Task Force on NCUC Procedural Rules

Task Force on NCUC Procedural Rules

In accordance with the NCUC bylaws, the Executive Committee is charged with coming up with procedural rules for various NCUC functions and activities.

However, processes are not only limited to the bylaws, hence the need to identify where else processes are needed. The NCUC will work together with NCUC members to identify where these processes are needed.

Lead: Anna Loup, North America Representative

Members: Farell Folly, Benjamin Akinmoyeje, Rafik Dammak, Aaicha Chebbi, Corinne Cath, Jason Gerson, Tatiana Tropina, Ines Hfaiedh, David Cake, Renata Aquino, Farzaneh Badii 

Working Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-Pg0PruKjtNNgnTZmrZ8UpaflzFiaUHRWIEbjrvCH5A/edit?usp=sharing

Meeting Records:


Date/TimeAgendaTranscriptMP3AC ChatAttendanceNotes
07 Feb 2017; 1600 UTCagendatranscriptmp3ac chatattendancenotes
21 Feb 2017; 1300 UTCagendatranscriptmp3ac chatattendance