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  1. June Monthly Call occurred as scheduled 10 June 2013
  2. Chair confirmed the nomination of Louis Houle to the NARALO NOMCOM Rep
  3. 2013 NARALO Election Workspace was posted
  4. Chair updated his SOI
  5. Glenn M. Provided a detailed NOMCOM Activity Report
  6. Gordon C. submitted a detailed report on activities by the TECHNOLOGY TASK FORCE:ACTIVITY REPORT FOR MAY, 2013: There were two meetings of the Task Force this month – one was the regularly-scheduled meeting and the other was a “special” meeting intended to be a test of a new meeting product.Regularly Scheduled Meeting – May 20, 2013 Discussions: issue of Accessibility for At-Large's web pages,will be a continuing topic of discussion,outreach to challenged communities is encouraged,some discussion of labelling schemes for document indexing   Main Topic: The Task Force has been asked (by Chris Gift) to assess the LUCID meeting tool ( After some discussion, a decision to hold a LUCID-based trial meeting.  SPECIAL Meeting – May 30, 2013   This meeting was held using the LUCID meeting tool   The first part of the meeting was an exploration of the currently-available features and their use. Both the meeting leaders and the participants took part in trials of the product. The trial was largely successful. We were informed by Staff that not all features are available yet, but are coming.  Among these are: private chats -        enabled audio VOIP,  Confluence support (exporting information to Confluence, in particular) framework modification   Consensus – The Task Force will continue to hold its regular meetings using this tool for the time being and follow the progress of the updates. There was also continuing discussion on the topic of information capture from various sources for the WIKI. This resulted in a recommendation that the current effort be directed to investigating what information is to be captured and how.   Inclusion of this information on the WIKI would be studied later.

  7. Suspension of NARALO Posting Privileges for unaffiliated NARALO Member
    7.1 On 19 June 2013 the Chair requested that At-Large Staff suspend the mailing list posting privileges for "EBW" for violating the NARALO ROP specifically for "Unprofessional commentary, regardless of the general subject" and/or " Postings that are libelous, knowingly false, ad-hominem, or misrepresents another person.". The cited incidents which resulted in complaints occurred on  March 05 2013 and  June 18 2013. The offending remarks were removed from public record by ICANN Staff and cannot be re-posted here. An apology or the March 5 was requested at the time but ignored. This apology was requested again after the June 18 incident but was also ignored.
    7.2 The member may have his privileges restored under the following conditions: One. He apologizes for the March 05, 2013 comment to the aggrieved party, CC'ing the Chair and Secretary Two. He re-apply for unaffiliated NARALO membership following the proper procedures Three. The region review this case and reach a consensus Condition Two was nullified by the acceptance of the member as a member of an existing NARALO ALS
    7.3 This was done under the authority of the existing ROP, specifically:"The NARALO Chair is empowered to suspend or restrict a person's posting rights when the content that person has posted is inappropriate and represents a pattern of abuse. The Chair defines and determines what is inappropriate content on a case-by-case basis."
    7.4 This action was witnessed by the Secretary and approved by NARALO ALAC leadership.
    7.5 The Chair fielded questions and concerns about this situation per the ROP: "If the Chair suspends posting rights or deletes a comment or link, he will say so and explain why
  8. The Secretary requested an update of the elections WIKI
  9. The Chair requested an update of action items from Staff since we have not received the requested documents/information for:

    On 2.5 Staff: On a March 18 2013 ALAC briefing call on RAA changes staff (Margie Milam and Sam Eisner) were asked to identify ICANN's economic advisors and provide the economic study document that was the basis for changes to RAA 3.3.6 and 3.3.7, Will At-Large staff please forward this request again? According to the meeting transcript  "Pam Eisner ...  informed me that the summary on the economic advisors document will be public in about two weeks, so I will follow up with her. As soon as we see it, we’ll send it to the list." On 2.6 Staff:Please advise on the status of the request to supply ICANN's "Whistle-blower" Policy According to the meeting transcript: "ATRT has formally requested information on the Whistle-Blower Program and policy, and we are assured we will be getting it shortly." We also want to follow up with a repeat request to speak directly to the person in charge of the Aboriginal Fellowship who is I believe named Janice. 

  10. The Chair accepted an invitation to meet with Christopher Mondini in Durban and have him present at the NARALO meeting


  1. May Monthly Call occurred as scheduled 13 May 2013
  2. The Chair sent a postal letter to The Alberta Community Network Association alerting them to their potential DE-accreditation of there ALS per Paragraph 16 of our Operating Principles state that: "When an ALS representative does not vote in 3 consecutive NARALO elections or does not contribute a comment on ICANN policy through collaboration on the At-Large discussion lists in 12 consecutive months, it automatically loses its voting rights and active status within the NARALO.  The ALS should be notified of the status change and may regain its voting rights and active status if within the next 12 months it votes or participates to online discussions, otherwise the Chair will submit to ALAC a request for de-certification of that ALS."
  3. Chair signed on to an ATRT letter drafted by NARALO ALAC member Evan L.
  4. Chair notes article posted on CircleID by ALS ISCO CO Chris Grundermann
  5. Chair and Secretariat participated in ALAC Monthly Call 28 May 2013
  6. Chair participated in ICANN Outreach Call 29 May 2013
  7. Secretariat participated in the ICANN RALO Leadership call 29 May 2013
  8. Secretariat assisted with various questions pertaining to new members joining the NARALO
  9. Secretariat prepared and sent all informational e-mails in regards to the up-coming elections
  10. Secretariat participated in all ATLAS2 working group calls and subsequent work arising from same


  1. April Monthly Call was canceled as we met in person in Beijing
  2. Much of April was dedicated to preparation for the ICANN 7-11 April 2013
  3. Ahead of the meeting the Chair assisted and coordinated details for sponsored members traveling to the meeting. Much of this is documented in the Chair's Reports on Travel Assistance
  4. Staff provided this At-Large focused schedule for Beijing
  5. The Beijing At-Large meeting reports space is here, please add your updates if you attended
  6. Full List of At-Large Action Items from Beijing
  7. Chair participated in Sunday leadership meetings
  8. ALAC Meeting with the Board

    (All pictures)
  9. Chair participated in Monday At-Large sessions, this included the ALAC R3 White Paper discussion, the At-Large Capacity Building Working Group, and the
    Academy Working Group.
  10. NARALO members attended the APRALO Showcase and Reception - Celebrating APRALO'S Regional Diversity

    All pictures
  11. Chair attended Tuesday At-Large/ALAC Meetings
  12. Several NARALO members attended the ISOC Meeting in Beijing
  13. Chair attended the Regional Leadership Meeting and the WHOIS WG Meeting
  14. ICANN46 Photo Essay provided by Glenn
  15. Staff received an ALS application for ISOC Canada
  16. Glenn submitted a detailed NOMCOM report
  17. The Chair has submitted a detailed report on ICANN Compliance to the CEO but it has not yet been posted in ICANN Correspondence
  18. The May Call is scheduled for Monday 13 May


  1. March Monthly Call Occurred as scheduled 11 March 2013 - Transcript
  2. ALAC Evan posted At-Large ALAC New gTLD Metrics Task Force Report Workspace
  3. ALAC Alan posted ATRT 2 Face-to-Face Meeting
  4. ALAC Eduardo sent a report on the ccNSO Study Group on Country and Territory Names
  5. ALAC Chair Olivier submitted a formal report on WCIT
  6. The NARALO Chair participated in the ALAC Call 18 March 2013
  7. The NARALO Chair and several NARALO members attended the Outreach Webinar 18 March 2013
  8. The NARALO Chair and several NARALO members attended the ROP Call 19 March 2013
  9. The NARALO Chair along with ALAC members and At-Large officers from other regions assisted in developing comments on the proposed RAA
  10. At-Large Consultation on ccTLD Delegation and Redelegation Performance Standards Workspace was posted

  11. At-Large Revised New gTLD Registry Agreement Including Additional Public Interest Commitments Specification was posted

  12. ALAC Chair Olivier called for comments on At-Large ICANN's FY 14 Security, Stability and Resiliency Framework Workspace
  13. Glenn sent a comprehensive report on NOMCOM activities to the region
  14. An Outreach Proposal prepared by Murray with assistance from Glenn was submitted
  15. Avri has started as discussion about voting for the upcoming board seat.


  1. February Monthly Call Occurred as scheduled 11 February 2013
  2. Conducted a teleconference for the Outreach/Recruitment Subcommittee
  3. Requested 1000 English At-Large brochures on behalf of Joly M. - Note: ICANN did not have this many available.
  4. Requested that staff add Murray M. to the Outreach WG distribution list
  5. Introduced Murray M. to Cheryl LO and Sally C. as the new NARALO Outreach and Recruitment Subcommittee Chair
  6. The Chair issued an updated and detailed Travel Issues sub-report and worked diligently to address questions from the community in reference to obtaining a visa for Beijing ICANN meeting
  7. The Chair further updated the Travel issues sub-report following additional feedback and information from Travel Constituency
  8. Requested 100 At-Large brochures be shipped to Glenn M.
  9. The Chair and other NARALO members participated in the new gTLD review WG calls
  10. The Chair and other NARALO members are fully engaged on the developing objection process for the .HEALTH application
  11. The Chair and other NARALO members participated in the At-Large Whois Briefing call 20 February 2013


NARALO Monthly Report - January 2013

  1. January Monthly Call Occurred as scheduled 14 January 2013
  2. NARALO Operating Principle #4: The NARALO will be multilingual from its inception. Public documents will be produced in English and French.
  3. The Chair continued to follow up on Travel Assistance-related issues from the Toronto meeting, forwarding a list of open issues to staff. The Chair assisted At-Large members with China visa instructions
  4. The Chair is building a sub-report on Language, Interpretation and Translation
  5. The Chair participated in the monthly ALAC call
  6. The Chair is reviewing Compliance responses to questions issued in November
  7. The Chair recorded that Staff corrected the entry for
  8. NARALO is arranging with staff to have a RALO meeting in Beijing
  9. The Chair is monitoring new gTLD comments and objections from the community
  10. The Chair submitted the Academy Survey on behalf of NARALO
  11. Note, future ICANN meetings to be held in Durban, Buenos Aires, Singapore and London after Beijing
  12. Glenn M. and Staff followed up on the late payment for the Metis performers in Toronto, the chair requested an apology be sent
  13. Alan G. announced the final version of the the Thick WHOIS comment
  14. Alan G. noted a  Call for Volunteers: Policy Development Process
  15. Avri D. has will be speaking on At-Large voting procedures on the next NARALO call
  16. NARALO wants to acknowledge the participation of Aaran Duncan and Ken Morgan who volunteered to photograph and record our showcase event in Toronto
  17. The Chair issued official thank you letters to our NARALO sponsors for the Toronto event
  18. Olivier C-L. spoke on his experience in Dubai