30 Jun 2020 |
| Work is now completed. Report due to the MSSI-OEC 3 June 2020 |
| Jun 2020 ARIWG Dashboard | The Working Groups Home Page was revamped by Alperen Eken, to identify more clearly the working groups in the different workstream areas of At-Large, as well as those working groups to which At-Large members play significant roles as leaders and contributors to the work of cross-community and other working groups outside of At-Large. |
| May 2020 ARIWG Dashboard | Not completed: Creation of the ALAC-GAC page to include: joint document; participation in ICANN meeting policy exchanges; meetings with GAC working groups |
| Apr 2020 ARIWG Dashboard | Not completed: Policy statement added to the Working Group page |
| Mar 2020 ARIWG Dashboard |
| Feb 2020 ARIWG Dashboard |
| Jan 2020 ARIWG Dashboard |
| Dec 2019 ARIWG Dashboard | Report due to the Board - 19 December2019 |
| Jun 2019 ARIWG Dashboard | Report due to the Board - 23 June 2019 Still to be completed - staff to establish ALAC-GAC Home Page
- Policy statement to be added to the Working Group Page - including request for annual report from each working group
| May 2019 ARIWG Dashboard | Report drafts should be ready by May 23 with sub-tasks completed Completed sub-tasks - WGs have been reorganised on the Working Groups Home Page according to their association with one of the 3 Organigram groups (Policy, O&E and Org)
- Each WG has a home page with purpose, guidelines for involvement and membership and meeting schedules (ALAC-GAC Coordination Home Page still to be set up by staff)
2 May - meeting of Working Group team (Ricardo, Maureen, Heidi) - Tasks to be done. - MH to provide list of groups under each umbrella group and send to Evin to reorganise accordingly on the WG home page - completed except for ALAC-GAC Home page
- Non-operational WGs will be added to the Mailing List Only list - completed
- Each working group to be updated with purpose, guidelines for involvement and membership - completed
- Working Group Members to be reconfirmed annually after the AGM - leadership of the WG to be selected by the members at the first meeting - policy statement to be added to Working Group Home Page (ccNSO-ALAC page updated members 30/05/19)
- (for O&E and Organisational WGs) Presentation of the annual report of the previous WG Leadership at this first meeting - Reports to be added to the WG Home Page
- Any changes to the WG processes are to be reflected in the Rules of Procedure - Alan to be consulted to ensure that changes are recorded appropriately - it is noted that the process of WG closures is not defined.
- 14.3.2 When the ALAC establishes a WT it must set out the following: terms of reference or charter; expected outcomes if applicable; method of selection of membership, including whether the membership is confined to ALAC Members, is to include balanced RALO or regional representation, or is generally open; identification of the WT chair or how the chair is to be selected; and whether the WT is ongoing or established only until completion of its terms of reference.
| Apr 2019 ARIWG Dashboard | - Staff to work with Maureen to reorganise the WGs under the three priority areas - Policy, Org and O&E
- Staff to work with Maureen and Ricardo to review RoPs on closure or reorganisation of WGs.
- Priority WGs: Policy, O&E, finance, tech
- Discussion of dropping “C” in “CPWG”, will remain CPWG for time being. CPWG description should mention that the “consolidated” nature of CPWG means that it’s ALL policy, in addition to new gTLDs from the legacy WGs.
- Each year at AGM - update WGs, all WGs review their chairs.
- WGs to have an Annual Report.
| Mar 2019 ARIWG Dashboard | - RH, MH, HU & EE met during ICANN64 to discuss WG updates.
| Feb 2019 ARIWG Dashboard |
| Jan 2019 ARIWG Dashboard |