Zhang Zuan (aka Peter Green)

Zhang Zuan (aka Peter Green)

Position - EC Asia/Australia/Pacific

Why do you want to serve on the EC?

There is no denying that the Internet, out of the other competitive tools, is increasingly growing to be the main tool connecting the globe, I see the Internet as “the Connector of Souls and Civilizations” and am personally most concerned about the public interest of the Internet. I think it is the nature of ‘connectivity’ of the Internet that has made ‘public interest’ prioritize activities like online “commerce” or “business”, “advertisement”, etc. We in the NCUC must ensure that noncommercial users receive the same consideration of their interests that are given our more commercial partners. I do believe that my concept is the same as that of NCUC.


Being an individual member of ICANN community and of the NCUC, what I desire is an international vision for the Internet, with an ongoing concept that keeps paces with the world. I would like to communicate with those who would like to communicate, and allow others to do the same, because I think that is what we could do to eliminate misunderstandings and miscommunications between people, societies and countries.


I have been lucky to have joined NCSG and NCUC in March 2013 before ICANN 46th Beijing Meeting where I met Robin, Ed, Bill, Rafik, Avri.


New to this Constituency, I have sensed openness, diversity and integrity. Moreover, I have long been overwhelmed by and have been cherishing the honor of succeeding Professor Norbert Klein, the“founding father”of the Internet in Cambodia, in late July, with extensive appreciation and support from the incumbent EC members and many NCUC individual members, to serve for the remaining term of Professor Norbert Klein as the Asian and Pacific representative on the Executive Committee of NCUC until the end of 2013.


Thereby, I ask for the opportunity of being awarded A COMPLETE TERM to serve as the AP rep on the EC of NCUC. I believe that with globalization, evolvement of the Internet cannot properly be done without participation from Asia and the Pacific region, which has a quarter of the world’s population as well as more Internet users than any other region of the world.


WE need more communication among the Asian community members on Internet policies to trigger the evolvement of a unified Internet in Asia and Pacific region.


Based in China, I expect to serve as a bridge to represent Asia and the Pacific region within NCUC. I expect more people to come to know and get involved with NCUC and want to help make that happen. We do not have as many members from my region as we should and, mindful of my Bylaws obligation to recruit Members from my region, I hope to change that. With this role, I believe with my passion and enduring efforts and dedication, I will bring vibrancy to ICANN community as well as to NCUC.


As a former EC member, I have already experienced the learning curve and I hope to continue to serve a formal term to continue where I have started yet unfinished. I hope to be able to both provide some continuity on the EC and also to help our new members just as previous EC members have helped me.


I am aware that the EC is mainly tasked with duties of serving the members organizationally within this organization, making it running as a unit and providing support to our Councilors. What role I will play is to help more people to get to know the NCUC and besides, I want people from any corner of the world to come to know China if they would like. I would like to expand my vision to reach out to others. I think it is the time and occasion for me to do so and would allow us to build upon the ICANN Meeting in Beijing.

Provide a brief biography of recent experience, associations, and affiliations relevant to serving on the Executive Committee.
Describe the relevance of your personal and professional experience
to serve on the NCUC Executive Committee, and identify any conflicts of interests you might have.

I do not have any conflicts of interests.

Within my current position and capacity, I am:


A) Representing Asia and Pacific Region and working on the NCUC Executive Committee from July to December 2013, responsible for administrative and coordination affairs of NCUC.


B) Serving as NCUC’s Pilot Program Coordinator (PPC) for ICANN’s Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (FY14) along with NCUC’s current Chair, William Bill Drake.


C) Participating on the NCSG Privacy Group, discussing issues of Internet privacy issues with NCSG as well as NCUC members.


In addition, I participate in the Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information PDP Working Group, which is tasked to provide the GNSO Council with a policy recommendation regarding the translation and transliteration of contact information in gTLD Directory Services (WHOIS). The working group, co-chaired by Chris Dillon, who is from UCL and also a NCUC member, will submit its final recommendation report in early 2015.


I have a MA degree of Linguistics & Applied Linguistics from Beihang University, Beijing China, where I also studied Western Culture and Philosophy for several years. I do think the fact that my education and development has largely been within my own country and region, which allows me to better understand the needs of those I am and hope to continue to represent on the EC.

The EC performs several functional responsibilities for the Constituency.  
What level of time commitment can you bring to your EC role on a weekly and overall basis?  

I could contribute approximately 7 to 10 hours per week to attend conference calls and participate in discussions on the NCUC-DISCUSS lists.

I don’t expect my other duties would prevent me from participating in ICANN meetings in person if funding is available, but I may not be able to arrange funds by myself. Remote participation should be no problem.

Communication with the membership is critical.
How would you keep members apprised of your EC-related activities?

If selected as a member of the EC, I shall post notices of coming activities, ICANN policy development processes, activities of Working Groups etc. on the NCUC-Discuss list, as the activities approach, reminders will be also sent to the list. When the activities are over, I will communicate with them regarding any questions about the activities. As a native Chinese speaker and well-connected among Chinese Internet users I should be able to enlarge NCUC's Chinese membership and keep them informed about our activities.

How do you foresee NCUC’s function, scale, or role changing in the future?
What areas of ICANN policy,
if any, need more attention and why? Be concise (200 words maximum).

I would like to reiterate here that the reason why I come to NCSG and especially NCUC is that the nature of existence of our organization graciously conforms to my personal concepts for the internet. Within ICANN, there is not another Constituency which represents the interests the NCUC does, just owing to the nature of ‘connectivity’ of the Internet while it is this nature that NCUC is built into.


As ICANN is enormously expanding the name space, non-English speaking communities will have a large part to play, so in the future I think NCUC will need to diversify in terms of functions and expand in scale, especially in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. More Internet users need to be protected. 


Therefore, I hold the belief that NCUC will take a lead in the ICANN Policy Development Process as well as in GNSO Council. We represent the voices of the Internet users. We need to make our members structured and well-organized. I think we could concentrate on such areas as global and regional outreach, security and resiliency of Internet, privacy protection issues, Internet localization etc.


Thanks for your attention. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have and would appreciate your support in the upcoming election.