2016-05-17 APRALO-APAC Hub Webinar on the topic: (Intermediate)DNS Security and DNS Abuse Webinar

2016-05-17 APRALO-APAC Hub Webinar on the topic: (Intermediate)DNS Security and DNS Abuse Webinar

In collaboration with the APRALO Capacity Building Webinar Series

Date: Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Time: 05:00 - 06:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here) 

Meeting Number: AL.AP/CC.0516/1


***Live Captioning will be provided on this call. If you do not have the bandwidth to join the call, the live Captioning streaming is available via this link: http://www.streamtext.net/text.aspx?event=CFI-ICANN

How can I participate in this meeting?

English Conference ID = 1638

Adobe Connect Meeting Roomhttp://icann.adobeconnect.com/apralo

Action Items: EN

Recording:      EN  

Transcript:   EN

Captioning Transcript: EN

AC Chat Transcript:  EN       

Adobe Connect Recording: EN   


EN: Kitisak Jirawannakool , Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Maureen Hilyard, Nguyen Van Tri, Siranush Vardanyan, Holly Raiche, GZ Kabir,Van Ngoc Duc, Pavan Budhrani, Aces, Shawn, Sri Lanka CERT, Tu Nguyen, Adli Wahid, Huy Bac, Keira, Nathaichi, Daemonies, Rajeewa, Suganya Chatkaewmorakot, Yasuichi Kitamura 

Apologies: Kaili Kan

Staff: Champika Wijayatunga, Silvia Vivanco, Philadel Yeo,  Chloe Chang, Jasmine Lim, Fiona Aw Valerie Heng, Kelvin Wong, Yien Chyn Tan, Jia-Rong Low, Liana Teo, Hann Kenn, Roger Lim , Terri Agnew, Yeşim Nazlar

Call management: Yeşim Nazlar



Webinar Information:      

Webinar Information:  As a follow-up to the previous webinar on Basic DNS and DNS ecosystem (Basic) conducted last July, this session will provide a closer look into the threats and risks present in the DNS (Domain Name System), why it is important to keep the Internet secure, stable and resilient, and how.  We will also present a case study on how DNS abuse is being handled, share insights on the handling techniques as well as the policy considerations behind it. If you missed the first session and would like to go through the recording or presentation, please visit this page. 

This is the seventh webinar of a series of bi-monthly webinars.

Invited Speakers:


  1. Welcome and Introduction to the webinar -Kelvin Wong - Head, Outreach & Public Responsibility, APAC, GSE - Asia (3 mins
  2. Housekeeping Items - Hann Kenn (2 mins)
  3. Champika Wijayatunga and Kitisak Jirawannakool (40 mins) 
    1. Threats and Risks in DNS (CW)
    2. Importance of DNS Security (CW)
    3. Handling DNS Abuse (CW)
    4. Case Studies and Use Case (KJ)
    5. Collaboration with ICANN to keep Internet Security, Stable and Resilient (CW)
    6. Pop Quiz (Yeşim Nazlar)
  4. Q&A - All (10 mins)
  5. Webinar Survey - Yeşim Nazlar (5 mins)

Presentation: DNS Security and DNS Abuse Handling - Champika Wijayatunga

                      Incident Cases - Kitisak Jirawannakool