
CLO:I'm already muted
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Can Charles speak louder? He sounds really faint.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Better!
Heidi Ullrich:Action Items:
CLO:sound good echo bad
Heidi Ullrich:Adigo is working to find the echo
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I can also hear an echo; Someone's on speakerphone
Hong Xue:Echoing is horrible. I cannot hear really.
CLO:better thanks
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:echo's gone now
Heidi Ullrich:Apologies, the November Action Items are available at:
Hong Xue:I think we should have the roll call after the line can be heard clearly. I did not hear my name called at all.
CLO:Re the FoI WG matter then Next Section (2 Significantly Interested Parties) Call for comment will be open later this month ... The 1st section (Consent) closed end Dec.
CLO:the next (3 section Revocation )is being worked on by the WG now AND IS a MONSTER ISSUE SO NOT SURE WHEN IT WILL BE 'OUT'
CLO:but expect before March ICANn meeting
CLO:So far I'm very happy tnat what is out is fine for us to just let it go through as is ( I have been VERY active in the WG getting the nimenclayture right any way ;-)
Heidi Ullrich:ALAC Statement on Thick Whois was approved by the ALAC last week:
Heidi Ullrich:FY13 Budget Development Workspace:
CLO:other news from ccNSO Liaison POV is the application for membership of ccNSO of .IP to join and in Dec the approval of .NC ( New Caledonia)
CLO:I'm already rep tii this WG for the RALO
Heidi Ullrich:This link contains the new FY13 template for requests
CLO:we need an ALAC Member from the region in the WG though
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:im hearing echo.
Heidi Ullrich:Adigo is trying to find the source of the echo.
CLO:yes Hong we can hear you
Heidi Ullrich:Apologies for the inconvenience.
Heidi Ullrich:Cheryl, your line has been muted.
CLO:I've muted from hear
CLO:so if Adigo has done so as well I have no idea why and how to unmyute
CLO: I hope Sala might keep bringing tnings back to an AP focus as will on this and of course this includes online Acaday offerings as welll
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Cheryl - line unmuted
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:yes echo
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Cheryl - your line is muted
Heidi Ullrich:CLO, you're muted again.
Heidi Ullrich:We'll unmute you whenever you wish to speak
CLO:Again I have also mutted here as well
Heidi Ullrich:ok
CLO:locally muted still though ;-P
CLO:Dec would have been nice ;-)
CLO:Dec 20`11
Hong Xue:Could Sala or Olivier let us know if the Academy WG limits to one member one region? If not, I'd happy to volunteer.
CLO:You would be an excellent addition Hing
Heidi Ullrich:The WG is open to all
CLO:Hong sorry typo :=(
Heidi Ullrich:There is, however, a Program Commitee, which has one rep from each region.
Heidi Ullrich:Sala is the APRALO rep on the Program Committee.
Hong Xue:Thank so much.
CLO:Must be an ALAC Member we have 2 from RALO
Holly Raiche:On working group for Aademy, I'd be happy to join if there is room
Heidi Ullrich:FBSC membership list:
Heidi Ullrich:I'll add you, Holly.
CLO:B&F is a small group
CLO:each RALO needs their own B&F
CLO:to get infor and planning in to the ALAC one
CLO:main thing is to HAVE APRALO focus...
Hong Xue:sorry I meant th Academy WG, not Budget one. My math is very bad-:)
CLO:must have a Regional WG as well
CLO:@ Hing :-)
CLO:typo again :-( sorry HOng
Heidi Ullrich:Linke to ALAC statement on Thick Whois is posted above.
CLO:RE B&F-SC this is an excerpt form an email from OCL...all requests for funding need to be received by ICANN Finance until 20thJanuary 2012, which means that we need to make sure that RALOs get theirrequests to us by 10th January. I therefore think that a good dialoguewith regions is important and there is no better dialogue than havingactive individuals from At-Large's 5 regions also involved in the ALACF&B sub-committee.
Heidi Ullrich:Charles, are yhou moving the pods?
Heidi Ullrich:I see everyone except staff are presenters rather than participants
Heidi Ullrich:I'm not sure why this is.
Heidi Ullrich:However, please could you not change the pods?
Charles Mok:Sorry, I saw it changed and was trying to change it back.... will try not to touch it again :P
CLO:Further on B&F this excerpt from an email to the SC on 6th Dec... The revised deadline to submitadditional requests is therefore January 20th 2012 as indicated inparagraph 3 below.The process we are suggesting to retain for FY 13 is as follows:1. Please complete the attached request template for each individualnew resource or activity that your community is requesting. The form hasbeen designed to give you an opportunity to describe in detail theactualscope of the activity you propose, how it relates to the currentStrategic Plan, and how the funds are to be implemented.2. We ask that you give consideration to the number of requests andto the priority of the requests prior to submitting them. By noting therespective priorities of your requests it will make it easier toevaluate the requests from various community groups. Indicating all ofthem with a high priority will have the opposite effect to the onedesired: it will make it more difficult to take into account any of your equests, and/or it will
CLO:and it goes on..
CLO: Charles you will have a copy on tnhat date
CLO:I can nit find the email rsent to Regional Leads sorry..
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:re: IANA Contract the only information I have is that a decision is expected to be made in the next two months -- from the email which Steve Crocker sent to the SO & AC Chairs and which I have forwarded to thealac announce list. No further info beyond that.
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Cheryl - your line is muted again
CLO:Charles can we doodle a mod nmonth call with your RALO Leadership the ALAC reps and me *as I have the corp knowledge) on the working smrter not harder topic? if nnot this minth then in Feb... as prep for ICANN #43 please
CLO:Re the Public Comments process the new two rounds system is being tested as a wiki base project... I expect this to be useful for all of us in AP when released early this year...
CLO:APRALO wiki space needs to support these efforts with appropriate links, blogs, reference materials teleconf as required in region to assist ALS input
CLO:and individual input of course...
CLO:perhaps at this years APrIGF we can have a hybrid online and F2F sessionn on 'better engagement in ICANN and Internet Governance Issues
Maureen Hilyard:Sounds great (Maureen lurking in the wings)....
Charles Mok:To CLO: yes, let's set up such a call among APRALO leadership. Can staff help us make the arrangement?
CLO:therby getting peope used to the ICANN wiki way of the future as well as the other policy work opportunities in other parts of the IG 'world'
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:ICANN academy WG membership list:
Hong Xue:Thanks/
Heidi Ullrich:Charles, could you please state the AI re the APRALO leadership call you would like staff to set up?
CLO:Doodle to begin with... see my comment above
CLO:but Matt and Silvia need ti be involved in it as well
CLO:we would also need a new wiki page up for this as well...
CLO:fairly high up in the APRALO Wiki page tree
Heidi Ullrich:yes, of course. trying to get the exact wording of the AI: Staff to send Doodle to APRALO leadership and CLO for a call in early February on the issue of working smarter not harder.
Heidi Ullrich:is that AI text correct?
CLO:Yes indeed
Heidi Ullrich:ok, will send to Siliva and Gisella to set up
CLO:brain stormimg yes een share a white board ;-)
CLO:Not yet it isn't but tnei year APRALO must be a pheonix as well as a Dragon ;-)
Heidi Ullrich:Staff also want to work smarter, not harder ;)
CLO:Thanks Charles
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:TQ!
Heidi Ullrich:so taking care of AIs during the meeting!
CLO:Thanks all Bye.
Hong Xue:bye
Sivasubramanian M:Thank you
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