June 2017
The Outreach and Engagement SC held a session at ICANN59 - here's a link to the presentation : Introduction to Outreach and Engagement ICANN59 June 2017.pdf
May 2017
Throughout the month, we've promoted the At-Large Community Onboarding approach to all of the RALO monthly calls and the RALO secretariat call.
We've created a Draft RALO Outreach Strategic Plans for FY18 page for RALOs to begin planning their RALO outreach strategies for the upcoming Community Regional Outreach Program (CROP - formerly CROPP, but losing the Pilot status) - Outreach plans need to be approved by regional GSE in order for trip proposals to be submitted for approval by At-Large and GSE at least 7 weeks before such travel takes place. Therefore outreach plans needs to be approved by early June 2017 in order for CROP proposals to be submitted for travel in mid July 2017 and August 2017.
February 2016
Two calls this month : 2016-02-02 ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement 2016-02-02 and ALAC Monthly Teleconference - 2016-02-23 focused on Outreach and Engagement activites at Marrakech - see AFRALO Outreach Event Workspace
The O&E had three calls this month: ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement 2016-01-14 , ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement, 2016-01-19 , ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement, 2016-01-25 ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement
The calls on January 14 and January 19 focused on the Outreach activities for the ICANN 55 meeting in Marrakech in March 2016. Various ideas were discussed with AFRALO leadership and ICANN Staff. The current planning can be found at AFRALO Outreach Event Workspace and DANIEL NANGHAKA, the O&E cochair will be working with AFRALO leadership and ICANN staff in having separate calls to continue to coordinate event planning for ICANN 55 Marrakech.
On the 2nd call, with the NARALO Outreach proposal being approved by NARALO, it was formally approved by this WG. EURALO, LACRALO have yet to submit any ideas for their outreach strategies whilst AFRALO has done some preliminary work on their outreach strategy. A group calendaring solution based on Teamup for tracking and sharing possible outreach events by At-Large and GSE. Also on the second call, members from this WG were selected to be on the At-Large Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program Review Team CROPP (CROP RT)
June-July 2015
The final trifold brochure was presented at the ICANN 53 meeting - see At-Large Brochure Redesign 2015
Had conference call on 2014-09-29 ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement where we discussed the Post ATLAS II Implementation - Outreach & Engagement ; At-Large Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program for FY15 ; there was a consensus call for muarray.mckercher to be co-chair of the Outreach SC
The At-Large procedure to submit travel requests to the CROPP was agreed upon. Members from the Outreach SC were selected to serve on the At-Large Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program Review Team CROPP (CROP RT)
October 2013
Following a call to the RALO mailing lists to repopulate this WG, The Outreach SC had a call in October 10 2013 to discuss the Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (FY14) (CROPP) and a At-Large procedure to submit such requests for Outreach travel to the CROPP.